No Questions Asked: A Guide to Dahshat Company

Discussion in 'Dahshat Company' started by KestrelM1, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    No Questions Asked: A Guide to Dahshat Company


    Greetings, valued customer. You have made a wise choise by hiring Dahshat Company, a division of Boylik Corp, to enforce and protect your interests. We employ only the best and most well-equipped mercenaries in the whole of the Human Sphere. No matter the task at hand, Dahshat has the tools you need to resolve any problematic situation. Our company motto is "no questions asked," and we prefer to let your money and our firepower do the talking. So, what can Dahshat Company do for you today?


    Welcome to Dahshat Company, an exotic blend of some of the best stuff Yu Jing, Haqqislam, Ariadna, and Mercenaries has to offer. Dahshat may at first appear to be a hodge-podge of random units plucked from their original factions, but the amount of internal synergy and support available makes the whole greater than the sum of the parts. Dahshat doesn't field Zuyong like Invincible Army, it doesn't run Ghulam like Ramah, and it certainly fields Bounty Hunters unlike any other faction in the game. If Dahshat is not your first faction, you may recognize some familiar faces, but get ready to learn to love those units all over again for an entirely different reason. If Dahshat is indeed your first faction, then to you I say welcome, and I hope this guide provides you with all the information you need to start kicking ass.

    Affordability Is Everything

    Throughout this guide you'll probably get tired of reading the following descriptors: "cheap," "affordable," "efficient," "reasonable," and many synonyms thereof. Dahshat Company is not bereft of premium options, but the bulk of our army lists tend to be incredibly efficient profiles that forego the bells and whistles of comparable units in order to deliver maximum firepower and/or utility for the lowest cost possible. Dahshat tends to go wide rather than deep, relying on multiple complimentary or redundant models rather than singular, elite, take-all-comer profiles. Access to a huge variety of cheap orders means that 15+ order lists are very playable and quite common. All in all, if you're looking for massive combat groups that don't skimp on firepower, Dahshat Company is for you.

    Regularly Irregular

    The typical sectorial in Infinity has access to an average of 2-3 irregular troops, usually in the form of warbands or mercenaries. Dahshat Company has a whopping 6 unit entries with that characteristic, and many are extremely important role-players within the army. Hunzakuts and Libertos form the core of the midfield skirmishers, while Bashi, Kum, and McMurrough offer specialized offensive options that can't be found elsewhere. Rounding out the list are Warcors, a common sight in many human forces. Irregular troops are a staple in Dahshat, and learning to manage combat groups and orders with higher-than-average numbers of these units is an important skill to master.

    Hacking as a Precious Resource

    Perhaps thanks to the influence of the Aridanan hires, Dahshat Company is notoriously bereft of hacking devices. The sum total of hackers available amounts to two standard hacking devices, two assault hacking devices, and a singular EVO; there is not a single killer hacking device in sight. For a faction so chock-full of HI, remotes, and repeater coverage, this means that hacking devices are a precious resource to be guarded carefully. Playing Dahshat often requires constant vigilance as to the location of friendly and enemy repeaters, hackers, and hackable assets. A single slip can mean the end of your hacking network and a tough road ahead for your hackable attack pieces. This isn't to say that Dashat is incapable of fighting and winning on the infowar front, but without any elite hackers to lean on, it's definitely something that requires an expert touch.

    A Fireteam for Everyone

    There is perhaps no army in the entirety of the Human Sphere with as much potential fireteam variety as Dahshat. Only Tohaa rivals the sheer customizability of Dahshat, from the core all the way down to the duo. AVA4 Authorized Bounty Hunters and personalities such as Father Lucien Sforza, Miranda Ashcroft, and Valerya Gromoz offer a huge variety of firepower and utility to any link team, to the point that these mercs will often outnumber the "original" unit. Dahshat offers the opportunity to bring exactly the tools you want for any given task and link them together, and offers extreme customization to player preference.
  2. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    The Art of Fireteam Composition

    With AVA7 wildcard troopers available, enumerating all the possibilties for Dahshat fireteams would be an exercise in frustration. Dahshat's fireteams are so flexible and responsive to player preference that the "ideal" configuration is going to vary wildly from player to player. Personally, I like to lump linkable models into three broad categories depending on their primary role within a fireteam. Then we can express fireteam compositions in terms of those categories and leave the particulars up to the individual player.

    Headliners are your primary gunfighters. Nearly always equipped with some sort of long-range, SWC weapon, headliners are those models that are going to be the fireteam leader more often than not, or are the pointy end of the link that you intend to leave out on ARO duty. Virtually all core and the majority of haris teams should include one headliner to maximize the benefits of the enhanced firepower that fireteams provide. Core teams can easily get away with a second or third, either as a source of redundancy or an alternative attack profile.

    - Bounty Hunter Sniper, Spitfire, Red Fury
    - Brawler Sniper, Heavy Rocket Launcher
    - Ghulam HMG, Sniper, Missile Launcher
    - Zuyong HMG, Missile Launcher
    - Yaoxie Rui Shi
    - Odalisque Spitfire

    Role-players are models that offer some significant ability that the headliner lacks. This is often the ability to push buttons in scenarios, but it is also the place for specialized weapons that offer superior firepower at ranges or vectors not covered by the headliner. Things like tinbots and deployable equipment also fit into this category, as you usually don't need multiple in a link to take advantage of their benefits. A typical core will include 1-2 of these models and a typical haris will feature one as well. They're also a common pick for duo teams where the primary focus is mobility.

    - Bounty Hunter Boarding Shotgun
    - Brawler AHD, Engineer, Doctor
    - Ghulam Light Grenade Launcher, Doctor, Hacker, E/Mauler
    - Zuyong Shotgun, Tinbot, MULTI Rifle
    - Odalisque Shotgun
    - Miranda Ashcroft
    - Father Lucien Sforza
    - Valerya Gromoz

    Filler models are just what the name suggests - warm bodies that help to fill out fireteams without significant expense. Generally you're not expecting these models to do the heavy lifting, they're there to watch the fireteam's back and provide those sweet, sweet bonuses to the leader. The primary attribute to look for in a filler model is price; the armament of the filler is a secondary consideration. Not all fireteams need filler, and a core packed with headliners and role-players is just as viable as a headliner towing four filler. It's really up to you and what your tastes dictate.

    - Bounty Hunter Combi, Submachine Gun
    - Brawler Rifle
    - Ghulam Rifle, FO, Panzerfaust
    - Zuyong Combi, FO, Paramedic
    - Odalisque Rifle, Submachine Gun

    One of the other beautiful features of having cheap, wildcard infantry is the ability to field backup troopers for when things get hairy. One of the primary uses of the 6-man fireteam is the ability to field a dedicated ARO piece and still have the full 5-man bonuses after it inevitably gets taken down. ABH snipers are great for this, as are Ghulam teams involving a sniper or missile launcher. You don't always need to plan your teams like this, but throwing in an extra Bounty Hunter into a list, just in case, might be worth your while.

    To summarize, a "typical" fireteam will consist of:

    Core: 1-3 Headliners, 0-3 Roleplayers, 0-4 Fillers.
    Haris: 1 Headliner, 0-1 Roleplayer, 1-2 Fillers (usually including the Haris profile itself).
    Duo: 1 Headliner, 1 Roleplayer

    Note that these are only "typical" configurations and you should absolutely deviate from them to find whatever works best for you. But in case you're overwhelmed by the options available to Dahshat or simply don't know where to start, I've put together some teams I'd recommend trying out. Feel free to modify them however you wish:

    Zuyong HMG TacAware, Rui Shi, 3 Bounty Hunter SMGs: The best firepower in the faction at an unbelievable rate. There's virtually nothing this team can't take out in the active turn, and with a free order to move around, it's going to be tough to hide from. If you're new to Dahshat and just want a sampler of the potential of their core teams, this one's for you.

    Ghulam Missile Launcher, HMG, Doctor, FO, FO, Lieutenant: The prototypical 6-man fireteam, this team aims to have the missile launcher (or sniper, if you prefer) lock down the enemy early and then convert to an HMG support crew afterward. Ideally the doctor should be left out of the link to start, and deployed such that the enemy must get through the ML and the two FOs in order to fight the rest of the team. Even if reduced to HMG + doctor + lieutenant, this fireteam is still capable of quite a lot for its price.

    Brawler Sniper, Bounty Hunter Red Fury, Brawler Doctor, 2 Bounty Hunter SMGs: Similar to the Ghulam core above but with upgraded offensive stats, the Brawler core presented here features two complementary headliners that cover each others weaknesses quite effectively. With a doctor for button-pushing and revival this team can take just about any firefight.

    Zuyong Haris, Rui Shi, Valerya: Protects your hacker and headliner with a tinbot while enhancing their offense as well. You may find this team cramps the Rui Shi's style less, allowing more freedom when attacking. You can always opt to break off the Rui Shi to dive deep while getting your Zuyong and hacker back to safety.

    Brawler Haris, Heavy Rocket Launcher, Doctor: Guns, revives, and button pushing, all at a stupidly cheap price. The HRL is an all-range murder machine and hugely benefits from increased burst, while the doctor keeps the team going even through some bad luck.

    Odalisque Haris, Sforza, Miranda: A team purpose-built to get into the midfield and cause maximum havoc. The utility of moving all these models together helps compensate for their mid-range armaments. They also cover each others weaknesses - the Odalique can tank a wound, Miranda provides heavy visual mods, and Sforza brings the pain with viral ammo.

    Rafiq FTO + Bounty Hunter Shotgun: One of the Rafiq's few weaknesses is that it has trouble operating near enemy hackers or repeaters. The ABH solves that problem neatly by allowing you to blast any problem in the face with a shotgun. Hack this!

    Bounty Hunter Red Fury, Brawler Doctor: The headliner in this fireteam can be any wildcard or Brawler you prefer, but the ABH red fury is a cheap and reliable way to get the doctor up the field toward a valuable objective. Speaking of reliable, the doctor also allows you to revive the ABH should something unfortunate happen. Quite a combo!

    Odalisque Spitfire, Miranda Shotgun: Shedding any pretense of being cheap or efficient, this door-kicking combo instead opts for premium stats and firepower. A great way to break into areas heavily guarded by hacking and start piling up bodies.

    Bounty Hunter Sniper, 4 Brawler Assault Hackers: Next time someone claims Dahshat sucks at hacking, throw this one at them. A great way to turn those deployable repeaters and Fanous remotes into serious threats.

    Zuyong Haris, 2 Zuyong HMG TacAware: The "second group special." It chews on your SWC mightily, but it's also 6 orders on its own, and that's more than enough to inflict a lot of pain with either of the HMGs.

    Zuyong HMG TacAware, Zuyong Haris, Rui Shi, Sforza FTO, Valerya Gromoz, 3 ABH SMGs: Your eyes do not deceive you, there are 8 members of this "fireteam." The trick here is that all these models may form whatever fireteams they want, since they're all Zuyong or wildcards. The only restriction is that the haris Zuyong must lead the haris team, but beyond that you can decide exactly how you configure these teams at game-time. You can also apply this concept to other fireteams like Brawlers to create flexible ad-hoc options.
    #2 KestrelM1, Jul 16, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  3. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    The Units of Dahshat Company

    Home to a diverse array of wonderful profiles, the troops of Dahshat company have a bit of something for everyone. Whether you're tickled by swarms of LI and remotes or into the thunderous footfalls of HI and TAGs, Dahshat has you covered - sometimes all at the same time! With cheap and premium options in nearly every role, you'll find that Dahshat can be readily customized to your target scenario or player preference.

    For the purposes of this guide I chose to sort the units by what I consider their "niche factor." By that I mean I will begin with units that I consider to have the broadest applicability, and work my way through to the units that are a bit more narrow in application and are suited more toward more specific tasks or missions. To give you some idea, this guide will begin with the Yaoxie Rui Shi, arguably the sectorial's premium attacking piece, and will conclude with the Shaytaniyah (guided missile launcher) remote, which requires significant list-building considerations to use effectively.

    Importantly, this is not a power ranking. Instead consider it a list of recommendations based on my personal preference and play experience.

    Summary: Fast, cheap firepower effective against virtually any target, the Rui Shi is a murder machine par excellence.

    - High speed allows closing to ideal ranges and inflicting follow-up damage quickly.
    - Inbuilt repeater makes supportware easy to provide.
    - Core team linkability allows for extremely potent offensive firepower.

