Hi guys, Came to see what's new in Magonus's guide and was quite surprised he rated Jagers so low. I play against Yu Jing and USAriadna a lot and those armored units and HI are a nightmare as Tohaa has few anti-armor options. I spent soooo many orders in fruitless attempts to wound those 3+ ARM models in cover with B5 spitfires, our most common assault weapon. We have great K1 and Viral, which doesn't usually work great against HI, but the distance is an issue, I remember spending an entire turn trying to cross the field to smoke out that annoying Yan Huo just to get an unlucky crit in the face when I finally get there, so in my opinion AD E/Mitter is godsend. I have a solid record of using it successfully, disabling Movangs, Blackjacks and other guys spending only a few orders. Stats are not great, sure, and a few weeks ago I spent an entire order shooting Movang in the back unopposed and never land a hit, but usually Jagers need only a few orders to favorably exchange them for a good model and probably eat an order or two in opponent's turn. Or die. Fast and painlessly. They might not be very good, but given the lack of anti-HI options, for Tohaa they can fill a certain niche. Didn't find any discussion on Jagers in our section, so I'm intrested in fellow artichokes opinion.
What I like doing with jagers is to get them in a good Position and then suppressive fire, quite often he stops the enemy quite a bit
I have no respect for anyone scoring the Krakot Renegade 2/5. He's absurdly good and you get almost too much for what little he costs. The general rule of thumb is if your faction is able to get him you field a minimum of 1, he's borderline auto-include.
I never looked at Jaeger as something I would take in my list. He literally does nothing for me. If I need a paramedic, I'll probably take a Kamael or Sakiel. If I need anti-tank, I'll take Sukeul or just a Triad of Makauls. And believe me, K1 combis are really frightening, especially for TAGs, since they rarely can claim cover due to their size. For ARM3 Fire and Viral/DA CCW is really the way. Edits: autocorrect typos
Also, he's not that good because he's irregular, not linkable, and is a very narrow specialist. In Tohaa you want as little of that as possible, because we don't have much synergy with soloists. And also compare that to K1 Sukeul who doubles as a specialist thanks to FO and D-Charges, and can even be your Lt. Or a Makaul Triad which can obliterate almost anything if used properly. I mean, do you know any other way to generate up to 6 hits that damage on 18 (+3 for MA2, +2 PH/B for each Engaged Fireteam member)?
Tried the BS Jaeger when I was beginning with playing Tohaa. He was not bad, but he wasn't good too. Therefore I don't play him anymore. And against HI there are many possibilities for Tohaa. ML Sukeul K1 Sukeul (HMG Sukeul) Sniper Gao Rael BS PF Kosuil K1 Kosuil Maukaul Triad LRL Sakiel EM Granade Kotail BS Gao Tarsos I have in 9/10 games no Spitfire in my list and the 10th case is Neema.
I took the SMG one the other day and he worked out great - found a good spot to land and took out I think 3 units in his turn and a couple more in the reactive. It's the shock rather than the AP which I benefitted from, against those damned dogged Kuang Shi. Admittedly I only took him as it was Firefight and I wanted to use the cool new model, but I'd happily take him again.
The Jager can be very useful as a late game piece. I try not to take on units in face to face fight, but by 2nd or 3rd turn it can be brought in to flank out of place units and shoot them in the back, outside of 8", and out of cover, with selection of ammo types depending on what type of unit you are facing. It can also be used as a speed bump for slowing my opponent's key units down in the last turns by bringing it on and putting it into Suppressive Fire along their path. It is unlikely to stop them, but will get them to use at least one order to dislodge it, and often times more if they need to get a better unit into place to take it out. Being a specialist it can also come in last turn and grab an objective, or simply secure HVT. Not to mentioning being able to MedKit downed units which may not be close enough to your other paramedics, doctors, or 'bombs.
I'm in the process of updating the ICS rules in the French book to the N4 standard (there are plenty of errors in our version, by the way), and I've noticed that in both N3 and N4, the Cube Jager profile is unable to make a Cubevac with a bonus, even though its lore and name would suggest that it should.
The E/Mitter sounds good. the ability to jump behind a TAG, fry it and kill it with a monofilament weapon sounds like a dream come true. However, the math doesn't play out. it's more order efficient to use the AP from the SMG or Boarding shotgun.
Amazing necro posting here chaps but nothing has changed since 2019. It's still a garbage-tier piece due to price, crap stats, irreg status and 0.5swc cost