Yes for me. We are going to start a league which missions are the Dire Foes ones. I was doubting between Steel Phalanx and Tohaa because I like Trasymedes a lot, but now... Is gonna be Tohaa for sure.
I still think Regeneration is a useless skill that should be removed from the game entirely. That aside, the access to Sensor is nice, and now she's a hard counter to Hackers rather than a derpy point sink. A WIP 14 KHD is nothing to sniff at. It's enough to get me to at least try using her in some lists and see how it goes. Which is miles ahead of the place she occupied in my plans this time yesterday. ;-)
I mean, I'll take her. She's much better than previously. So, thanks! But Killer Hackers are one of these things like Mimetism that are easy to throw on a subpar profile to "fix" it. Whereas the real problems–Defensive Hacking, AutoMedikit, Regeneration, Combi Rifle + Light Shotgun, etc–go unaddressed, and remain a problem wherever they are.
Can you make triangulated fire (long skill) with surprise attack (short skill) - I don't think that they work together, unfortinatly ;(
On one hand, you can maybe try to cover your TAG / HI a bit better. On the other hand, no repeater coverage makes it rather impractical idea, while this change spreads KHD cancer even further.
I think for highly classified she is great and otherwise she is a decent hacker with a decent weapon loadout, for most jobs sakiel or sukeul are better
I think she will be auto-include for me in Acquisition, Deadly Dance, Highly Classified, Supremacy, and Transmission Matrix.
Sukeuls can't explode the head of a hacker hiding on a rooftop from halfway across the table. I get that she doesn't scream "TAKE ME" in every situation, but Aelis definitely has her uses now. And even if you never use her, Aelis's mere existence now means that opponents will no longer be able to just assume that Tohaa pose no threat to their hacking game as they're deploying. We do have Bombs, but Redrum is far more of a threat to enemy hackers than a Bomb using Endgame (which is basically a one-use Brain Blast). In her active turn against a Hexa Hacker (not KHD) who AROs with Brain Blast, Aelis will inflict 1+ wounds with Redrum 74.58% of the time, and 2+ wounds 60.90% of the time. A WIP 14 Tohaa using Endgame sees those numbers reduced to 54.23% and 14.42% respectively. Oh, and Aelis can attack them through their own repeaters, too. And if they make their saves? She can attack again. On the flip side, Bombs can hit non-hackers. So it depends on what you're looking for. But if you're looking to off sneaky hackers, Aelis is straight up better at it than Bombs. She's not the right tool for every circumstance, but she has her niche.
Ok so put her in a triad with a sakiel with nimbus plus, find a spot where she can triangulated fire multiple targets, use cybermask to get into position, and then get to work? That being said, id still rather take two makauls or a sukeul for around the same points. She needs to get to the low 20s before she is actually viable.
Can she use cybermask while being part of a triad (and continue being part of it while impersonated)?
No, entering a Marker state will boot you from the link.