    - Fragile, requires a hacker or TAG to field, for which Dahshat has limited options.
    - Silhouette 4 and no prone option can make deployment and maneuvering difficult.
    - Fireteam linkability diminishes some of the Rui Shi's strengths.

    - Spitfire: It's got an MSV2 and a spitfire and somehow only costs 20 points. Not that you have a choice, but this is the option you want. This profile very much sets the bar for firepower in Dahshat Company, as with supportware and in a full core it spits five dice worth of shock ammo on 18s, ignoring virtually all visual modifiers. This extreme offense in a fireteam comes at a bit of a cost: shackling the Rui Shi to 4-4 troops that may not want to end up in the same area as the Rui Shi when an attack run is concluded. It also ballons the effective cost of the remote, especially if it is the only headliner in the team. Long story short, do not be afraid of fielding the Rui Shi in a smaller haris or as a solo piece. Fielding it without supportware is questionable, but it does not need to be linked to gunfight well, and may actually do its job better without having to tow along friends. Finally, though the Rui Shi is certainly powerful, it is not the be-all-end-all for firepower, and it tends to warp a list around itself when included. Learning to make lists without the Rui Shi will significantly expand your options in Dahshat and help you fully appreciate everything the faction has to offer.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Try launching smoke into close proximity of enemy units. Then the Rui Shi can move into the smoke within 8" of the target and force a change facing ARO. This allows shooting without fear of retaliation. Just beware targets with sixth sense.
    - The Repeater can be used as an offensive and defensive tool as well. Hacking through a Rui Shi with a tinbot-linked Valerya imposes a -9 on non-KHD hackers.
    - The safety of a smoke template is a great place to go into suppression fire at the end of a turn. Suppression with a good field of view makes the Rui Shi much more difficult to take out.

    Summary: Extremely cheap, effective skirmishers, with many options for both attacking and defending space, Hunzakuts are Dahshat's frontline and one of their most versatile troops.

    - Camouflaged, infiltrating specialists with WIP14 are a potent tool for many ITS missions.
    - Synergizes very well with other Dahshat pieces such as Libertos and Traktor Mul MRLs.
    - Cheap enough to take multiple quite often, giving both backup and more board presence.

    - Irregular status can make combat group configuration a bit awkward.
    - Deployable repeater can be difficult to use well due to Dahshat's limited hacking presence.
    - Non-FO profiles have a significant opportunity cost.

    - Rifle + Light Grenade Launcher, Antipersonnel Mines: One of Dahshat's better-kept secrets, this profile can catch take the opponent off guard. The combination of camo state and speculative fire means enemy players may not properly space out their models, allowing this Hunzakut profile to inflict serious damage. It may be a bit inconsistent, but Dahshat is capable of providing a deep order pool without sacrificing supporting firepower. This is one model that's also well worthwhile trying to infliltrate onto your opponent's deployment edge if you spot an opportunity for a direct fire LGL shot, or simply some good targets for camo rifle fire.

    - Sniper Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines: A difficult pick over the other two profiles, the sniper nevertheless has two niches in Dahshat. It's the only long-range marker state profile in Dahshat, and can admirably fill that role. It can also be used as an oblique angle attacker, aiming to access the opponent's deployment zone and pick off soft targets from angles and ranges the opponent is not expecting.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Antipersonnel Mines, Forward Observer: The default choice. Beyond the obvious utility of an infiltrating WIP14 specialist, this profile has a lot of internal synergies that make it extremely versatile. The combination of shotgun, rifle, and flash pulse gives this profile strong offensive and defensive options at any range up to 24". Surprise shot forward observer attacks can also provide an opportunity for allied LGLs or guided weapons to attack with impunity.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - The LGL can combine speculative fire with surprise shot to inflict a substantial -9 dodge penalty on enemy REM and motorcycle units.
    - With access to mines and a light shotgun, the FO profile is capable of inflicting no-win situations on enemy fireteams or clustered troops.
    - Don't be afraid to attempt to infiltrate past the center line if the situation calls for it. Hunzakuts are great at hunting down soft targets within enemy deployment zones, and are cheap enough that failure won't make or break your game plan.

    Summary: With the ability to join any Dahshat fireteam, Valerya is a versatile and affordable hacker. Because she fits nearly anywhere, she's the faction's go-to for most hacking needs.

    - Can be included in a fireteam with a Zuyong Tinbot, giving her much better defense against enemy hacking attempts.
    - Can accomplish a large number of ITS10 classified objectives thanks to Character (and therefore Veteran) status.
    - Mix of offensive and support programs means she's still a worth inclusion even without any hackable enemy targets.

    - Unlikely to have significant hacking backup, she and any repeaters acompanying her must be kept well clear of enemy KHDs.
    - While the standard hacking device has a large variety of programs, most are quite basic in terms of damage/effect. Even when fully supported, Valerya may not provide reliable utility against hackable targets.
    - As a frequent supplier of supportware, including Valerya in large fireteams can sometimes make their activation awkward.

    - Combi Rifle + Pitcher: The only choice, this 1-point upgrade over a Ghulam hacker provides a pitcher, the expel program, and character status. Like all hackers, she unlocks access to remotes, enabling the deployment of some of Dahshat's best gunfighters and utility pieces. Unlike other hackers, she can join any Dahshat fireteam, whether it be a tinbot-protected Zuyong haris, or simply as a warm body in a Ghulam core. Her pitcher also greatly enhances her reach over other hackers, allowing offensive hacking attempts without having to get too close for comfort. Just be aware of where you're dropping said deployables, as even with the protection of a tinbot and firewall mods, Valerya is a W1 BTS0 target, and may not survive a misplaced repeater.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - In a full core fireteam, Valerya can fire two pitcher rounds up to 48" on 8s, giving her a 64% chance to land at least one repeater at extremely long range. Even if she fails, a baggage bot can reload her to try again.
    - Though repeaters can be a liability, in combination with a linked tinbot they provide Valerya with a -9 modifier against non-KHD hackers.
    - Against multiwound enemy hackers, strongly consider the blackout program over brain blast or "gotcha!" Blackout has higher damage and will render the enemy defenseless against further hacking attacks.

    Summary: Reliable, straightforward, and aggressively priced, Zuyong form the core of Dahshat's heavy hitters.

    - Affordable HI with a large variety of useful profiles, Zuyong are very streamlined and competitively priced.
    - Tactical awareness adds even more order potency to an already order-glutted sectorial.
    - Ability to link with Bounty Hunters and other wildcards means HI-fireteam-level firepower without HI-fireteam-level prices.

    - Hackability can be a major liability without KHDs to manage opposing hackers.
    - Fireteams can get SWC-intensive, edging out backup firepower.
    - While there are specialist profiles available, there are often better options for fewer points.

    - Combi Rifle: Though an HI with a combi rifle is rarely bad, you should probably consider the FO or Paramedic unless you are trying to minimize specialists or are desperate for 1 point. Can serve as a decoy lieutenant, but is expensive for that role.

    - Combi Rifle + TinBot B: Similarly to the basic combi, you should almost alway shell out the extra 4 points for the fireteam: haris profile. Consider this only if you're desperate for spare points.

    - HMG: Yet again, there are multiple cheap and extremely effective upgrade options for this profile. You should almost always cut other aspects of your list to upgrade this to tactical awareness.

    - Boarding Shotgun: Niche but cheap, this profile makes for a great fireteam role-player and should not be underestimated. Boarding shotgun shots on 22s in a full fireteam are deadly.

    - MULTI Rifle: Also a great fireteam role-player, this profile offers premium firepower at zero SWC. The only challenge is getting it into a good range, but once there it's capable of taking on virtually anything.

    - Missile Launcher, Light Shotgun: Dahshat's premium ARO piece, the missile launcher Zuyong is surprisingly versatile if handled correctly. The light shotgun and breaker pistols mean this profile is still extremely dangerous up close, and while the missile launcher has limited offensive burst, in a fireteam it is still extremely strong against clustered enemies.

    - HMG, AutomediKit: A solid profile, but significantly outshined by the lieutenant and tactical awareness profiles coming later. Useful if you're the kind of person that likes their decoy lieutenants to be as deadly as possible.

    - Combi Rifle, Forward Observer: The go-to fireteam filler, the Zuyong FO not only pushes buttons but makes good use of flash pulse to defend itself in the 16-24" rangeband. FOs also have great synergy in Dahshat thanks the cheap availability of LGLs and guided munitions. Don't shy away from fielding this piece solo, either. Having a specialist that can sprint past a mine without caring is a great asset.

    - Combi Rifle, Paramedic: Though it lacks the supplemental weapon and utility of the FO, this profile is still worth considering for fireteam filler. As Zuyong can't fireteam with any proper doctors, this profile is a solid, if unreliable way to revive fallen teammates further up the field. Generally best in aggressive Zuyong teams you plan to advance outside your deployment zone. Sometimes it's better spending a single order on a moderate odds revive rather than several orders on a high odds option.

    - Combi Rifle Lieutenant: Lieutenant choice tends to gravitate toward Ghulam in Dahshat, but definitely don't neglect this profile from time to time. It will shine in scenarios where there is a target on your LT's head, and the cost is extremely reasonable for the durability and safety it provides. Be aware that being hackable opens you up to things like the oblivion program, but the vastly increased survavibilty against conventional attack more than makes up for that additional vulnerability.

    - HMG, AutomediKit Lieutenant: This, on the other hand, is the Cadillac lieutenant option. Though expensive in points, it features a very useful 0.5 SWC discount over its main competitor, the tacaware HMG. A BS13 2W HMG is by far best throughput you're going to get for your LT order in Dahshat, and with savvy play it's not difficult to find low-risk ways to utilize this firepower. Non-lethal ARO pieces like Warcors or flash pulse remotes are great targets for this profile, allowing you to clear the way for your regular orders to shine without any significant risk beyond revealing your lieutenant.

    - Combi Rifle, Tactical Awareness, TinBot B, Fireteam Haris: The amount of utility packed into this single profile is glorious to behold. Protecting every member of a fireteam with a -6 penalty to hacking goes an extremely long way toward mitigating the hacking vulnerability of Zuyong, Rui Shi, and Valerya Gromoz. Given Dahshat's limited hacking presence, the combination of this profile and Valerya in a fireteam will be a very common sight in any Dahshat list attempting to take hacking seriously. The haris ability lets this profile form potent and compact fireteams with some of Dahshat's best gunfighters. And on top of all that, you get a free order from tactical awareness? Sign me up!

    - Combi Rifle, Number 2: I don't know why this profile exists. The incredibly marginal utility gained from number 2 is not even worth losing the "decoy lieutenant" aspect of the basic combi profile. Pick anything else.

    - HMG, Tactical Awareness: Alongside the Rui Shi, this is the other benchmark for firepower in this sectorial. Though other HI HMGs might pack fun toys like MSV, Full Auto, or TO Camo, the HMG tacaware Zuyong brings along arguably the greatest utility of all: an extra order. There's not really much more to say about this profile: if you're not seeing the incredible potential of an HI HMG that can join fireteams and brings its own extra order, all at the barebones price of 38/1.5, just give it a try. Put it in a core, put it in a haris, run it on its own. Do all those things in the same list. This profile rarely fails to impress.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Mixing one or two non-hackable members into a Zuyong fireteam can help to escape hacking traps.
    - A haris of tinbot Zuyong, Valerya, and virtually any headliner is a force to be reckoned with.
    - Within 8", and can't choose between combi and breaker pistols? Here's a handy cheat sheet:
    BTS 0: Choose pistols if ARM > 1
    BTS 3: Choose pistols if ARM > 3
    BTS 6: Choose pistols if ARM > 4
    BTS 9: Choose pistols if ARM > 6

    Summary: Wildcard line infantry with several strong profiles, these reasonably-priced troopers can serve as headliner, role-player, or filler in any Dahshat fireteam. Booty is fickle, but gives the potential to punch far above their cost.

    - Provide premium weapons at low cost. SMG profile in particular is top shelf fireteam filler.
    - Several booty rolls are extremely high-impact, and with likely multiple chances per game, the odds of getting something good are fairly high.
    - Low SWC cost on headliner options makes for great supplementary firepower.

    - No specialist profile means that fireteams heavy on ABHs will be less capable of button pushing than other options.
    - Headliner options are sometimes outshined by slightly more premium (e.g. Brawler sniper) or slightly cheaper (e.g. Ghulam sniper) profiles.
    - Booty is a fickle mistress, and planning around potentially getting a motorcycle can be a headache.

