O-12 Official Report on Haqqislam-Ariadna Relations

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by MikeTheScrivener, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Greeting Citizens of the Human Sphere,

    As you all know, the office of O-12 here on Novvy Bangkok has been monitoring the situation between Haqqislam and Ariadna closely. It is no secret that Haqqislam high command has begun an annexation on the Xaraks Battery Field under reports of possible Shasvastii and Combined infiltration. Initially O-12’s stance was to let it play out for a time – accusations of this nature are taken very seriously and we had full confidence for Haqqislam to conduct trustworthy medical and biological screenings on any questionable AEC personnel.

    A week has come and gone with no concrete evidence of infiltration or corruption among the AEC. Yet, Haqqislam and Ariadna still spill one another’s blood with nothing to show for it but hear-say and finger pointing.

    We are officially asking Haqqislam to stand down. The Xaraks Battery field was, and still, is entrusted to Ariadna by O-12. Haqqislam is advised to pull their troops out as soon as possible and let the AEC do it’s job.

    I want to make it very clear that any Haqqislam commanders found in the Xaraks Battery field after 72 hours will be labeled criminals, and thus, enemies of the Human Sphere. We appreciate the concern of Combined influence, but this occupation makes us all weaker.

    AEC forces escorted by O-12 officers will arrive shorty to peacefully assume Haqqislam posts. Please leave behind any medical records, strategic maps, and transmission logs for record logging. If you have any questions please contact myself or your nearest O-12 offiicer.

    Thank you,
    O-12 High Commissioner
    Novvy Bangkok Special Commission
    Foxep, cazboab, ChoTimberwolf and 2 others like this.
  2. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    It's about damn time.

    Ariadna will continue securing the Battery Field and will repel the Tohaa from the Ammo and Supply Module.

    Caledonian SAS
  3. Durian Khaar

    Durian Khaar It's clubbering time...

    Dec 3, 2017
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    This is Lt. Halifa from Khaars Cors..... I mean Khaars Cargo.... We are happy to comply, but we cannot guarantee execution in less than 120 hours, sorry. You should have contacted the offices first. This way we could have informed you about the necessary steps of Redeployment and a time estimate. We can send you the necessary forms for a quicker resolve of this action. Those should be with you within 4 days standard time. Please allow our bureau for some processing time.

    Thank you for your time.
  4. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    To: Citizens of the Human Sphere,

    Haqqislam would like to express its great disappointment in O-12 for buckling to the tantrums of the Ariadnan Nation for finally being brought to heel and assessed thoroughly for their duty in international defenses. We have already been dealing with incursions of Combined Army forces on the Batteries and have only just secured them within the last 24 hours to begin investigations. Haqqislam from the beginning has provided transparency and communications. We urge O-12 to reach out on existing diplomatic lines.

    It is very worrying that O-12 lacks the resolve to see these investigations through, and would prefer to take sides after knowing our nation's great, and valid concerns with the brash, and unpredictable manner of the Ariadnan nation, least of all their ease at acting on personal grudges. Haqqislam always has and always will act in a way that is best for the Human Sphere. Be it medical aid, transportation, or military intervention. The Sword of Allah is wielded to cut through those who would endanger the Search for Knowledge, and thus, those who would be a danger to the Sphere.

    Haqqislam does recognize the request of O-12 for us to withdraw, but due to the size of military assets in the theater, we cannot guarantee this is resolved within 72 hours. If you wish to label us criminals, that is your own prerogative, but do know, it will not be received lightly. We are not a vengeful nation, but we have proven that the Sword of Allah is very effective against those who endanger the Search for Knowledge.

    Haqqislam High Command
  5. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Now new thing from Haqqislam! Assault on allied soldiers is just personal grudges! As Lenin said "Learn, learn and learn once more!"
  6. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    The AEC was able to produce the results of their investigations to the O-12 while fighting the Tohaa and Haqqislam on two fronts. For an enlightened people with a thirst for knowledge, may I suggest learning to multi-task? You have previously noted that you would hand over the results of your investigations yet just mentioned that you only recently began them.

    The AEC is vindicated by this ruling by the O-12 as we have maintained our innocence throughout this ordeal. We have long memories and will remember this for years to come. And despite our displeasure of O-12's silence in the early part of our conflict, we took the high road and chose not to threaten O-12 as you have just done.

    Ariadna is made of tough people. The wild Caledonians, the hearty USARF, the fierce TAK, and the resolute Merovingians. And despite our brash ways and blunt words, we kept our composure and Haqqislam showed their true colours.
    Foxep, Cabaray and cazboab like this.
  7. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Commander Gricks, is that a threat? Should we remind you that you're the one calling for diplomatic discussions here, so please act as such or we will be obliged to push our ultimatum further.

