Nice profile pic ;)
Added some Puppetbois and Puppetgirls along with their Puppetdaddy [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] "Are you serious, Spencer? Is that big brain of yours not able to thread a nylon restraint through a metal buckle? This is the second time...
[IMG] "You're right Mr. Wilson, there's nothing we can do to stop you. That TAG you're controlling is awfully scary, and your mates in the armor...
[IMG] We are the stone our enemies break their backs on. We are the shield that safeguards every Yu Jing citizen, near or far. We are strength...
I've been blessed with the Dragoe dossier in her full glory, praise be to the infinity facebook page for knocking down one that I'd been looking...
[IMG] “One does not survive the jungle by fighting cleanly.” Welcoming phrase of Lieutenant Stephen Rao to those who join a unit under his command.
[IMG] Get out of here Stalker [MEDIA]
So I haven't posted aside from in my dossier and army wallpaper stuff in a while, as I haven't been playing much as of late. I liked posting this...
[IMG] Spiral Corps ready for action
Adepticon dossiers thrown on the pile, loving the Dynamo [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Speak of the nin-devil, and a newer picture of him shall appear! Added to the hoard [IMG]
[IMG] Added JSA :)
I've also updated the drive with all the new confirmed Sectorials with as many Dossiers as are available
Added some sort of nondescript "dead" ninja, as well! [IMG]
What're you talking about? It's a marksman rifle! [within 0-8"] :P
Added some Foreign Company boys and girls [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Sneaksy Tohaa added as well [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]