    - Combi Rifle: The basic and the classic, the combi rifle ABH feels just a touch pricy these days. If you're looking for pure fireteam filler, the SMG profile below is going to be the natural go-to. The combi may be worth bringing out on occasion, though, as it does cover a rangeband for which the SMG/AK does not have a good weapon. Primarily I'd look to include this in a fireteam that is lacking a rifle from some other member, otherwise I'll usually default to the SMG.

    - Boarding Shotgun: The role-player of the ABH family, this profile gets neglected a lot since it shares an ideal range with the SMG but costs a bit more. The small increase in price does earn you an impact template, which no other Bounty Hunter can provide even after a roll on the booty L2 table. Given that ABH-heavy teams are often laden with SMGs and therefore quite comfortable in close quarters, consider this profile from time to time as an offensive option versus clustered troops.

    - Sniper Rifle, 2 Breaker Pistols: Sporting a pair of breaker pistols for close encounters, this is probably the most versatile of the Bounty Hunters. It can be used as an ARO piece, but it's also capable of a solid offensive punch, particularly if it can leverage the sniper's generous rangeband. Like all the ABH profiles, this one benefits immensely from the ability to headline any fireteam. It makes for a great 6th member (see The Art of Fireteam Composition), and is quite often used as a primary ARO roadblock in Dahshat, a role for which it is very well-suited in terms of price and equipment. A final note: unless you are facing down a horde of dogged warbands and the sniper is your only hope, roll for booty L2. For every game you get a motorcycle, there will be three games where you roll mimetism, MSV1, or ODD, and even more where you get panzerfaust, +ARM, a rifle, or a flash pulse. It's worth the risk.

    - Spitfire: Another classic profile that's a bit outshined by the newer girl in town, this nevertheless is a solid, well-priced burst 4 option that goes into any fireteam. To avoid repeating myself I'll just refer you to the red fury profile below, as most things that can be said about that can be said about this. If you've got an extra point and 0.5 SWC, upgrade to this profile, otherwise stick to the red fury.

    - Red Fury: The spitfire's younger, slimmer cousin. This profile's primary strength is its paltry 0.5 SWC cost, something that is a huge boon in the SWC-hungry Dahshat. Burst 4 solves a lot of problems, and as this profile can go in any fireteam, it makes a fantastic primary or backup headliner. It covers rangebands for which Ghulam and Brawlers lack high burst options, helping supplement their firepower considerably. In Zuyong teams it does have to compete with the Rui Shi, but given that it requires fewer list-building considerations and uses far less SWC, it still has a solid place. This profile is also a great solo piece or companion in a duo, and the price is such that taking multiple isn't a crazy idea.

    - Submachine Gun, Akrylat-Kanone, Breaker Pistol: S-tier fireteam filler, this is probably the profile you'll be using the most. This loadout has a large number of strengths, but it's the 12 point cost that really stands out. The loss of firepower in the 8-16" rangeband compared to the combi is more than balanced by the SMG's excellent ammo options and the AK's long-range knockout potential. This is before you get to rolling booty, as virtually any result supplements this profile's equipment beautifully. It goes virtually anywhere you want - in fireteams as a supplemental model or three, on its own as a throwaway ARO piece, as a 6th member of a fireteam in case of death, or simply as a stable order generator that can go on the offensive if needed. If somehow you're not convinced already, take a few of these in your next game. After the first time you roll HMG or MULTI sniper for one of these humble profiles, I guarantee you'll be hooked.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Coordinated orders with multiple akrylat-kanone Bounty Hunters are a great way to take out problematic enemy models.
    - If rolling a motorcycle would potentially ruin your game plan, you can always opt to roll on booty level 1 instead.
    - It's easy to forget, but Bounty Hunters do have the stealth special skill. Use this to attack enemies from behind or bypass inconvenient jammers.

    Summary: Absurdly cheap, deadly gunfighters with a variety of weapons and a ton of useful features, it's hard not to take at least one of these in your lists.

    - Contribute to camo count for very few points, helping obfuscate your Hunzakuts, Zhencha, and potentially Saito.
    - Hyper-dynamics, mimetism, dogged, and potent ARO options make these incredibly difficult to dislodge relative to their cost.
    - Retaining mimetism after losing camouflage vastly increases their gunfighting efficieny.

    - Between these and Hunzakuts you can fill up on irregular orders, which can make combat grouping awkward.
    - Minelayer profile eats into SWC very quickly without providing SWC-level firepower.
    - You can only take two, making the choice between profiles difficult.

    - Light Shotgun, Chain-colt, Antipersonnel Mines, Minelayer: Pay the extra point for mimetism

    - Submachine Gun, Chain-colt, D.E.P.: See above

    - Light Shotgun, Chain-colt, Antipersonnel Mines, Minelayer, Mimetism: An absolutely amazing weapon loadout for 11 points, this is the more defensive oriented profile. In that role you can think of this profile like purchasing a pair of mines: one that works in the conventional sense, the other of which has both a direct and impact template as well as the option to dodge. Between the two of them they can seriously blunt an enemy advance, particularly fireteams that are not eager to let their inactive members be hit by stray shotgun rounds. Which isn't to say this profile isn't capable of going on the offensive, as planting its two remaining mines before going on to engage an enemy fireteam with a shotgun is certainly a good plan. The SMG tends to be more potent against single targets, though, and is cheaper on both points and SWC. So this is generally the option you'd pick if you're looking to slow down the enemy rather than take the fight to them.

    - Submachine Gun, Chain-colt, D.E.P., Mimetism: Another fantastic panopoly of firepower, the submachine gun version of the Libertos fights like a Zhencha but costs like a Keisotsu. Between surprise shot D.E.P.s and good old-fashioned mimetic SMG fire, this model is a terror to anything it can get close to. And with camouflage to shield its approach, getting close is usually not an issue. Like the light shotgun model, this profile can also play defense, either via suppression fire or simply firing a D.E.P. or chain-colt at anything unfortunate enough to walk by. Considering it has mimetism and the ability to dodge on 16s, taking this model out after it reveals itself is no simple task. While the minelayer asks for a significant portion of your SWC to do its job, this profile asks nothing besides a slot in a combat group, and it's tough to think of a Dahshat list that wouldn't be bettered by the inclusion of at least one of these hyper-efficient killers.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Hyper-dynamics L2 makes these a solid way to clear the midfield of pesky mines and perimeter weapons, even if it does make dogged less useful in the process. Better to lose a Liberto than a specialist Hunzakut.
    - Get your SWC worth out of the minelayer - sinking two orders into simply planting two more mines greatly increases the ROI of that profile. You can also coordinate with Hunzakuts to create entire minefields in short order.
    - Save your D.E.P. for targets out of cover or those without an ARO. Only consider it as an ARO if the odds are very in your favor, as the safety provided by the camo state is too great to give up easily.

    Summary: Cheap, capable, and often accompanied by Traktor Muls, Dozers are Dahshat's premier engineer and a common sight in many lists.

    - Unlocks Traktor Mul deployment, which provide extremely cheap orders and indirect fire weapons.
    - Makes remote-heavy lists much more resilient.
    - Upgraded PH and courage give stronger ARO options than typical LI.

    - Standard rifle means this unit can have trouble fighting its way to objectives on its own.
    - Ariadnan origin means no cube, making revival unreliable.
    - AVA 1 means getting backup engineers is costly.

    - Rifle, D-Charges: Earns you an engineer for 13 points. Though you're likely to spring the extra point for the ability to field Traktor Muls, keep in mind they're not absolutely mandatory. Sometimes all you really need is the engineer ability, and this profile has you covered.

    - Rifle, Akrylat-Kanone: Trades out D-Charges for a solid long-range weapon. This profile is the most niche of the three, as the Dozer lacks any special skills or linkability to make the akrylat-kanone a reliable offensive weapon. If you have an extra point lying around and don't need Traktors, you could spring for this, but it's a very minor upgrade.

    - Rifle, D-Charges, Traktor Mul Control Device: The reason we're all here: a single point over the base profile unlocks the ability to field Traktor Muls, which at worst provide two additional orders and 50 VP for 10 points. They also have some potent and cheap indirect fire options, making them quite versatile little remotes. The profile itself is a very solid engineer, sporting a standard WIP13 and an above-standard PH11. The Dozer's biggest weakness is its basic rifle, but it should only be used in emergency situations anyway. Generally you'll be looking to revive or repair your big guns and let them do the walking.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - If you happen to be in retreat, this unit can act normally, giving you a chance to revive some baggage bots and get yourself out of the situation.
    - The akrylat-kanone can be quite useful for coordinated order attacks, and the Dozer is great bait to tempt your opponent into shooting back.
    - PH11 means AROing with dodge is almost always a solid option.

    Summary: Cheap, fast, and innocuous, these helper bots offer hugely extended reach and speed to your revival specialists.

    - 6-4 movement and S1 means these remotes can reach distant troopers faster and potentially more safely than their controller.
    - AVA4 in Dahshat means you can take a couple extra for secodary tasks, like minesweeping or defensive discover/alert.
    - Ability to cover swarms of repairable targets without exposing the actual engineer is a huge boon.

    - Not compatible with fireteams or coordinated orders.
    - 3 point chunks add up quickly in Dahshat, which has many excellent low-cost profiles and upgrades.
    - Yet another remote without an offensive weapon, which Dahshat is prone to oversaturate.

    - Electric Pulse: It's got mimetism and it's like having an extra engineer/doctor on the field for a paltry 3 points. More impressively, the little remote boasts a 6-4 speed, so in addition to letting you cover yet another area of the table, these little remotes can reposition quite quickly. While unfortunately their REM classification means they can't cautious move or go prone, generally you'll be wanting to activate this model to do any healing under fire. Just be cautious you don't catch any template weapons on the way, or you may end up causing more harm than good. Given that Dahshat's doctors and engineers are usually not very interested in combat, a Nasmat or two is a staple for the faction's specialists.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Place base-to-base with a Maghariba if you are worried about possession, as being engaged with a Nasmat will make it difficult for the possessed Maghariba to spend orders.
    - Placing these next to vulnerable targets with complementary LoF will help prevent back attacks.
    - Though weaponless, the Nasmat is still plenty capable of discovering and accomplishing classifieds like extreme prejudice.

    Summary: Offering a cut-rate mix of regular orders and indirect firepower, Traktor Muls are more than worth the price of admission.

    - Ludicrously cheap regular orders and support weaponry.
    - Discount guided missiles with some features that are lacking on traditional GML bots.
    - Baggage gives them hefty scoring potential in zone control scenarios, and the ability to reload friendly troops sometimes comes in handy.

    - Inferior stats on everything except ARM make these very vulnerable to attack.
    - Requires Dozer to field, off-setting low cost.
    - Quickly consumes real estate in deployment zones due to S4. On some tables it may be impossible to hide.

    - Minesweeper: It's a 5-point regular order with a piece of equipment and a skill that may sometimes come in handy. Mostly you're going to take these to bulk out order pools at very low cost, and do your best to keep them away from any serious fighting.

    - Katyusha MRL: A remote with the ability to shoot guided ammunition for only 11 points and 1 SWC. Given that FO equipment is reasonably common in Dahshat and available on infiltrating units, this is definitely a profile you should try from time to time. The inferior BS and loss of AP compared to the Shaytaniyah is adequately compensated by the low cost and the fact that this weapon can speculative fire. Though the rangebands aren't great, it's still a nice option if you happen to have a cluster of enemies within 16" or close enough that you can move into position. Don't forget this is still a remote and therefore you can buff it with marksmanship if the targets call for it.

    - Uragan MRL: Gets a bit out of the "cheap" territory, but in exchange you get a burst 3 impact template with a variety of modes. While the BS10 and rifle-like rangebands mean this remote isn't going to be a reliable killer, it can punish bad positioning by your opponent with its template mode. Like its katyusha brother, it can shoot guided as well as speculative munitions, giving it a lot of vectors for attack. While Dahshat has many attacking pieces I'd recommend before this remote, it's certainly something you should try out from time to time and will be a very unexpected drop.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Don't neglect the minesweeper piece of equipment. Despite the Traktor's low WIP, minesweeper has generous rangebands and ignores all modifiers.
    - Speculative fire is less reliable than guided fire, but also doesn't have to be centered over the target; sometimes hitting four enemies on a 10 is better than hitting one on a 16.
    - Be very cognizant of where you are placing other troopers relative to Traktor Muls, as they are ideal targets for impact templates.

    Summary: Bulky, deadly, and very difficult to stop, McMurrough is a master of short-range death-dealing.

