Ramah: Your Favorite Fireteam?

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by shokeyshah, Jun 29, 2021.

  1. shokeyshah

    shokeyshah Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I'm mentoring a new player and we are learning Ramah, but I haven't played Haqqislam before.

    What are your favorite fireteam compositions? What is that fireteam designed to do?
    Grotnib and Urobros like this.
  2. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Funny thing... Ramah maybe is the easier and too the harder haquisslam sectorial to "talk" about fireteams. I really like this "haris"


    ZHAYEDAN (BS Attack [Shock]) Heavy Machine Gun / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 33)
    ZHAYEDAN Breaker Rifle, Light Shotgun / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 25)
    LEILA SHARIF (Hacker) Shock Marksman Rifle, E/M Mines, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 20)

    1.5 SWC | 78 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Usually I play with this haris in a group with a couple of fanous (flash pulse rems) as a "multi tool". It can shoot, more or less in every range, has good odds to win face to face rolls in active and can push buttons thanks to Leila.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  3. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Tarik (Spitfire) + Muhktar Doctor + Muhktar MSV2/Red Fury

    The Muhktar's 6-2 move lets them keep up with Tarik (mostly), the Doc is there to bring Tarik back up when he (inevitably) goes down to weight of fire, the Red Fury is there to take out Mimetism -6 targets Tarik has trouble hitting
  4. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    For defensive prouposes, you could try this haris fireteam:

    - zhayedan sniper.
    - Yara Haddad (can ue murabid tuareg sniper for proxy).
    - zhayedan fusil (for cheaper one) or medic (try to recover inconcius members).
  5. Grotnib

    Grotnib Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2019
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    Khawarij Mk12/MSV L2/NCO, Ghulam NCO, Ghulam Doctor, Ghulam Hacker, Ghulam Panzerfaust.
    This Fireteam Core allows for the good old smoke + MSV trick, it can take out almost any target at medium range, it has close range ARO potential, it packs enough Shotguns for late game Direct Template rushes and it includes two excellent Specialists.

    The most common changes I make are Khawarij => Yara (she's cheaper and can achieve more Classifieds), Hacker => FO (cheaper, non-Hackable Specialist and a WIP 14 Flashpulse), Panzerfaust => Sniper (longer range, unlimited ammo, potential attack piece of the active turn).

    I feel that the (counts as) Ghulam Fireteam is the heart of the Sectorial and it can be tailored to any taste, so it's a nice place for a new player to start!
  6. KwarkyMats

    KwarkyMats Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    I've used the following defensive Haris in the past to great success:
    ZHAYEDAN Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 27)
    ZHAYEDAN Missile Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 28)
    ROUHANI Submachine Gun, Flash Pulse / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 21)
    2 SWC | 76 Points

    It is a bit expensive SWC-wise, but it's a lot of long range threat you're bringing there and it can double to get rid of TR remotes if needed. Sometimes I feel like bringing the Zhayedan doc instead if I need Rahman elsewhere. Could even go cheekier and replace the doc with another sniper.
    Cadwallon and Urobros like this.
  7. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This is my Haris.


    MUKHTAR (Hacker, Hacking Device) Rifle, Light Shotgun, D-Charges ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 31)
    YARA HADDAD AP Marksman Rifle / Heavy Pistol(+1B), CC Weapon. (0 | 25)
    LEILA SHARIF (Hacker) Shock Marksman Rifle, E/M Mines, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 20)

    0.5 SWC | 76 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Yara is the shooter, the Mukhtar Hacker is the scoring specialist and Leila is the redundancy for both. It's not the most competitive build, but works every time I use it for its intended purpose.

