This has probably been asked before... Trooper A declares move as the first skill of the order. A mine triggers and a template is placed so that it touches Trooper A. Trooper A declares move as the second skill of the order and moves to engage the enemy trooper B while remaining in the mine template. Is the mine template cancelled?
Yes, this applies to all DTWs. Do note that DTWs never affect the Trooper which fired them (they're always in contact with the Template and it never affects them).
I think the important point to emphasize is the importance of “while remaining in the template”, and the amount of choice a player has for placing the template. If you look at the trigger area diagram in Mines rules, look at the upper right corner of the diagram. The green check mark trooper is getting hit by a template getting placed on one side of the mine and angled very severely. There are going to be a lot of cases where the mine can detonate to clip the side of a trooper, rather than settling for the direct “cover as much as possible” shot. Especially if you angle the shot upward (one end touching the mine on the ground, the side of the template touching the top edge side of the trooper you’re detonating against) instead of firing along the ground. It won’t prevent every case of “Safety Hugs”, but you can certainly make it less common.
No. They're removed after they Trigger (ie during Step 3) and replaced when their Triggering is cancelled (ie during Step 5). See this thread for discussion:
But is the mine triggering same thing as an attack? Clearly triggering has happened. Mine gets removed when it triggers, even if the template gets cancelled afterwards.
You're going to have to give more context on what you mean with attack. A mine that has a friendly trooper affected by the trigger will not have triggered. It's not the template that is cancelled, it's the entire process of triggering that is canceled retroactively.
As @Mahtamori says it is untriggered retroactively. Basically: A trooper moves into the trigger area of the Mine, The Mine triggers and is removed, The Trooper becomes engaged in CC while still affected by the Mine template, The Mine untriggers and is replaced. It's an extension of this FAQ: The Civilians (ie. neutral troopers) nullifying templates is the same rule as friendly troopers nullifying templates. So, while I don't like extending FAQs beyond their specific context, in this case it pretty much has to be read as applying to both Friendly or Neutral troopers. For reference, this is the rule I'm referring to:
@inane.imp I'm on my phone so I can't give exact quote, but they changed how civilians work. A mine will simply magically not hit a civilian. I think it's in the ITS11 document.
Mines have the Expendable (Disposable) trait, though, so shouldn't they just be nullified and then removed? Yup, ITS 11 page 9, Effects box, final bullet, says:
You'd think, right. But FAQ 1.5 is a thing and wasn't rolled back when they changed how Civilians worked generally. So the conclusion I draw is that it applies to Friendlies still.
A Mine is removed when it is triggered. If there's a friendly trooper in the template, it is not triggered and therefore not removed. The real culprit here is the text "Once a Mine triggers, it is removed from play." that should be (In my opinion) "Once a Mine has triggered, it is removed from play during Resolution."
I have a few question about the mines. 1. So if the enemy player, 1st short skill is move up the stairs and place the mine. Friendly A looking at stairs, friendly B looking away and friendly C just barely seeing seeing him. Would friendly A get a chance to fire when enemy player gets on the top of the stairs before dropping mine or after mine. 2. Would it be better to get into CC as a reactive action?
Any trooper that can see the enemy during their short move would get an ARO but you have to declare what their ARO is before the second skill (place mine) is Declared. Engage could be an option if they're close enough, but the enemy might decide on a different second skill in that case.
You can't move and place a mine in one short skill, so it would be: 1. Enemy moves up the stairs. 2. Declare ARO. 3. Enemy places mine. With that in mind, if #2 is BS Attack, it would be a free shot (normal roll) against the mine layer. As to your second question, that depends on how much room there is at the top of the landing. If you are close enough to use the engage skill and there is not enough room for the enemy to place a mine with someone in B2B with it, then it may be worth it to try. Obviously, if you succeed, the mine cannot be placed and is wasted*, however there is a chance for failure and the mine gets placed anyway. Shooting also has a chance for failure and the mine will be placed regardless of outcome, but a success means (hopefully) and unconscious mine layer. @colbrook's point about the enemy being able to declare a different short skill is also something to consider. *I'm pretty sure the mine is wasted in this case, and the mine can only go down at the end of the order, after you've declared the use of the skill.