    - Multiple vectors of attack make McMurrough very difficult to lock down.
    - Extremely reliable smoke helps conserve orders and makes the big dog tough to take down in F2F without MSV2.
    - Total immunity, berserk, and high CC skill make McMurrough capable of taking out virtually anything in CC.

    - Impetuous, super-jump, and silhouette 6 can make the impetuous order difficult to spend without drawing multiple AROs.
    - Lack of even a pistol means targets outside 16" are completely safe from harm.
    - Inability to take cover mitigates effectiveness of ARM4 plus total immunity; even rifle hits still cause wounds 45% of the time.

    - 2 Chain Rifles, Grenades, Smoke Grenades, Templar CCW: It's the one you get, but boy is it a profile. McMurrough is a master of close-quarters fighting, both direct and indirect. Against clusters of troops he can unleash his double chain rifles or go for speculative fire grenades on 13s, and against single targets his CCW is usually more than adequate for taking down the target. With super-jump and the ability to throw smoke grenades directly on 19s or speculatively on 13s, keeping McMurrough away from juicy targets can be a futile exercise. This profile has a multitude of options for both attack and defense - while throwing smoke on 19s is a very viable method of avoiding fire, utilizing his kinematika L2 to get 4" dodges is sometimes the more effective option.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Throwing grenades directly at 8-16" is still on 13s, giving a potentially deadly ARO option in lieu of smoke.
    - Instead of using McMurrough as a first-turn missile, try keeping him in your back lines and unleashing him only once the game has progressed. Usually opponents will lack the resources to deal with him effectively.
    - McMurrough unconscious far up the field, too far for your doctor to reach? Fire a medikit at him, as he revives on 13s.

    Summary: The poster children for versatility, these line infantry offer both cheap and premium options in a variety of roles, and WIP14 makes their specialist profiles quite reliable.

    - Huge variety of loadouts means there's a profile for every job.
    - Rifle + light shotgun gives a variety of attack and defense options.
    - WIP14 makes lieutenant, hacking device, doctor plus, and forward observer very potent options.

    - Still basic line infantry, so spending multiple SWC on them may not be wise.
    - Light shotgun's lack of a non-template mode can sometimes prevent its use, and loss of burst over combi rifle makes it a bit less reliable.
    - WIP14 incurs extra cost but does little for non-specialist profiles.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun: Your basic line infantry, with a couple of claims to fame. First is WIP14, which doesn't do this profile much good, but the rifle + light shotgun equipment makes them rather unique as LI go. Being able to threaten enemy units with an impact template makes these troops uniquely suited as anti-fireteam or anti-cluster basic troops, and it also gives them a very powerful ARO option at short distances. For this versatility you give up the 0-8" rangeband of the typical combi rifle, but with careful planning you can usually get more mileage out of this setup instead. Being in a fireteam goes a very long way to improving the reliability of the light shotgun, but there's nothing wrong with taking a couple of these troops on their own. Generally, unless you're looking to field decoy lieutenants, you'll want to pay the extra point for forward observer, as it allows them to put their high WIP to good use.

    - HMG: A no-frills heavy machine gun that can be in a core fireteam, this is by far the best option for offense available to Ghulam. BS11 doesn't matter all that much when you're getting 5 shots with a pair of friends, and matters even less when you're getting +3 BS from a full team. While it probably won't be your best option, with a full fireteam behind him this profile is capable of winning all but the most lopsided firefights in your active turn. That said, being in Dahshat means this profile must compete with the red fury Bounty Hunter, who offers superior BS and potentially superior equipment at the expense of range and damage. The choice really comes down to what you want your Ghulam team to accomplish: teams aiming to stay in their deployment zone and hold down the fort will generally prefer this HMG, while those aiming to get into the midfield and push buttons will likely be better off with the ABH. This profile also makes for a good solo piece, but if you're doing that you may want to go for the lieutenant option below.

    - Rifle + Light Grenade Launcher: This is another profile that you should consider for Ghulam teams looking to move into the midfield. It loses out on the light shotgun in exchange for a longer-range and speculative-fire-capable impact template. Generally you'll want this profile in teams that are aiming to occupy the midfield, and ideally with a decent number of forward observers to spot for enemies. Luckily since this profile can fireteam with WIP14 FOs himself, you can make a pretty solid spec-fire package with this guy along for the ride. Just be aware that the 1 SWC can sap heavy weapons from the rest of your army, so you may want to have the rest of your Ghulam travel light.

    - Missile Launcher: Costs quite a bucket of SWC at 1.5, but delivers one of the most dangerous ARO weapons in the game at a bargain price. This isn't a profile you should expect to reliably win firefights, but it will force the enemy to carefully consider their approach. Threatening both splash damage as well as much deadlier hits on lucky rolls, this profile can and will put a stop to even the heartiest offensive threats in a way that the sniper can't. In a dedicated defensive ghulam core this is probably your best headliner if you can spare the SWC.

    - Sniper Rifle: A paltry 0.5 SWC and 4 points over the basic profile gets you this fantastic swing piece, capable of both active turn and ARO duties if positioned well. Like the missile launcher you shouldn't expect this profile to reliably win firefights, but it can and will pin down shorter-ranged troops and enemy warbands. Though it lacks the AP + EXP and template of the missile launcher, damage 15 with shock ammo will still cause the majority of targets pause, especially if backed by 4 other fireteam members. This is probably your best headliner for a defensive Ghulam core that wants to dabble in a bit of offense, or anytime you can think of better uses for your SWC than upgrading to the missile launcher.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Panzerfaust: Got extra SWC, and can't decide how to spend it? Upgrade a couple Ghulam to the panzerfaust and supplement your line trooper loadout with a couple of explosions. Works great in a core as a temporary / ablative ARO piece, and is also great for coordinated orders. Worth fielding as a solo piece every once in a while to put the fear of Allah into enemy warbands. If you're looking for a dedicated ARO piece, the sniper is only 1 point away, but this profile covers a broader set of rangebands and makes a great complement.

    - Hacking Device: The first profile to make good use of WIP14, this is a serviceable hacker and one of your only two options for a standard hacking device in this faction. Unfortunately the 1 point upgrade to Valerya gets you a pitcher, wildcard, and veteran status, so this will probably be the lesser used of the two. Still, if you are not planning to do anything but sit in the rear and provide supportware for a Rui Shi, this profile does save you 1 point for other models. These can be awkward to include in fireteams since declaring supportware or other hacking functions can sometimes put the rest of the fireteam at risk, so generally you'll want one of these on their own or only as a backup member of a core.

    - Doctor Plus: Yet another fantastic use of the Ghulam's naturally high WIP, the doctor plus has a number of advantages over the doctors of other factions. First and most obvious, the doctor plus ability means this gal can revive her fallen comrades on a startlingly high 17, making her a reliable way to keep even those pesky, cube-less Ariadnan soldiers on their feet. Second, since she is a proper Ghulam and not a separate profile, she can be a part of Ghulam fireteams, acting as a warm body for bonuses and threatening to restore the team to full strength unless taken care of. She's also just fine on her own with a Nasmat or two, and she makes lists relying on Zuyong, ABHs, or Odalisques that much more reliable. She makes an ideal 6th member of a fireteam as well, so slot her in and get to healing.

    - Forward Observer: Earlier in the guide I said that the ABH SMG was S-tier fireteam filler. This is its competition. While the Ghulam FO lacks the linking versatility that wildcard provides, it packs a nearly perfect trio of weapons and equipment that make it extremely versatile. First and foremost, it's a cheap WIP14 specialist, but it also gets to put that WIP to use with its flash pulse on defense and potentially on offense. The fantastic coverage of the rifle, light shotgun, and flash pulse rangebands mean this profile will rarely go down without a fight, especially if it's still receiving fireteam benefits. Add the fact that you can casually toss 3 of these on the end of any Ghulam core for very little cost, and you'll find a profile that's very hard to beat for sheer utility. Most Ghulam cores should start with 2-3 of these, and deviate only for very good reason.

    - Deployable Repeater, E/Mauler: Here's one of the good reasons to deviate. While the deployable repeater is a bit tough to utilize in Dahshat, E/Maulers are not to to be trifled with. They're capable of stopping basically anything in its tracks, no matter how tough, and are a great way to make areas inaccessible in a hurry. I'd strongly consider one of these in any mission where there are objectives close to or in your deployment zone, as an e/mauler will make access a much more difficult prospect. Fireteam membership is quite optional for this profile, so feel free to include it without any other Ghulam as backup.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Lieutenant: Likely the most common choice for lieutenant in Dahshat, this profile combines cheapness with the classic WIP14 you've come to expect from Ghulam. A paltry 12 points means you can usually safely hide this profile deep in your deployment zone and simply let the rest of your list do the talking. Decoys are fairly cheap too, either in the form of additional basic Ghulam or more exotic options like Bashi or Sforza. Field it, love it, learn to keep it safe.

    - HMG, Lieutenant: A lieutenant option for those who like to get more than a little bit of firepower out of their lieutenant order, the HMG comes with an attractive 0.5 SWC discount over its non-LT sibling. Best used as backup firepower or a way to clear soft AROs like Warcors or flash pulse remotes, the HMG lieutenant is a worthy upgrade if you can find the 8 points and 0.5 SWC to upgrade over the basic Ghulam.

    - Missile Launcher, Lieutenant: One of the more bizzare options available, I can only speculate that this profile's primary strength is that nobody will ever guess that it is your lieutenant. May have very niche use in scenarios like The Grid where spending a lieutenant order on anti-material weapons might be helpful, but there are almost certainly better ways to go about it.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Don't be afraid to go for long-range shotgun AROs if you'll clip inactive models. You may lose the direct face-to-face, but being able to inflict unopposed damage on bystanders is generally worth the risk.
    - As with akrylat-kanones, coordinated panzerfaust shots are a great way to take out problematic enemy pieces.
    - Always be aware of potential template angles when deploying these troops. Being unable to fire your weapon without hitting a friendly model takes away a lot of the power of the rifle + light shotgun. Prone is your friend, even if you're not on a rooftop.

    Summary: Like that min-maxing barbarian in your party that dumped WIS for STR and CON, Brawlers sacrifice WIP to min-max their combat potential. Premium line infantry at a reasonable cost.

    - Non-standard weapon load-outs that are rare or unique within the faction.
    - Very little overlap with Bounty Hunters gives mixed links a lot of versatility in potential setups.
    - Fireteam: core, haris, and duo with specialist options makes these very flexible.

    - Doctor, engineer, and assault hacker are hampered by WIP12.
    - Can't fill fireteams with specialists as efficiently as Ghulam.
    - No access to long range burst 4, unlike Ghulam or Zuyong.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun: The very basic loadout, this unfortunately is a little less attractive in a sectorial with access to Ghulam FOs. Still, it's a more capable gunfighter than its Haqq competition, and there's certainly nothing wrong with one or two of these as fireteam filler. That said you'll probably be leaning more toward ABHs or one the options below.

    - Heavy Rocket Launcher, Assault Pistol: I feel like this profile is often overlooked in favor of the MSV2 sniper coming up next, but the kit and the price on this loadout are actually an incredible deal. Heavy rocket launchers are great flex pieces in fireteams, as a burst bonus makes them solid performers in both active and reactive roles. The Brawler supplements this with an assault pistol, giving the option of burst 4+ firepower at close and medium ranges. The combination of the two makes this profile capable of extreme damage both at range and up close, all for less than you'd pay for a Ghulam HMG. The SWC tax on this profile is real, and makes it sometimes difficult to justify, but this really is an all-around great loadout and you should probably try it out sometime instead of the MSV2 sniper.

    - MULTI Sniper, Multispectral Visor L2: The most notorious of all the Brawler profiles, the MSV2 sniper has quite a reputation among the NA2 sectorials. In Dahshat it inevitably draws comparisons to the Rui Shi, but other than MSV2 and BS12 they are very different units with very different operational profiles. The Brawler sniper is a bit on the spendy side for a light infantry, but offers extremely consistent long range firepower in return. There are two main roles for this profile: anti-warband ARO piece, or long-range killer. It forms a natural complement to units with HMGs, spitfires, or red furies, as those can struggle in scenarios where they are facing down heavy visual modifiers and/or range. In those cases the sniper can step in to free up the shorter-range guns to do their killing safely. It's also a lifesaver if you're looking to stop troops relying on smoke to close the distance, and it can make large sections of the board uninhabitable for enemy warbands. It does have its weaknesses as an ARO piece: despite the MSV it's still just a BS12 MULTI sniper with a single wound, and most HMGs will reliably take it out. But against anything with shorter range, the Brawler sniper is more than capable of locking down a game.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Fireteam Haris: The ability to mix Brawlers with Bounty Hunters for a variety of load-outs makes this the most versatile of the haris profiles in Dahshat. It's also the cheapest by a large margin, so if you are looking to fit in some backup firepower without spending a lot of points, look no further than the Brawler haris.

