Just came in from the Crit discussion. My thoughts: Normal Crit: Wins F2F, applies a -3 ARM mod for saves (I was going to suggest being treated as AP, but then we'd need to worry with how Crits interact with AP. With this, apply -3 mod, then apply AP). No auto-wound, so receiving player still has a chance to survive/not be harmed, but the lucky player still gets lucky. This also means Fatality doesn't need to be adjusted. But I would also make Fatality a Snipers/Marksmen skill and not go throwing it on things all willy-nilly.
Why not? Auto-hit, opponent rolls ARM, failure means death. It's not as super insanely awesome as autokilling someone, but it isn't terrible. Also, the way I'd want it to work, they'd be rolling ARM with a -3 modifier against a 12 DMG, so they would need to roll a 15 or higher to not get got.
No, my emergency backup to the backup anti-TAG/HI plan is crits. You know, after my ML and MSR get blown to hell, and I don't have any other AP/DA/EXP weapons left in my army list because I'm out of SWC. You haven't had some genius in Headquarters demanding the combat troops do something that will get them killed, have you? Interesting thought.
...this is exactly why Loss of Lt is a strategy. The opponent has to think about how to deal not only with the Avatar but also Mnemonica. If you got rid of Isolation then you remove a strategy. I love the interaction with Combined Army, Mnemonica and isolation.
This sounds more complicated than it needs to be...still prefer the "Make an armor roll with no ARM" option. Quick, clean, simple.
Some armies get to almost completely ignore LoL for pretty much free (Tohaa) while others pay through the nose to mitigate it (Morats) and some can't circumvent the problem without massive risk or sacrifice (MO, Vanilla CA). At this point it's actively hindering balance rather than contributing to game diversity.
Yup, that's pretty much it. Different armies are affected by LoL to different degrees, but only some armies have to pay for it, creating unbalanced situations. And the meta still hasn't caught up to using AD 3 troops to dive on Lieutenants now that you don't need a drop zone.
One other thing I hope they fix is named characters having blatantly min-maxed loadouts that make them way too good at what they do. Compare Dart to a Zhencha - it's clear that only one of these profiles was designed by someone who wanted it to be good. They fill basically the same role, but Dart is waaaay better at it. If it results in Kerr-Nau and Bit being nerfed, I'm still for it.
Crits are DAM20 would have a more desirable result, I think. Still gives heavily armored units a chance at survival and rewards bigger units for existing, without needing to deal with negative ARM values.
Very nice idea. Gives the save stats more use, and it's actually easier to remember than the current crit rules since it can be applied across the board instead of, for example, EXP crits dealing 1 wound with 2 more to save or E/M CCW crits applying the E/M automatically but not the wound.
What? Firstly, just because a character is good doesn't automatically make them min-maxed. But secondly, what? Would you rather characters were just slightly different armed troops of the same type? and lastly, no. Dart not being a specialist makes her quite different to a Zhencha before even getting into other differences. I totally agree being hackable is a bit of a joke in terms of making things like camo cost more, yet is only a disadvantage nowadays, but thats got very little to do with Dart or characters in general.
Provided it accompanied a buff to AP I think it could work. Otherwise I think high ARM in cover would be a little too much for some factions to punch unless AP was more broadly available.
I've never found AP access to be a problem outside MRRF, which has been semi-abandoned for this entire edition. Which factions do you think would have trouble?
Outside of SMG some factions lack access to offensive AP (ie. not a defensive link Missile or Sniper). I was particularly thinking NA2 factions like Druze and JSA, also Yu Jing doesn't have a lot of offensive AP. Generally it doesn't matter, because DA is better anyway in the current system and crits do the rest. But if ARM became significantly more relevant under the proposed system I think'd you'd notice it a fair bit more.