Sun is showing as LT (+1 command token), not as LT(+1 order) to me. Also Lunah got some more shooting skills and an MSV1
Doctor(+3) and Doctor(2Wounds) habe appeared in the preview profiles So yes, rewrite I'm assuming that sepsitor text is the usual CB bullshit of...
Well, TO camo is gone because it has been dissassembledinto Hidden Deploy, mimetism-6 and camo. Same with Sepsitor+, its probably gone because...
Well, only since Stealth was introduced in N3* So not always *technically MA4 in N2 had a similar effect, I had to tell you so people wouldnt tell me
The leaked info showed all profiles on the Hundun had HD
We're not getting 20 points zuyongs. It would be delightful, but we're not getting them
Because the logo designer has been phoning it in for a while
Its +3 points +1 wip +1 cc +light shotgun over a metro, the price makes sense to me.
[ATTACH] Terrible Photoshop low effort crap
Shang Ji Lt General Grievous, with his 4 Shock CCWs
Weeee Anarchy! Random possibly fake but fun profiles A Shang Ji that might not feel like a fucking handicap in the right light with enough make...
If they're real then I'm gonna go for "it's a typo" and "the expensive one should be the Heavy Shotgtun profile" Which is what we would be...
Big if true