I had to carefully cut off the handle of her spear to fit in the spitfire's handle and bend her thumb to make the hand grip the spitfire properly,...
Finally settled on a color scheme for my CA and converted up my old Sheskiin somewhat recently, her spear was an absolute pain for transportation...
I'm not a MO player, but I was fiddling around with the armybuilder lately and came up with this list, the main idea here is to have good fireteam...
I play vanilla CA and usually I don't roll for the infiltration, but sometimes I go for rolling a 9 or less on a shrouded/zerat minelayer If the...
Good to know, didn't even think about Possesed being the same way.
I've been re-reading the rulebook recently and it seems that troopers in the Sepsitorized state don't make guts rolls? Guts Rolls rule in its...
Oh the poor old vanguards, guess I'll chip in with some ideas. It seems to me that CB just decided that CA can't have line troops cheaper than 14...
@WiT? Making a compilation of user opinions on the units is a great idea, how about getting all the input in this thread, and then compiling it in...
I just had to put that joke in the title, sorry. This is a mish-mash of overall first impressions of N4 and a quick unit review(?), hopefully...
I think I can give some decent input on the vanilla Combined army, it got a bit wordy though, so the short answer is that CA got nearly everything...
Apparently plasma gets sorta nerfed in N4? been out of the loop with news because N4 releases only in september and there's plenty of time before...
So, I've had an interresting discussion in my local infinity chat today about how the Reinforced tactical link works in Decapitation mission. The...
I ran both in vanilla since the update, and it depends on the rest of the list and the mission, usually I try to pack as much as possible of...
I'm not sure if this belongs here or in another forum section, but since this is about miniature painting I guess it's fine here. I like a lot...
As stated above, it depends. I personally play vanilla CA and dabbled in ALEPH a bit, and rarely if ever used doctors or paramedics, in case of CA...
There's a couple of things about vanilla CA that most definetly need a change: give Lt profiles to EI aspects for all loadouts, because otherwise...
I do realise that this is nowhere near a direction that CB is taking currently, and there is no indication that this will happen with N4, but it...
I am generally curios how it all works out in a wider community, how many people use models which are unable to stack mods apart from range/cover,...
So I've got an ITS tournament with 12XP Spec-Ops coming soon, and just pondering what to take? Before Daedalus' Fall it was pretty simple - jam in...
Thank you for the link, but it seems we have two different questions here: 1)I'm wondering how exactly the failed/forfieted guts roll works, is...