I've just suddenly came up with a tought on what I dislike the most abouth the new Charontid and also the Avatar, though that is kind of a...
I have a question more out of curiosity than from trying to 'break' the game, but is there anything in the rules that prevents a model from going...
The new design for the avatar isn't really my cup of tea, so my vote goes to szally, even paintjob on that one is a lot better.
My guess would be that O-12 is very likely to end up in NA2, since there's little reason for O-12 to be as big of a faction as any other of main...
I've been playing mostly elite lists of about 11-12 orders for most of the time, but I feel like with recent changes to 10 order lists in ITS9 I...
I think something to fill the gap between unidrons and xeodrones in terms of point cost would be cool, some kind of EI drone in 30 to 40 point...
Thank you for confirmation, I reeealy was not sure about sepsitorized model not taking up space in a combat group.
I am a bit unsure on how Sepsitor would work in some cases: 1) A model with sepsitor succsesfully uses it and the target should be but in the...
Something not as edgy and without a black-red colour scheme for shasvastii is what I want the most for CA, but it seems highly unlikely that CB...
I just feel like this Charontid is going to punch Ajax in the face with plasma rifle rather than shoot with it, and I don't like that. Sure, old...
@xagroth Well I'm not talking about obvious and semi-auto include choices and what to buy, but rather to have some specifics on units and their...
Anathematics is one of my favorite models and it was the thing that got me into this game, and I think that it still looks better than a lot of...
I've been playing generic CA almost exclusively for about 1,5 years that I play Infinity, and the lack of a proper faction guide was quite an...