Burst mods don't stack unless they explicitly say they do.
Only to autofailing the Guts roll, unless I'm missing something
Pistols with (+1 Burst) get the +1 burst when used in CC in the active turn, but that's it.
They're beefy boys and girls.
Yeah, the pairing traditionally has been HRL/Spit and HMG/ML, but they've changed that on a bunch of units in N4
This is my general template for vanilla CA lists Pick an EI aspect (skiavoros, charontid, anathematic or Avatar) Take 2 Datus/oznats/krakots for...
Bashi Ap Rifle & Breaker pistols also deserves a mention As does tying the enemy up in cc with YYs Le Muet could kill a TAG Same with the bunch...
He's a nomad player with an axe to grind and a salt mountain to mine, just ignore him.
An Upgrade/ tinbot maybe, but i doubt it.
Nah, this is just like how Koni said "the Al Fasid not having Shock Immunity is not a bug" then the next day "the al fasid has received Shock...
Well, now that HellLois has said its not a bug (even tho it totally is) can we add the Celestial Guard Hacker and the Celestial Guard MSR to the...
Prueba a darle a Ctrl+f5 porque a mi en el web si que me sale
On a normal list I'm takingthe Fasid unless there's a TAG mission on the table. On a list made to support the Shakush then I'm taking the...
Yeah, it doesn't work that well any more. Used to start at 66% losses instead of at 75%, which I'm not sure was better or worse, but I feel like...
El lanzamisiles inteligente ya no existe, el Samekh tiene un Lanzamisiles y la habilidad Ataque CD (Guiado)
So Celestial Guards pay more than any other N4 unit for the Hacking Device and the Multi Sniper Rifle for unknown reasons?
I voted for White Banner because I'm having a lot of trouble making lists with it.
Considering how rushed the rulebook seems to have been? I think there's reasons. Not good reasons, and I'd almost call them shitty excuses, but...
Did you activate the SoF mercs by accident?