[img] lots of links ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1[img] [img] [img]8 [img]1 [img]1 [img] CLIPPER DRONBOT Smart...
IMO, from vanilla point of view Hasht just evolved from unplayble snail to a very solid choice, now he doesn't have a problem of all the...
From vanilla CA perspective - I'm kind of glad that I haven't bought B&K yet, because Kerr-nau is almost like overpowered as all hell, there's...
For me personnaly there's nothing annoying about it, I wouldn't even notice the thing with morlocks if not all the buzz about them, mainly because...
Thanks for replying! I've been thinking of some other armies to choose, but thers's always that inconsistency between new and old models, and I...
I can't find in the rules how engage and bs attack interact: if a reactive model is in partial cover and declares an engage against an active...
Coming in from playing Vanilla CA for about 2 years and being well aware of a delay in updates for MRRF, I'm planning to switch to playnig...
Malignos is useful for mission such as supplies and all the other with objectives in around the middle of the table where you neet to push...
Malignos is very useful, for missions wher it is advantageous to have specialists start right near objectives they are a good choice, I just...
Noctifers are pure gold of a unit, they are a very good attack piece with spitfire, but a lot better as a missile launcher, it is strong both as...
I've discussed this in my local meta chat, the thing is, unless it is stated somewhere else, hackers don't have hackable characteristics, because...
I've just remembered a cool thing from metal gear rising - explosive armour! would be a fun thing, something like an automatic equipment with...
I honestly think we would get some boring kind of buff nexus, it would be better than I expect if it would share some skills with rodoks though....
Can somebody please tell CB to take pictures of a model not just from one angle? Kiss is cool, but I really don't like face and hair stuff on Bit,...
Well, how about plasma HMG for dat Avatar? dreams-dreams, that would be just too good to be truth. plasma pistols would be fun, but kind of weird...
Thanks, I tried to replicate studio painting scheme, but couldn't get my head around the colours and texture that Angel Giraldez used there.
I would like to post some of my CA models here, starting with an Anathematics I just finished, and eventually adding photos of my older miniatures...
I've had to bend the right hand on my maakrep too, but building it was not nearly as annoying as a sniper shrouded.
Thank you for your replies, defining some tight spaces on the table as acces points is a great idea.
An elite version of a unidron would be cool, with some unique skills to be an interresting choice for vanilla and maybe a haris in onyx, but that...