    - Submachine Gun, Assault Hacking Device: Quite an oddball profile, the AHD Brawler attempts to make up for its weak hacking skills by being incredibly cheap - and largely succeeds. As Dahshat's cheapest hacking device, it's also the most economical gateway to remotes. It's not without faults, as WIP12 isn't exactly ideal, but in Dahshat we take what we get. Generally this is a profile you should take if you have a specific plan in mind, not something to just casually toss in a list, but at the cost of only 17/0.5 it won't break the bank either.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Engineer: Competing with the Dozer and Najjarun means this profile has some stiff competition. Both of the other options are cheaper and offer better WIP, not to mention access to Traktor Muls. The Brawler engineer's selling point, in comparison, is fireteam versatility. With the ability to core, haris, or duo, these specialists are potentially more mobile and often better-protected than the other options. I wouldn't recommend this as your primary fixer in a list that's planning to do a lot of repairs, but it makes an excellent supplement in missions that call for multiple engineers.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Doctor: If the Brawler engineer's competition is stiff, the Brawler doctor's competetion is herculean. Competing with the cheaper, effectively-WIP17 Ghulam doctor plus, as well as the massively cheaper 112 Emergency Service, you might initially assume that this profile gets relegated to the dust bin. But much like the engineer, the Brawler doctor is redeemed by its extremely flexible fireteam capability. The ability to include a doctor in a haris or duo is invaluable, as it not only gives you a safety net when shooting doesn't go your way, but a way to efficiently move a specialist toward an objective while engaging in heavy gunfighting along the way.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Lieutenant: The middle-of-the-road option between the Ghulam and the Zuyong, the Brawler lieutenant offers a heartier statline over the Ghulam for a modest increase in price. Of course it also drops your WIP to 12, which kinda offsets the advantages gained by the other stat buffs. It's also a bit more pricy to include decoy lieutenants, especially as Brawlers are capped at AVA4. I think generally you'll want to opt for the Ghulam or Zuyong unless you are committed to running a Brawler fireteam and want this model protected by fireteam bonuses.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Keep Brawlers at the forefront of your mind in scenarios that give bonuses to certain types of specialists. WIP12 is a lot less of a problem when you get +3 and roll twice to push buttons.
    - Brawler HRLs make very good reserve models, as you can lull your opponent into a false sense of security and then punish them with impact templates.
    - Quantity over quality: Brawler AHDs are cheap enough that you can take multiple, offering hacking presence that opponents may not be expecting from Dahshat.

    Summary: With a massive loadout of utility features and the ability to engage targets via multiple vectors, the Rafiq is a toolbox without compare. This speedy remote is an all-in-one attacker, button-pusher, and support.

    - Sensor can make life a lot easier against camouflage-heavy armies, and this comes at a reasonable price.
    - Huge variety of skills and weapons offers multiple angles of attack.
    - Capable gunfighting specialists are a rarity, and with a little help this model can act as its own escort to an objective.

    - BS11 means assisted fire is required to gunfight better than standard line infantry.
    - Despite decent ARO options for gunfights, the Rafiq is extremely fragile in any situation where it's forced to dodge.
    - At AVA1 and the only sensor available in Dahshat, this can have a big target on its head.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Sniffer: Sometimes you just want the basic model without having to worry about any fireteam hangups. The basic Rafiq is reasonably costed, and comes with a huge variety of skills that allow it a broad range of offensive options. Rifle + light shotgun + flash pulse is a very versatile trio, and the ability to receive marksmanship L2 via supportware makes this humble remote capable of significant offense. Forward observer and sat-lock provide strong synergies with Dahshat's numerous indirect attack vectors. The duo profile may be only 1 point away, but it's a point you can definitely save from time to time.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Sniffer, Fireteam Duo: A single point over the base loadout unlocks the ability to join fireteams with a variety of models, including the Maghariba, Miranda, and Bounty Hunters. Bringing a non-hackable buddy along as you advance up the field is always nice, not to mention the potential synergy between the Rafiq's sensor and Miranda or the ABH boarding shotgun/SMG. This profile retains all the strengths of the base profile and while a duo certainly isn't mandatory, it is often helpful.

    - Red Fury, Sniffer, Fireteam Duo: The piece de resistance, the Rafiq red fury is Dahshat's resident gunfighter specialist. Though it gives up the impact template of the basic variant, the ability to engage targets with B4 with either marksmanship L2 or triangulated fire, while retaining all the utility provided by FO/sensor/sat-lock, makes this profile a jack-of-all-trades. Unfortunately it lives up to the "master of none" portion of the figure of speech, as it has a very basic statline and remains vulernable in the reactive turn. Still, for the cost it's tough to argue against this versatile model.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Unconscious enemies can't ARO. Look for opportunities to forward observe or sat-lock unconscious enemies with other targets nearby.
    - Triangulated fire provides consistent offense out to 48". Try to set up outside ideal rangebands and then go ham with your red fury or rifle.
    - Fanous remotes may not have any lethal weaponry, but can set up sniffer deployables to allow the Rafiq to sensor or sat-lock from complete safety.

    Summary: Cheap regular orders that double as fantastic ARO pieces, these remotes are available in large numbers in Dahshat. Reach for Fanous if you're looking to fill a combat group with reliable, flexible cheerleaders.

    - Mimetism plus flash pulse makes these remotes plenty capable of self-defense and a modicum of offense.
    - 8-point regular orders at AVA3 can bulk out a combat group in a hurry.
    - Repeater and sniffers provide offensive utility with some outside help.

    - Incapable of lethal damage, may not slow down total immunity models.
    - Widespread repeater coverage can be a mixed blessing in Dahshat.
    - Very little offensive potential without significant order investment.

    - Flash Pulse, Sniffer: Although they may lack any directly lethal tools, these humble remotes are quite a step up from basic line infantry as far as order generation goes. The combination of mimetism, WIP13, and the flash pulse means these remotes are not easy prey - to the point that they can be relied upon to safeguard modest areas of the board against enemy incursion. At AVA3 in Dahshat you can afford quite the swarm of these critters, either bulking out combat groups with tough-to-kill orders or providing moderate ARO protection, whatever the situation calls for. Their repeater and sniffer means they're also capable of indirect offense when supported by an allied Rafiq and some speculative fire attack piece. Overall, an excellent profile that easily justifies the inclusion of two or three in an army.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Coordinated sniffer placement can reveal a huge swath of board space for few orders
    - With 6-6 MOV these can be an efficient way to expand repeater coverage in a hurry.
    - I'd recommend including at least two offensive pieces in any combat group heavy on these remotes, otherwise you may find yourself with a lot of regular orders but not much to do with them.

    Summary: Dahshat's freelance generalist, Miranda combines solid shooting, solid CC, and solid button pushing to form a complete package ready for any situation. Wildcard plus specialist operative means she makes a fine addition to any fireteam.

    - ODD provides hefty safety in firefights at any range.
    - Wildcard status means this specialist operative can be slotted in anywhere, helping mitigate the lack of button pushing in certain fireteams.
    - I-kohl, monofilament CCW, and linkability grant legitimate CC potential against heavy targets.

    - Allergic to templates, which is someties at odds with her close-range weaponry.
    - Generic "specialist" rule means she's not always the best tool for the job.
    - CC skills inflate cost, but aren't quite enough to take on other CC specialists.

    - Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Monofilament CCW: My primary choice for Miranda, as it allows Miranda to engage targets efficiently without having to close to template ranges. Though it lacks the raw damage potential of the shotgun, it gives her more leeway with enemy rangebands, maximizing the utility of her ODD. The added ability to enter suppression fire and achieve a -12 defensive modifier in cover further recommends this profile. If you're looking for an effective gunfighter at moderate range who can dabble in CC and specialist tasks, look no further.

    - Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser, Monofilament CCW: The more specialized Miranda, the boarding shotgun is difficult to use well but devastating when used correctly. The +6 close-range bonus of the shotgun combined with the -6 imposed by Miranda's ODD mean that resistance is often futile against her shotgun attacks. The added ability to lay impact templates or halve ARM mean that nothing is safe from this onslaught. However, your potential range of targets may be limited by your desire to avoid running Miranda into templates, which plague the 0-8" rangeband. This loadout is perhaps best suited to fireteams where other members can take down pesky template AROs, such as Zuyong or Odalisques. But in any case, if you're looking to leverage your ODD to inflict maximum damage, this is the profile for you.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Can duo with Brawlers, Odalisques, Maghariba*, Rafiq, Sforza, Valerya, and Authorized Bounty Hunters, giving her a lot of leeway when looking for partners. (*Only if the Maghariba itself has the duo skill)
    - Getting into melee with her and 2+ fireteam members makes her a CC monster, even if it costs the life of one of her teammates.
    - Don't be afraid to engage enemies in their -3 rangeband with the combi or shotgun, as Miranda's ODD often makes retaliation impossible by inflicting a net -12 modifier.

    Summary: Sturdy, well-armed, and extremely mobile, Zhencha are capable of gaining ground where Hunzakuts fear to tread. Zhencha are a great way to add bulk to your midfield in terms of both firepower and specialists.

    - Solid ARM and V: NWI provide resilience not found on other skirmishers.
    - Climbing plus gives unmatched maneuverability.
    - Forward observer gives a variety of offensive and defensive options.

    - Hackable, and without any KHD allies to clear the way.
    - Lack of shock immunity makes tangling with mines risky.
    - Focus on short-range weaponry means more orders spent to gunfight effectively.

    - Boarding Shotgun, D-Charges, Forward Observer: Oft-ignored in favor of the SMG due to its superior burst and access to mines, the boarding shotgun is nevertheless an extremely effective offensive loadout. The combination of climbing plus, marker state, and the impact template mean this profile is very apt at closing to shotgun range and unleashing huge damage on unsuspecting targets. Whereas the SMG is more focused on taking and defending space, the shotgun profile is focused on aggressive gunfighting. Pick whichever profile suits your needs more. Small note: infiltrating camo troops with d-charges are a very efficient way to accomplish the "sabotage" classified objective.

    - Submachine Gun, D.E.P., Antipersonnel Mines, Forward Observer: The profile that gets all the attention, the submachine gun Zhencha gives up the impact template of the shotgun to instead acquire a more well-rounded set of weapons. The SMG is wonderfully versatile and cheap, and although it asks you to close to short range to use most effectively, between climbing plus and camo the Zhencha is more than up to the task. The inclusion of the D.E.P. for surprise shots or AROs extends the lethal range of the Zhencha considerably, if only once. Finally the addition of antipersonnel mines allows this profile to defend space very effectively. Digging out a supressing or camouflaged Zhencha and a couple of its mines is a daunting task. Choose this profile if you're looking to secure and control sections of the board.

    - Boarding Shotgun, Assault Hacking Device: A bit of a mixed blessing, the AHD Zhencha loses both its d-charges and forward observer in exchange for its hacking ability. While the AHD does give the Zhencha a fighting chance against other hacking devices, it also opens the Zhencha to attack by enemy killer hackers, who have access to shock ammo via trinity. The loss of the FO skill also diminishes this profile's ARO options, though access to the camo state may make that point moot. This particular model should almost always be re-camo'd at the end of every turn unless all enemy KHDs have been eliminated. All that said, if you can clear the field for this model, the combination of a hacking device and climbing plus is a potent pairing. It's ofen quite possible to make this model unreachable by conventional attacks, leaving you with an extremely effective area denial tool. All in all, this is a very specialized profile, and should be considered only for specific scenarios or game plans.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Climbing plus and a shotgun make this profile an excellent deployment zone intruder. Use the combination to infiltrate and lay templates from unexpected angles.
    - Although suppression fire is an effective tool, unless it's your final turn, strongly consider regaining camo instead, as it provides much better defense in most situations. Camo markers can't be hacked.
    - Look for opportunities to forward observe or spotlight unconscious enemy models and follow up with boarding shotgun shots to splash unfortunate bystanders on 21s.
    #3 KestrelM1, Jul 16, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
  4. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    Summary: Banking on its affordability, the 112 carves out its niche in Dahshat by offering full WIP revival potential at a paltry price. The ability to mount up on a motorcycle let it play specialized roles in certain scenarios.