    In terms of Core Fireteams, I'm resigned to a defensive Ghulam Core with a ML and a Khawarij HRL. I try to add at least one Ghulam w/Panzerfaust and the NCO with smoke grenade launcher. This comes as the result of the other units I like to field, which consume a lot of points and make it tricky to reach 15 orders.
  8. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hmm its been a hot minute since ive posted here and since ive played so im not sure how valid this is anymore but i would run 4 lft naffs, 1 LT. Then a ghulam smoke launcher, ghulam missile or sniper, namurr spitfire, and something else i cant remember, but id keep all of them close enough to swap fireteam members at will based on how the game was going. Building a list with 7 possible fireteam member offered on the fly flexibility. At thr cost of a command token but hey, what else am i using them for anyways.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  9. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Naffs are in kind of a weird place in N4 now that Shotguns swapped their Impact Templates for Direct Templates; you pay 1 point for +1 PH, +3 BTS, and Grenades, but downgrade your light shotgun to a light flamethrower.

    I haven't really seen them taken or even really considered since N4 dropped.
  10. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    I used them in Armory. One thing to remember (that I was reminded of) is flamers are Intuitive while shotguns are not. So combined with smoke, they can be deadly. And Naffs can take Heavy flamers, which is a (surprisingly/significantly) bigger template.
  11. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Fair enough, although i still dont know how that change makes them unmentionable. +3 bts, +1 ph, and grenades. Any one of those added to a ghulam would be worth 1 point on its own imho. All 3 is a steal, not to mention cheap LT shell games and as stated earlier intuitive attack. Pretty sweet deal to me. But again thats just how i feel.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  12. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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  13. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    A light flamethrower is Burst 1, Damage 13, and Continuous Damage.

    A light shotgun is Burst 2, Damage 13, but it can also be fired at a target within 8" at +6 to hit.

    A Light Shotgun is better than the Light Flamethrower 99% of the time, as Burst 2 > Burst 1 Continuous in terms of average wounds to a target with less than 3 wounds, and that's not even considering the fact that you can also use Hit Mode for +6 on a BS Attack (which brings you up to a total of BS 20 in a Core Link).

    The Game has changed; shotguns are now the premier Direct Template Weapons, and trading one for a light flamethrower is an exceptionally large downgrade.

    This is a fair point, but honestly I can't even remember the last time I used intuitive attack in a game. Burst 1 on a 14 vs. most infantry dodging on ~10 (depending on PH and Sixth Sense) is just too order intensive for my tastes. Can definitely do some work if can catch multiple guys in the AoE though.

    But then again, that's probably because I usually play Tohaa, and our main template carrier is the Makaul... who's probably better off walking into his own eclipse grenades to murder stuff in CC rather than trying to Heavy Flamethrower it.
  14. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    I'm gonna slightly disagree. Sure, in the active turn, the LSG is better 99% of the time. (The other 1% of the time, you need Intuitive Attack.)

    But in the reactive turn, the flamer is usually better, especially on a line infantry. Sure, if I've got something like an Asawira, I want it to have a shotgun so it can f2f at +6 in ARO. But anything my opponent is attacking with can outshoot a Ghulam despite the +6. The Ghulam is basically always going to template, and in the reactive turn, a flamer template is meaningfully better than a shotgun template.

    My opponent's scary 2-wound attack piece is happy to murder the Ghulam and doesn't mind risking a wound from a shotgun template in exchange. The same piece can't risk a hit from a flamer that has around a 25% chance to knock it unconscious.

    LSG is only better 99% of the time if you never use the weapon in ARO :-)
    KedzioR_vo, colbrook and Delta57Dash like this.
  15. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Even then, the LFT is only better if the extra wound is relevant (such as against a 1-wound model with a doctor/paramedic close by or against multi-wound infantry). Many skirmish-type units (the most common unit that gets into backlines to harass Core Links) only have 1 wound, and it's very unlikely that a doctor is going to run all the way into your deployment to pick them back up, so the vast majority of the time it won't matter if you kill it or simply knock it unconscious.

