Honestly the most disappoint thing about the update is that most of the new reinforcements units are ONLY reinforcements, maybe the idea is that...
Since TAG conversions are the new hotness I'll chime in with my raicho (which I spent way too much time carving out the armored hand out of a...
Bugs in vanilla or we (I) riot. On a serious note, I quite like the new designs, although it's a bit too close to shasvastii in a few places. On...
Really pumped to see the full rules, this game mod seems very interesting to try out and I already pestered our TO to make a tournament the first...
I love how caskuda is basically a huge fraacta on crack, even if vulnerable to hacking. Not sure if BS attack +2DAM will end up applying to the...
Waiting for caskuda rules to drop be like [ATTACH]
Can't wait to get my hands on that new caskuda, it's a shame that it'll probably be siocast. On the other hand in between the army update and...
I'd second the predictions above, although the cascuda's gun on the endsong cover art looks an awful lot like an SMG and there's no underbarrel...
Well it's still the same trooper, it just has two profiles, so all states and wounds should carry over from one profile to another just like with...
But why, though? The rules for Unconscious directly specify that "Cancelling the Unconscious state automatically cancels the Prone state." As far...
Of course, I probably didn't get my point across clearly, the idea is that after landing you would spend one order declaring any non-movement...
I'm not sure if this came up before but since it's all about the Cadmus I'm not sure it did. Let's say a cadmus succeeded at a combat jump,...
I've ran a red fury Jayth in vanilla a couple of times and it's honestly just another case of bakunin nun problem, a very expensive model with a...
Yup, I totally blanked on including a Zero Visibility Zone in example A, good to know that I wasn't mistaken on how ARO works now.
A 2.0 rules release was as good a reason as it gets to re-read the rules to confirm how everything in the game actually works and try to clean up...
While free units aren't really gamebreaking they don't add that much interest to the game either, I would much prefer to see more of a rotation of...
The thing I want to see the most from return of the exrah is a re-imagining of cascuda, ideally with an emphasis on close range weapons and combat...
Surely complaining about the avatar nerf isn't my whole personality now, right? right?[ATTACH]
Also if anyone is interested here's my latest iteration of an avatar list with a bold goal of being able to play countermeasures with a double...
Yep, two unconscious states was only an N4 thing for the avatar, but rerolls for engineers using command tokens worked, in the engineer rules it...