    - Cheap. Really cheap. "Cheapest-doctor-in-the-game" cheap. Did I mention it costs practically nothing?
    - Impact template weapon and PH12 give more effective ARO options than most LI doctors.
    - Motorized variant offers incredible order efficiency, even if it loses the "cheap" aspect.

    - Short-range focus means it's unlikely to capture an objective by itself.
    - Non-linkable, so still able to be singled out for attack, and has to spend its own orders to move out.
    - Motorcycle precludes gaining cover, but doesn't provide an impetuous order in exchange.

    - Light Shotgun, CCW: You get all the things you need to be a good "hide in the back" doctor without any of the frills or linkability that plagues the other doctors in Dahshat. You get WIP13, PH12, courage, and a light shotgun to defend your hidey-hole against any rude incursions. This profile lives in the shadow of the Ghulam doctor plus, but if all you really want is a barebones insurance policy, saving those 4 points goes a long way in Dahshat. Just remember to give this guy a Nasmat or two, or an ARO piece to babysit, as he's not inclined to stray far from his initial position except in dire circumstances.

    - Light Shotgun, CCW, Motorcycle: Since the two unit entries are effectively two profiles of the same unit, I figured I'd just include the motorcycle here. Gaining a motorcycle and light smoke grenade launcher turns this doctor into more of a role-player in an army, able to provide smoke for both himself and his allies to move up the field and accomplish objectives. I'd actually mark that as the primary utility of this profile, the ability to efficiently cover an objective with smoke, reach it, and then retreat to your deployment zone in short order. In missions like Supplies or Capture and Protect this ability may prove invaluable, and at 20 points you can easily afford several other game plans as a backup. This profile is also capable of punishing clustered enemy deployments, but with BS11 and just a light shotgun, don't expect it to handle heavy opposition.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - If going on an attack run with the motorcycle, dismounting before engaging restores your ability to claim cover.
    - Though many Dahshat units are equipped with cubes, there are plenty who are not (e.g. Hunzakuts, Bashi Bazouks, McMurrough), so double-check before going to re-roll your doctor check with a command token.
    - Courage means this unit can act normally if you find yourself in retreat, so use the opportunity to revive as much as you can and cancel the status.

    Summary: Loud, proud, and impossible to keep down, the Maghariba offers the option of affordable TAG firepower or a veritable kitchen sink of guns and equipment. Its speed, size, and specialist pilot means it has a potential place in any gameplan.

    - Variety of equipment options allows customization to player preference.
    - S8 means that any terrain under 70mm is no obstacle, enhancing potential mobility.
    - Pilot profile is WIP14 and packs both a useful skill and a useful weapon.

    - S8 makes this TAG extremely difficult to hide from enemy heavy firepower.
    - 360 visor upgrades are very expensive, and it's questionable whether the benefit is worth the price.
    - Only Advanced ECM to defend against typical anti-TAG tactics. Hapless in CC, may lack hacking support.

    - MULTI HMG, Heavy Flamethrower: Given the price tag, you might expect the base Maghariba to sacrifice something important - like having an AP HMG instead of MULTI, or lacking a direct template. But instead for a mere 78 points you get a "full" TAG with the armament, BS, and ARM you'd expect. MULTI HMG + heavy flamethrower is a tried-and-tested combo, offering both direct firepower as well as a powerful deterrent against enemy models getting too close for comfort. With WIP14 the Maggie can make good use of the HFT for intuitive attacks, and fatality L1 makes it that much more deadly. While the flamethrower is nice, sometimes a non-F2F option isn't the best choice when facing down, say, a nearby SMG firing AP rounds. Generally using the HFT means trading wounds for damage, which the Maghariba is fully capable of doing, but if you're looking for a short-range F2F option you may want to spring for one of the pistol loadouts instead.

    - MULTI HMG, 2 Heavy Pistols: Dropping the heavy flamethrower for a more direct armament, this loadout closes the "range gap" left by the HMG and offers a burst 3 shock weapon good from 0-8". Having a short-range F2F ARO option is a huge boon when attacked from point-blank, and also means this Maghariba isn't afraid of getting into close quarters in the active turn and hosing down enemies with bullets. On the other hand, you'll likely be sad when a TO camo marker comes calling and the Maggie struggles on defense. Choosing between the pistols and flamethrower is a tough decision, as there are definitely situations where one shines over the other. You'll really just have to experiment with both and see which one works better for your typical play situations. Or you could always pay the 20 points to go halfsies and get both, as we'll discuss later.

    - MULTI HMG, Heavy Flamethrower, 360 Visor: A huge jump in price over the base profile earns you a 360 visor. If you're going to invest this much in the Maghariba you should really pay the extra point to get the mine dispenser, extra BS weapon, and duo skill on one of the profiles below. But, since we're here, we may as well talk about the 360 visor. In my personal play experience, I've found the 360 visor to be of dubious utility. Generally it seems to protect you from the unexpected - TO camo, airborne deployment, or a trooper you just can't quite pin down. However, with sufficient play experience, the number of "unexpected" attack vectors shrinks pretty drastically. The other issue is that while you may have 360 LOF, the number of places where the Maghariba can claim 360 degree cover are basically non-existent. Usually, if you're lucky, you'll get to pick one particular facing to have cover against the enemy army, and you may as well make that your LOF facing and use your other troops to cover the Maghariba's blind spot. Ultimately it feels like the 360 visor is something you don't really need if you plan ahead sufficiently, and since it massively inflates the price, you might be better served with one of the "basic" models. That said, the upgrades below do offer a great variety of firepower, so if the extra weapons are worth 20 points to you, go ahead and pay the premium, and accept the 360 visor as a bonus.

    - MULTI HMG, Heavy Flamethrower, AP Heavy Pistol, Mine Dispenser, 360 Visor, Fireteam Duo: Finally, a weapon loadout that feels like it truly represents the Maghariba's glorious model. The neapolitan ice cream of TAG loadouts, this is the one for people who just can't choose. You keep the HMG and HFT of the base version but get a 360 visor, AP heavy pistol and a mine dispenser, which allow the Maghariba to act as its own bodyguard. It also forces tough choices on models in close proximity: dodge and eat AP heavy pistol shots, or shoot and eat a heavy flamethrower hit? Duo is a fun bonus, allowing a variety of link options, though it can sometimes create logistical issues. Dedicating yourself to deploying with a duo partner forces you to either not hold the Maghariba in reserve, or severely restrict its potential deployment area if you do. And when you're putting 1/3rd of your list into a single model, you're probably going to make it your reserve. That said, when I've fielded this profile I've gotten use out of every weapon on the chassis, and I can't think of a more glowing recommendation than that.

    - MULTI HMG, 2 Heavy Flamethrowers, Mine Dispenser, 360 Visor, Fireteam Duo: If you're looking to trade TAG wounds for massive damage, this is the profile for you. While approaching close proximity to unleash direct templates is a risky maneuver for a TAG, anything unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end is guaranteed to be extra crispy. Though dodge AROs do hamper the deadliness of this attack, anything dodging is not shooting back, meaning you'll just get follow-up attempts until everything is burned to ash. Since we've gotten this far without mentioning the pilot, this seems like a good place to get into that. Paramedic and light shotgun on a pilot is an awesome loadout, not only because it's a WIP14 specialist but because it means you're never out of the fight until the Maggie is off the table completely. Zero wounds left and Dozer unconscious? No problem, just pop the hatch, revive him with a medikit, and have him fix your TAG so you can continue rampaging. Pick off an enemy or two with your +6 range BS weapon while you're at it. As if the Maghariba wasn't excellent enough, the pilot really puts this TAG over the top.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - The price of "premium" loadouts can be turned into a boon in take-and-hold scenarios like Quadrant Control. This is also where the 360 visor and mine dispenser have large utility, so strongly consider those profiles for that type of mission.
    - Mine dispenser is a great option when you can't utilize your full 10" movement, which is quite often with the bulky silhouette of the Maggie. Don't forget the weapon has speculative fire and can be reloaded by friendly baggage remotes.
    - The Maghariba's extreme bulk means it can act as mobile terrain. Objective covered by TR HMG? Slide the Maggie in to block its LoF and then move in with your specialist operative in peace.

    Summary: Although they lack the heavy weaponry found on other drop troops, Bashi Bazouk make excellent use of their holoprojector and BS weapons to inflict heavy damage behind enemy lines.

    - Dahshat's only AD troop, Bashi Bazouks are one of the few ways to attack from unexpected angles.
    - Dirt-cheap, load-outs offer a large variety of useful weapons.
    - Holoprojector L2 allows deployment even under enemy surveillance, greatly increasing potential landing zones.

    - BS11, medium range, and no SWC weapons means this troop is best suited to taking on softer targets or those unable to defend themselves.
    - Irregular troops face tough competition in Dahshat, and this profile may struggle to compete against Hunzakuts and Libertos for slots in combat groups.
    - AD: Parachutist locks in a landing zone before deployment is complete, and the one you pick may not be the one you need.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun: It's hard to go wrong with this default loadout. The rifle gives the Bashi a respectable ranged attack and the light shotgun gives a way to punish clustered troops. Deploying from a board edge means both these attacks will often come from angles your opponent isn't expecting, and the ability to surprise shot with holoprojector adds a fair bit of deadliness to the initial barrage. While the fancy weapons and equipment of some of the subsequent loadouts may be more to your liking, if you just want a generalist damage dealer that can inflict harm no matter the situation, the classic rifle + light shotgun is for you.

    - Boarding Shotgun: Suffers a bit in comparison to the rifle + light shotgun above. While the boarding shotgun does offer more specialized close-range firepower and saves a point, it also sacrifices both range and suppression fire capability. Useful if you absolutely must have maximum firepower from 0-8" or an extra point, but the rifle + light shotgun is the more versatile choice.

    - AP Rifle, 2 Breaker Pistols: Hunting big game? This is one of two profiles that has you covered. Sacrificing the light shotgun for an armor- or BTS-busting combo, this loadout gives the Bashi better odds against big, heavy targets. Just be aware that the Bashi is not a high caliber gunfighter, so you'll still want to deliver those sweet AP rounds into the rear of targets whenever possible. Going face-to-face against anything of substance may be a tall order for the humble Bashi, but the ability to walk onto a table edge and make even a TAG sweat is a lot of value for 17 points.

    - Combi Rifle, E/Mauler: The superstar loadout. It's tough to appreciate just how absurd e/maulers can be until you actually see one used. The ability to unilaterally threaten anything in the game with auto-hitting isolation and possibly IMM-2 gives this loadout a knockout punch potential that its brethren must get fairly lucky to match. Backed by the ever-reliable combi rifle, this profile sacrifices little for the ability to apply E/M damage to anything unfortunate enough to be close to its deployment. Get used to doing the e/mauler shuffle - plant the deployable around a corner without gaining LoF, then poke around the corner and provoke an ARO. If the target dodges, plant another one and repeat. If they shoot, take them on with the combi and enjoy the free E/M hit. Or you can just pre-emptively plant your maulers near objectives to make them obnoxious to retake. Either way this profile does a lot at a bargain price.

    - Submachine Gun, Chain-colt: At a jaw-dropping price of 12 points, the SMG Bashi is certainly the most economical way to achieve damage via AD. The lack of an impact template on the SMG is more than compensated by the included chain-colt, giving this Bashi the ability to force awkward ARO decisions as well as threten fragile troops hiding behind heavy visual mods. Though it lacks the dangerous-against-everything potential of the e/mauler Bashi, at this cost you can hardly argue with any damage this model manages to get done.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Specialist Operative: For a mere point, you can add button-pushing capability to your well-equipped AD model. While its reliability is somewhat hampered by WIP12, the ability to hide a specialist off-table for last-minute objective grabs is invaluable in certain missions. Given that the Bashi is more than capable of clearing out moderate opposition (and deployables) before storming an objective, this profile is a great way to steal the game out from under an opponent.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Holoprojector lets you shift position by a base length as long as you're out of LoF when your reactive turn begins. You can this to declare suppression fire from safety and then poke around a corner to see enemies.
    - You don't have to use airborne deployment. Deploying in your DZ disguised as something very impactful, e.g. a Brawler MSV2 sniper or three additional Ghulam, can significantly influence your opponent's play.
    - Holoechoes are a fantastic way to clear out enemy deployables such as mines or crazykoalas.

    Summary: Trading a small portion of the Rui Shi's raw power for the powerful holoprojector L2, the Lu Duan is a problem-solver that can help out any Dahshat force.