    And, in a Core Fireteam, don't count the humble Ghulam out so quickly. BS 11 +6 (range) +3 (core) = BS 20 within 8" on 2 dice. If the fireteam is full up, that's pretty scary to try to walk into for most things. And at any rate, the shotgun gives you the option of contesting the roll while the Flamethrower "forces" you to lose it (though stands a very good chance of trading with Burst 2 continuous damage).

    Even considering AROs, I'd still choose the light shotgun over the LFT 90% of the time. And when I'm not taking the LSG, I'm probably paying the extra point to upgrade that LFT to an HFT for the +1 damage and much larger template.

    Also, if your opponent's "scary 2-wound attack piece" is attacking your Ghulam Cheerleader Core within 8" without having taken any damage, something has already gone seriously wrong. Unless it's turn 3 Armory/Panic Room; that's a scenario where the HFT naffa starts to look pretty great.
  16. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    I think I'd agree with that - 90% sounds about right to me :-)

    To be fair, in HB I'm never taking the base Ghulam either, any more than I'm taking the (nonexistant in HB) Naffatun. Everyone in the Core link is doing something else. Occasionally they might happen to also have a shotgun (e.g. Ghulam doctor) and it helps, but I'm never taking a Ghulam just for the shotgun. I don't know about Ramah, though. Do you guys take either the Naffatun or the base Ghulam in your Core in Ramah in N4?
    Grotnib and Delta57Dash like this.
  17. Grotnib

    Grotnib Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2019
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    Especially if we put the Hacker/FO/Number2 into the "base Ghulam" category, then yes! Sometimes even the 11 point version(s) when points are tight... Light Shotguns are silly good in the hands of expendable models whose Fireteam doesn't break even if they suicide themselves against something more valuable! Especially in scenarios with lots of forward movement and/or critical midboard objectives it's very common for my (mostly) Shotgun Ghulam Fireteam to mop up the enemy resistance and secure the area on the last turn... Few (late game) things can withstand consecutive triple Direct Templates/dodge against three shots with a +6 mod! Two turns worth of Orders and a last turn Shotgun rush feels like pretty excellent bang for my buck... :)
  18. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    For this discussion, I don't put any of those in the base Ghulam category, because none of them has a Naffatun equivalent. If you bring, say, the Number 2 Ghulam because you like his weapon and his Number 2 skill, you don't have the option of instead bringing a Number 2 Naffatun if you decide you'd prefer a flamer over a shotgun.

    In HB, even if I had access to Naffatuns, I would never bring one, not because I dislike their weapon, but because everyone in my Core is doing something more than just bringing a weapon. For the same reason, I never bring a base 11-point Ghulam.

    For comparison, in SAA I usually have a Core with several base 10-point Regulars. Their only job is to be an order battery while giving link bonuses to a sniper - they will stay at the back of my DZ and never activate. Now, Regulars don't get either shotguns or flamers. But if they got both, I would at least consider taking the flamer option over the shotgun option because in that role, they're only ever shooting in ARO.

    @Grotnib it sounds like you're using your Core to advance, in which case I agree with you, I would also take a shotgun over a flamer. But if I were using a defensive sniper-support core (which seems like an option in Ramah, unlike HB), I would consider taking a flamer.
    Delta57Dash and Grotnib like this.
  19. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    That's a good point, but there are exceptions. Speculo (because of Regeneration), Tohaa impersonators, Nahab, Fractaa, Ragik are some examples off the top of my head.
    Delta57Dash likes this.
  20. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I can tell you what my friend has taken several times against me, to great effectiveness.

    GHULAM (NCO) Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1 | 15)
    GHULAM (Lieutenant) Rifle, Light Shotgun / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 11)
    NAFFATÛN Rifle, Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 13)
    KHAWARIJ (NCO, Multispectral Visor L2) Mk12 ( ) / Pistol, AP + Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 38)
    KHAWARIJ Heavy Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP + Shock CC Weapon. (1 | 30)
    Grotnib likes this.
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