    You know us, please reach then: we already waited for your investigation's evidences for days.
  8. Apps0206

    Apps0206 Kazak Sneeki Breeki

    Apr 19, 2018
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    As a Haqqislamic man would say, Truth and justice prevails.

    What times we live in, us Brash and unpredictable Ariadnans using diplomacy while the Neutral and diplomatic Haqqislamic nation launched unprovoked attacks and threatens O12 ruling.
    Foxep and Cabaray like this.
  9. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It is not an unforseen scenario. Last time we were all working together, Ariadna backstabed PanOceania and the rest of the Human Sphere, while we all tried to deal with the Combined Army threat. Haqqislam's memory is not short.
    Ariwch, ChoTimberwolf and theGricks like this.
  10. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    PanO and Ariadna have buried that hatchet as too much blood has been spilled, yet Haqqislam is reopening wounds of two other factions and claiming the slight as their own. Your memory may not be short, but your image of the future is short sighted.
    Foxep and Cabaray like this.
  11. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    We have only been able to begin the investigations within the last 24 hours period. we had spent those days mentioned trying to fight the Ariadnans to the point they no longer shoot at us. As was discussed with you previously, we even told you we WISHED nothing would come of this investigation. A lack of evidence thus far should be a good and encouraged thing. We do not wish to provide fabricated evidence.

    As such the only news from my previous report was the Speculo Agents disguised as Ariadna Engineers. This same information was provided to you by the Tohaa as well, but appears that the evidence was thrown back into their faces.

    You or Ariadna may take what we say as a threat or not. That is under your own decision.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  12. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    You killed our brothers and sisters, shooted wounded and civilians. And we supposed to just watch on it? Nice, I had nothing to say. On Ariadna we saw it only twice. First on history lessons, and second in Ariadna Commercial Conflicts. Now it is the third time.
  13. bloodw4ke

    bloodw4ke Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    As mere citizens on Novyy Bangkok, the staff of Sphere Itself (an NGO watchdog) is grateful to Haqqislam for its role in rooting out the Combined Army at the Xaraks Battery. We have been actively observing conflicts for violations of the Concilium Convention or human rights. Haqqislam has conducted itself with overall honor and integrity. For example, https://asteroidblues.warconsole.com/battles/errhile-vs-fukushim-1569260853 ; in this conflict it was Haqqislam that stepped up and defended the Human Sphere where Ariadna could not or would not.

    Thanks to your efforts, non-military personnel on Novyy Bangkok are much safer. It's a shame that O-12 won't recognize that.

    ...and yet it is Haqqislam that is holding the Xaraks Batteries against the Combined Army. If only O-12 had demanded that Ariadna cede this territory to more capable hands.

    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  14. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    These are baseless accusations. Our rules of engagement have been and always have been to not shoot unless fired upon. Further, as we promised on communiques before we have provided medical assistance to BOTH sides in this conflict. We do not see you as an enemy, we see you merely as a sick ally who needs to be checked up on. Haqqislam values humanity above all else. This is our founding ideology. You accuse us of betraying our very core values to try and win sympathy.

    Simply another reason the Haqqislam Nations trust has waned in the AEC.
    Ariwch and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  15. Durian Khaar

    Durian Khaar It's clubbering time...

    Dec 3, 2017
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    We can take insults, we can take slurs, we accept your infidelity. But while you cower on your rock and try to get airborne again, the Fleet is always at the side of the weakest. Saving, Protecting and Defending.
    Do not tread on the honour of the Fleet or the Sekban Naval Special Unit, because after Ulmara [See Human Sphere N3 p. 137] after Onza [Flamestrike] we risk our lives everyday for the citizens of the Human Sphere. While you fought for your interest at Wotan, at Kurage, we always stood by the weakest.

    Choose your words more carefully, soldier!
  16. Apps0206

    Apps0206 Kazak Sneeki Breeki

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Evidently there are powers not wanting us to make new friends. Or maybe it's just the bias towards us backworld savages. Or maybe it is just alien meddling.
    Either ways, Haqqislam never trusted us in the first place, to the extent of a preemptive strike before a formal declaration.
    There are so few of us anyway, and with each strike and transgression I would start believing you are just looking for an excuse to wipe us from existence.
  17. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Our medical corps sacrificed their lives to aid the Yu Jing in evacuating the Beijing Consulate. This is of public record from the Yu Jing Empire itself. We sacrificed lives to aid the Nomads when ALEPH pushed themselves on the Nomad Nation in Kurage.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  18. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Your forces outnumber those of the Sword of Allah on this backwater rock. Allah simply wills us in this great task.
    Ariwch, JoKeR and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  19. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    and here you sacrificed your souls and your honor to please alien intruders and your own ambition.
  20. Apps0206

    Apps0206 Kazak Sneeki Breeki

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Then perhaps Allah wishes you to withdraw, as perhaps Allah gave sudden wisdom to the O12 officials, as perhaps as you usually say, inshallah.
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