    - 8-24" rangeband weapon for 0 SWC, plus a heavy flamethrower!
    - Supportware capability and MSV1 make this an excellent gunfighter.
    - Holoprojector L2 is an extremely versatile piece of equipment that provides a ton of utility.

    - Fragile due to STR1 and ARM0. Will generally require repairs between heavy flamethrower uses.
    - Fitting three 55mm bases in an already-crowded Dahshat deployment zone can be a daunting task.
    - Vulnerable to many of the same things as the Rui Shi, and may not provide a good backup shooter against heavy enemy hacking.

    - Mk12, Heavy Flamethrower, MSV1: The Rui Shi tends to get all the attention, particularly in Dahshat, but its brother the Lu Duan is a fantastic combat remote in its own right. The Lu Duan "downgrades" to MSV1 and Mk12 in exchange for a broad range of additional utility. Off the bat, the heavy flamethrower offers crowd-control capability that the Rui Shi lacks, even if it is a bit of a suicidial maneuver for the Lu Duan. Roasting 2-4 enemy models is very much worth the effort, and the ability to hide this weapon under an innocuous holoprojected shell makes it all the more likely that your enemy will not expect the attack. The Mk12 with MSV1, supportware, and surprise shot make it nearly as deadly as the Rui Shi without the heavy 1.5 SWC investment. Holoprojector L2 gives a level of utility that would take an entire article to fully evaluate, but suffice it to say that you are almost guaranteed to use at least one or more of its features in every game you play.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Try disguising this remote as a Traktor Mul or Kameel baggage bot, then roast anyone who comes along looking for an easy kill.
    - Use holoeches to bypass scary enemy AROs. As long as you keep the real Lu Duan ambiguous, most enemies will be loathe to declare shoot and potentially face unopposed shots. Take advantage of dodge or delay AROs by moving further up the field.
    - Great for providing decoys for your Rui Shi if it's not in a fireteam. Use it to preserve your firepower.

    Summary: At a measily three points it's sometimes tough not to include one of these. Useful even in games where they don't win a single F2F, the Warcor may just save your bacon.

    - Absurdly cheap, but comes with all the skills it needs to be effective.
    - WIP13 makes for excellent flash pulse AROs, and 360 visor option allows it to cover a ton of space.
    - Cheap enough that it's worthwhile even if it does nothing but soak an order and die.

    - Irregular status means it may sometimes struggle to find a slot in a combat group.
    - Dahshat is so full of great 1-point upgrades that this unit often gets the axe in favor of those.
    - Offensive potential is very limited.

    - Flash Pulse, Stun Pistol, Sixth Sense L1: Sixth sense is a solid skill, but unfortunately for the Warcor it's only effective within 8", where the Warcor's primary weapon is at a disadvantage. This profile's primary selling point is that it can ignore stealth and potentially trip up enemy infiltrators, but the 360 visor tends to offer more utility.

    - Flash Pulse, Stun Pistol, 360 Visor: It's WIP13, it's got a stun weapon good out to 24", it can't be flanked and it somehow only costs 3 points. You've probably seen this profile on the table at least once, and you are probably already aware of how annoying it can be to deal with. While it's extremely unlikely to ever deal lethal damage, a successful flash pulse can put an immediate end to an attack run, and it's so darn cheap that actually dealing with the thing always feels inefficient. While Dahshat suffers from an over-saturation of irregular troopers, it's almost never a mistake to include one of these in your army list.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Warcors make fairly strong Xenotech controllers, as it offers a way to spend their irregular order on mission objectives.
    - Though they may be useless at CC, engaging an enemy model can render it helpless to allied shooting and force it to dislodge the Warcor before acting again.
    - Absolutely take every discover or alert ARO you can with this model. It's there to waste 1-2 enemy orders, any additional work it can do beyond that is gravy.

    Summary: With more ranged weapons than some entire fireteams, the Al Fasid provides a take-all-comers offense and support that's tough to beat.

    - Multitude of weapons provide fighting capability and utility at any range.
    - PH14, ARM5, sixth sense, and a variety of ARO options make this HI hard to take down.
    - Inbuilt minelayer adds DZ defense at no additional SWC cost.

    - 4-2 movement means other troops may be more efficient at capitalizing on lanes opened by the Al Fasid.
    - Lack of courage makes the Al Fasid a bit unreliable on ARO duty
    - Has to compete with the cheaper and fireteam-capable Zuyong HMG and Brawler HRL.

    - HMG + (Smoke and Normal) Light Grenade Launcher, Heavy Pistol, Antipersonnel Mines: A gun for everything and anything. Featuring a +3 MOD option for every range bracket out to 32", the HMG Al Fasid also packs the ability to both directly and indirectly launch utility or lethal grenades. Combine that with minelayer and a very sturdy statline and you'll find yourself one heck of a profile. The Al Fasid has to endure comparisons to the fireteam-capable Zuyong HMG, and if you're looking solely for maximally efficient firepower, the Zuyong is indeed your best bet. However the amount of utility and versatility of the Al Fasid cannot be overlooked. Just make sure to include its abilities in your game plan - use the mine to cover a deployment-adjacent objective or lock down a board edge. Include some Hunzakut FOs to provide targets for the LGL. Opt for the Rui Shi or a Brawler sniper to shoot through the smoke generated by the big HI, or use Kum, Hulang, or McMurrough to slice-and-dice under cover of darkness. Just make sure to try this big toolbox at least once, you may be surprised how often one of its panoply of abilities is just what you need.

    - Heavy Rocket Launcher, Submachine Gun, Heavy Pistol, Antipersonnel Mines: The HRL variant of the Al Fasid sadly sheds a lot of the HMG's additional toolbox to specialize more in defensive bunkering. This is certainly a job the Al Fasid chassis is well-suited for: ARM5 with an HRL, SMG, and minelayer to prevent back attacks is certainly a tall order to shift. The heavy rocket launcher is capable of offense as well, but at burst 2 it's better suited to engaging less potent AROs or looking to maximize splash damage. All told the secondary Al Fasid loadout lacks some of the magic that makes the original such a fun unit to field, but don't doubt the HRL's ability to take over a game if used well.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Using the smoke LGL as an ARO may be non-lethal, but it also ignores mods like ODD and range to the attacker and can permanantly shut down an attack vector.
    - Don't be afraid to use the LGL directly if you can catch other models in the splash. The Al Fasid's ARM is high enough that you can tank a couple hits.
    - You have 3 mines, make use of them! Planting a mine is often a good choice over the stunty 2" second MOV value. You also have WIP14 if you'd like to attempt intuitive attacks against pesky camo markers.

    Summary: Gave up walking softly in exchange for a really big gun. Sforza may need a bit of help getting into range, but anything in his gunsights is going to have a very bad day.

    - Viral rifle is capable of incredible damage, and bypasses dogged and NWI, even on troops with shock immunity.
    - X-visor makes attacks in the 16-32" rangeband much more viable.
    - Ability to hide behind holoprojector makes Sforza difficult to pick out before he has a chance to do damage.

    - Expensive for a unit that needs to close to rifle range bands.
    - Can be a bit redundant in large fireteams with an HMG or spitfire as the headliner.
    - Difficult to use solo unless enemy is forced to come to him.

    - Viral Rifle + Adhesive Launcher, Nanopulser, Heavy Pistol, Holoprojector L2: The free-running "solo" variant of Sforza, this profile can lean a lot on the incredible utility of holoprojector L2 to get work done. He's a bit too expensive to have as a dedicated decoy lieutenant, but he has the capability if the need arises. What this profile generally excels at is moving up the field under the safety of holoechoes and going into suppression fire with a carefully curated line of fire. Very few models will want to tangle with him once he does, even if they're advantaged in the firefight. This profile is also a solid gunfighter in the active turn, but if you want to maximize that aspect of Sforza you'll probably prefer the FTO profile below for some reasons we'll get into shortly.

    - Viral Rifle + Adhesive Launcher, Nanopulser, Heavy Pistol, Holoprojector L1, FTO: A Dahshat exclusive, this profile provides Sforza with the powerful ability to join any fireteam you want. This enhances Sforza's ability greatly for a couple of reasons: obviously the bonus burst and BS for a 3- or 5-strong team is a huge boon, but the real benefit is the ability to advance up the field alongside fireteam members. Normally spending orders to move Sforza forward is a bit wasteful, as compared to faster units or longer-range guns, but when he's advancing alongside two to four other models that also want to get to the midfield, it's a much more efficient proposition. Sforza tends to work better in haris or duo teams where he can act as the secondary gunner, as dragging an entire core into the midfield just to get Sforza shots on target can be a bit awkward. In any case, if your meta is becoming infested with Hulang-esqe "HI" with NWI + shock immunity, Sforza might be the exterminator you're looking for.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Holoprojecting as a troop with a armed only with a shotgun or flash pulse can trick enemies into thinking they're safe from ARO.
    - Combine holoprojecor troops for advanced mindgames: have Sforza pretend to be a Dozer with control device, then have a Lu Duan pretend to be a Traktor Mul and lure enemies into unexpected AROs.
    - With a viral rifle, x-visor, and dogged, Sforza can be very difficult to shift out of suppression fire. Like the Bashi he can abuse the re-holo mechanic to get into a good suppression position without drawing AROs.

    Summary: A glass cannon with the explosive CCW to match, Saito is the perfect piece for sweeping the midfield of enemy heavy equipment.

    - TO camouflage and infiltration allows for surprise attacks and smoke from unexpected angles.
    - Will beat virtually any other midfield model in CC, which synergizes well with his smoke.
    - Retains respectable gunfighting ability thanks to TO, surprise shot, and combi.

    - Very fragile for the cost, leans heavily on TO and smoke to survive. Keep far away from MSV2 and direct templates.
    - With only BS11, is only really suited to taking on light to moderate resistance at range. Harder targets will require closing to CC.
    - Competes somewhat with McMurrough for role, trading the dog's resilience and mobility for stealth.

    - Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenades, EXP CCW: With several tools available to deliver himself into CC, and a ridiculous EXP CCW to utilize once he arrives, Saito is an effective, if order-intensive, way to blow a sizeable hole in a section of the board. CC24 and MA4 mean he's rarely going to lose a CC F2F, and the ability to block LoF with his smoke is a boon both to himself and to other midfield models. In Dahshat he also synergizes beautifully with the Rui Shi and Brawler MSV2 sniper, though he also provides opportunities for Kum, Hulang, and McMurrough to shine. He's got plenty of competition in the smoke-throwing department, but the ability to deploy halfway up the table with infiltration lets him to block greater swathes of LoF by centering his smoke closer to enemy defensive firepower. If you can keep Saito out of situations where he's likely to take a hit, he offers a great variety of tools to faciliate destruction.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Can infiltrate over the center line on 10s and wreak havoc in enemy backlines. On failure he's still a reliable source of smoke in your DZ.
    - If you can get behind enemy models (not difficult with accesss to a marker state), Saito does have the option of silent kills via his knife.
    - In games with destroyable terrain features, Saito makes mincemeat out of them with MA4 and his EXP CCW.

    Summary: An HMG for every season, whether it be active or reactive, the Shihab remote offers both incredible defense and strong offense in a single package.

    - Flexible piece usable both as active and reactive killer.
    - 360 visor allows it to cover large areas of board against enemy infiltrators or airborne deployment.
    - Cheap access to engineers means enemies must spend orders to put this remote down for good or risk it returning to the fight.

    - No repeater means that providing supportware comes with positional restraints.
    - Vulnerable to heavy visual mods as well as direct templates.
    - Inability to go prone means that it's difficult to prevent follow-up attacks once this remote is knocked unconscious.

    - HMG: If you've played any other factions you're probably already familiar with this profile. Stat-wise, it's identical to all other TR HMG remotes, and while it doesn't have any fancy features like the Reaktion Zond or Q-Drone, it really doesn't need them to be effective. The Shihab is a great way to punish over-aggression by enemy warbands, and will pin down short-range troops quite thoroughly. Flinging 4 dice in ARO means this remote will score crits much more often than other reactive pieces, giving it a fighting chance even in gunfights where it is not favored. While there are many tools available for effectively shutting down a total reaction HMG, it's still a piece that must be respected and dealt with before the enemy can execute their game plan. And while it doesn't operate in the same league as the Rui Shi or Zuyong HMG, access to supportware means this remote can readily go on the offensive as well, utilizing its high speed to maneuver around the board. While this might not be a piece you take often, it's definitely worthy of your attention.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Supportware lasts through the enemy turn as well. After a marksmanship-fueled attack run, put this model in a strong reactive position and utilize that firepower twice over.
    - Unless your opponent is inflicting a -12 to-hit penalty on this remote, it's nearly always better to shoot rather than dodge. The chance of a crit on four 2s is much more useful than the dubious dodge on a single 7.
    - If you're worried about enemy AD, it can be worthwhile to place this model with solely a view of a table edge. Once the threat is passed you can go on the offensive or simply reposition for a better angle.

