Banner to make a topic on the intelligence service tohaa on warconsole Character tohaa by Daireann. CSU/Securitate Artwork look like for me as a CSU/Securitate, by Ryouta Otsuka/大塚良太Pro.
Conversation in shadows - campaign: shattergrounds For an story about the JSA, submondo and yakusa, the truth is out there, but so are lies. O-12 soldiers surrendered for Quantic Containment Coalition If nobody wants to distribute the deck in French, we'll do it ourselves!
Bixie in Gunnm style When you're walking through the streets of Bakunin and you come across the family
Illustrations of two youtubers for illustrate a topic of french vid of lore Playlist d'histoire Infinity : Compatible with uhahu From Perfidious Albion Osprey. Riot Grrrl An infinitized detour idea from a real photo. Riot Grrrl versus Neovatican. Infinitysation of the Kerfus meme
Hommage for Rob code: Sushi-Kangourou I asked Copilot to make me some illustrations to illustrate a translation of the latest LoL podcast with Rob who won the cancoon 24, this last illustration which includes an aka Ryuken, Rob and his Australian aspect was the best of the lot and fits infinity quite well. If you want to see the other ia experiments, click here: Robin Hook, Rogue AI I made a montage for Robin Hook, from an idea found on discord and using netrunner.
Comic book cover: The Youth of Carmen John I've done a cover for a future infinityzed comic about Carmen, so it could serve as infinitythegame artwork for something else.
Cover of the fanmade campaign Operation Macedonia I designed a cover for the French version of the Operation Macedonia campaign mod from ltCuddles.
Cover for my PDF BD FANCOMIC Vol.6 : Le Guide Sexuel de la Sphère Humaine I've made a cover for my future pdf recap of comics and meme infintythegame that appeared on the web around the erotic/loverly/rule34 theme (but not many rule34 because Robot and Adhadh didn't draw hundreds of olé olé pages). Given the percentage of drawings in English, Frenglish and without text, I'll let you know when it's ready, maybe you'll find drawings you haven't seen and new links to authors. It'll be on the same level as fluide glacial or city larson comics in spirit, but in a shorter format of comic strips and memes (maybe there'll be my carmen fanfic that I've mixed with different comics unless it goes into another pdf). My intro for my community:
How did I not notice this thread before? Lots of cool stuff in here. I wish we would get more artwork and worldvuilding from CB like this.
Marianne: Liberty Guiding the Merovingian People On the occasion of the partial return of the Merovingians in infinitythegame, I made this artwork with a montage of various illustrations and an assembly of AI images that I retouched because, among other things, it doesn't like the nourishing breasts of the Nation. It's a parody of Liberty Guiding the People.
Operation Cachemire Indexing of my infinitythegame fanart for the French translation I made of LtCuddles' Opération Cachemire fanmade narrative campaign. Spoiler: +
Wrong topic, i pasted my meme tintin of ajax in my topic of parodies :
New EVA-TAG Tiklabang in evangelion scheme for JSA. Topic of inspiration here : Inspiration: JSA Pilot in asuka style
Le Grand Amour I saw this artwork by cypheristikal, which could look like an O-12 / JSA illustration. Human Sphere 2204 the anime In the process of finding a cover for a new infinitythegame comics recap, I made this artwork, it's in the style of cyberpunk 2077 with an infinitysation using Rob's artworks.
Metro with cat I found this fanart that is compatible with infinity ^^. Spoiler: Metro Spoiler: +
Artworks for mini-game Crazy Koala Rampage Indexing of infinitythegame artworks I made for the french translation of the Crazy Koala Rampage mini game by Uncle Premium on the dark net. French version here :
Campaign: Paradiso Prologue Here's an old artwork from 2016 that I found somewhere on the internet, I slightly edited it (added tohaa triumvirate from the spiral corps) to represent the Paradiso Prologue campaign, it serves as a cover for an updated pdf in french for N4. Original : Spoiler: +