    Summary: When you just need to get up in the enemy's grill and don't want to spend a lot of orders, Kum have you covered. These dogged bikers are sure to cause damage to anything they can get to grips with.

    - V: dogged is a very powerful skill on chain rifle troops, particularly those capable of closing with the enemy so quickly.
    - Competent CC stats mean that Kum can readily kill or lock down enemy troops in melee.
    - Provide reliable smoke at a bargain price.

    - Impetuous orders can be extremely difficult to manage due to the lack of slower impetuous smoke in Dahshat.
    - Competes for irregular slots with Hunzakuts, Libertos, Bashi, and McMurrough. Large biker gangs are a bit unwieldy.
    - Consume large amounts of deployment real estate, and are very vulnerable in the reactive turn.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Smoke Grenades, Shock CCW: While the rifle adds a solid amount of reach to an otherwise short-range unit, at BS11 and with no ability to claim cover, it's not a consistent gunfighter by any means. While the light shotgun certainly has plenty of good uses, it's also available on a cheaper profile with a better CCW. This profile's only real standout strength over the other two is the ability to enter suppression fire, but I think you'll find that the latter profiles are more effective overall.

    - Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades, AP CCW: It's 10 points, it throws smoke, and it can get a chain rifle into your enemy's deployment zone in as little as 3 orders. Kum have a lot of competition in Dahshat for various reasons, but when they work they work beautifully. The direct template offers the ability to trade off wounds with enemy models, and at 10 points and with dogged, that trade will amost certianly be in your favor. If face-to-face is the order of the day the AP CCW and CC20 make it a reliable fighter, though I would hesistate take on anything actually specialized in melee.

    - Light Shotgun, Smoke Grenades, E/M CCW: While it unfortunately loses the direct template, this profile offers a different and arguably more potent offensive toolbox. Motorcycles are fantastic with shotgun weapons, as the generous 8" movement means you can often pick the perfect angle to catch multiple enemies for maximum damage. On top of that this profile packs an E/M CCW, making it a terror to any heavily armored troops on the table. While it won't reliably land a hit on something like Achilles, it's plenty fine against a large number of the game's TAGs as well as the majority of heavy infantry. Even if it fails, the potential to permanantly brick a 60+ point model with a 14 point model is surely worth your attention.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Think of impetuous motorcycles like aircraft: they need a runway to takeoff safely and not be shot down. Once they're in the sky they're much more self-sufficient. After that you can decide whether you want to treat your Kum as one-shot missiles or attempt to return them to base to try again.
    - Kum can mutually support each other with smoke. If you have a well-protected takeoff lane in your deployment zone, use it to deploy smoke to create other takeoff lanes for your other bikers.
    - You don't need lots of Kum to inflict lots of damage. Taking a single shotgun Kum and waiting for an opening can be easier than managing a whole horde.

    Summary: An exotic blend of shooting, CC, speculative fire, and button-pushing, the Hulang can do just about everything, if you can afford it.

    - Reliable ranged combatant and deadly CC fighter, able to take advantage of enemy weaknesses. Takes "shoot the stabby ones and stab the shooty ones" to heart.
    - Mimetism, NWI, and shock immunity make for a durable and combat-worthy specialist
    - Variety of weapons for both range and CC provide a number of offensive avenues.

    - BS12 and PH12 make ranged offense only slightly above average.
    - Lack of marker state and short-ranged weapons mean the Hulang is not difficult to pin down.
    - Being competent at everything means very high cost.

    - 2 Submachine Guns, E/M Grenades, D-Charges, Monofilament CCW: A close-range bullet hose, this profile attempts makes up for its BS12 with sheer volume. The options for AP/shock or E/M shooting backed up by monofilament or AP+EXP CC give it a deadly variety of attack options. The drawback is that this profile is extremely focused on short-range fighting, which may or may not fit your game plan or the terrain. With only mimetism and no special mobility abilities short of forward deployment L2, this profile runs the risk of being pinned down by distant enemies. That said, a model that can reliably kill anything hiding near an objective and then push the button itself is definitely worthy of consideration.

    - Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, E/M Grenades, D-Charges, Monofilament CCW: Shedding the burst 4 for more range and a scary direct template, the combi + flamethrower Hulang gets a bit more reach at a bit more expense. A BS12 mimetic combi may not be best suited for taking out heavy targets, but it's more than sufficient for enemy skirmishers or moderate opposition. And for heavy targets the Hulang can always fall back on its grenades or CCWs. The addition of a light flamethrower is fantastic on a effectively 2W model, allowing it to trade a wound for multiple enemy wounds, both in active and reactive turn. As this profile suffers less from the myopic 0-8" focus of the submachine gun variant, this is probably the profile of choice if you don't want to dedicate other resources to improving the SMG Hulang's mobility.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Hulang are best suited for scenarios where the opponent is forced to come to you, like The Armory or Frontline. The fewer orders needed to close to CQC, the better.
    - Forward observing or spotlighting an enemy before engaging with E/M grenades massively increases the odds of success. Probably not worthwhile for an enemy skirmisher, but an enemy TAG or fireteam makes an appealing target.
    - D-Charges have a CC mode. The -3 modifier is no big deal when using martial arts L3, and the DAM14 AP+EXP ammunition will be more effective than the monofilament CCW in a lot of circumstances.

    Summary: Beautiful, deadly, and with exactly the skills they need to fill their role, Odalisques are roadblocks and steamrollers all in one.

    - Among the most durable troops you can get for this price range, and non-hackable to boot.
    - Have an ideal combination of skills for their role as bodyguards (read: area defense), enhancing strengths while keeping costs reasonable.
    - Nanopulsers as a default weapon is fantastic on effectively multi-wound troops.

    - Lack of specialist profile forces reliance on Miranda or Valerya for button pushing.
    - Heavy weapon overlap with Bounty Hunters means less potential variety in fireteams.
    - Limited to haris fireteams, and face heavy competition from Brawlers and Zuyong.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Nanopulser: A great loadout with a great set of skills. Access to a rifle for both offensive and suppression fire and the addition of a light shotgun and direct template for CQC, this profile has the versatility characteristic of all rifle + light shotgun troops while gaining several enhancements to survivability. No wound incapacitation is the first and strongest line of defense, but sixth sense or a 360 visor means Odalisques means they can nearly always respond with BS attack AROs without penalty. Even those looking to bypass the guns by engaging in CC will find i-kohl L3's massive -9 penalty makes their efforts inefficient at best. Overall if you're looking for a troop with good weapons and a solid body to carry them, the rifle Odalisque is a worth candidate.

    - Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser: Given that the "base" profile already packs a light shotgun, this profile loses a little bit of its luster. The upgraded shotgun comes at the cost of both long-range ability and suppression fire, relegating this profile to fireteams heavily dedicated to close-quarters fighting. It's also a good holoprojector target for Sforza if you're looking to lull the enemy into a sense of safety.

    - Spitfire, Nanopulser: While it doesn't offer any special offensive features, the spitfire Odalisque does provide reliable burst 4 weaponry that is durable and not hackable. This profile will save your butt in missions like Transmission Matrix or when the rest of your heavy firepower is locked down by repeaters, and it's costed reasonably enough that you can fit it alongside a lot of other models. There is a temptation to haris this loadout for that sweet +1 burst, but it does inflate the effective cost greatly and this model does just fine on its own. Instead consider some of its duo options, which include Miranda and all the other wildcards, as this model will happily escort them up the board toward an objective or cluster of enemy models.

    - Submachine Gun, Contender, Nanopulser: The most defensive-oriented Odalisque profile, this variant drops the impact template for a DA ARO weapon and an SMG. This makes excellent Odalisque haris filler and also a solid solo piece, as it is difficult to shift relative to its price even before it's able to enter suppression fire. If you're looking for a profile to cover a board edge, deployment zone flank, or advance to an objective and make it painful to take back, the SMG Odalisque is your girl.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Nanopulser, Fireteam Haris: A point and 0.5 SWC get you a versatile and durable haris model that has much more fireteam variety than her unit entry would suggest. Plugging in Sforza and Miranda, for instance, gives you a B4 viral rifle, an ODD specialist, and a rifle + light shotgun generalist who can tank a template wound to clear the way for her allies. You can opt for a defensive haris with an ABH sniper and an Odalisque SMG, or go full offense and include a spitfire and whatever you want for the 3rd model. Though it faces heavy competition from the Brawler in the "wildcard haris" department, consider the benefits of a tough, DTW-equipped haris leader when building your teams.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Odalisques are fantastic holoprojector targets. Pretending to have 1 or 3 areas covered by 360 visor troops with solid guns and direct templates can discourage a lot of attack runs.
    - With NWI and WIP14, don't be too afraid to throw out a discover ARO on aggressive enemy camo. It may help save your more valuable models, or put the camo in an undesirable situation.
    - You don't need a full haris. A lone spitfire or SMG Odalisque can provide durable backup firepower or a reliable area denial piece.

    Summary: Offering a variety of order, hacking, and shooting support, Kameel can play a variety of support roles. Just be sure you know exactly what you're doing with the EVO hacking device.

    - Baggage lets these bots throw around a lot of VP weight without spending a lot of points.
    - EVO Repeater works extremely well with Dahshat's remote line-up.
    - Total reaction light shotguns are very effective at deterring attacks.

    - Minesweeper Kameel is a bit outshone by Traktor Mul.
    - Baggage and EVO bots take up a lot of deployment real estate.
    - EVO remote is very vulnerable to counter-hacking, especially with lots of repeaters on the table.

    - Minesweeper, Repeater: The reliable 8-point baggage bot is a common sight in other factions, but in Dahshat it faces extremely tough competition from the even-cheaper Traktor Mul. The Kameel does offer improved stats and a functional repeater over its Ariadnan cousin, and it has the advantage of not requiring a Dozer to field, but it also costs more and fills much the same role: sit in the back and provide an order, and occasionally come out to secure a zone or do some minesweeping. And in the game of cheap orders, cheaper is king. There's still nothing wrong with this remote, and you can certainly leverage its repeater and higher WIP to good effect, but chances are you'll be reaching for the Traktor Mul more often than not.

    - EVO Hacking Device: The EVO hacking device has a complicated role in Dahshat Company. On the one hand, the sectorial is chock-full of remotes that benefit greatly from the overclock supportware, but lists taking advantage of that fact are also chock-full of repeaters for enemy KHDs to use to fry the EVO. On the other hand, the EVO support program kaleidoscope can be used to significantly increase the anti-hacker effectiveness of friendly hackers. It also removes the -6 penalty from sat-lock, allowing the Rafiq and accompanying Fanous to call down heavy artillery from Traktor Muls. On the other, other hand, the Kameel is yet another defenseless S4 profile that must be squirreled away in your deployment, away from enemy guns, and there's only so many places to do that on most tables. Suffice it to say that the EVO Kameel is a profile you should include only if you know exactly what you're planning to do with it and are prepared to account for its weaknesses, as it can quickly turn into an easy and expensive target otherwise.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, Total Reaction, Repeater: Often overlooked in favor of the full-bore Shihab remote, and not without good reason, the total reaction Kameel is a bit of a difficult profile to use well. Total reaction is a great skill, and this remote is plenty capable of gunfighting with supportware access. However its potential range is limited, and its base is quite difficult to hide, so the ability to find it a 0-16" corridor to monitor may be a bit of a challenge. Even so, this is a good profile to keep in mind when planning for take-and-hold scenarios, as it's worth 41 VP and doesn't go down easily as long as it is positioned well.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - The EVO Kameel can buff itself with enhanced reaction, giving it B2 hacking programs in ARO.
    - Don't neglect the minesweeper piece of equipment. Minesweeper has generous range bands and ignores all modifiers, making nabbing enemy mines or deployables a breeze.
    - EVO has a lot of passive effects. One very notable one is that it allows re-rolls on hacking programs by spending command tokens. This can be extremely valuable to land a spotlight on an enemy model that fails or rolls poorly on its attempt to reset.

    Summary: Living in the shadow cast by the Dozer, Najjarun nevertheless are worthy backup engineers or an option if you're looking for a teeny bit more firepower from your support staff.

    - Better armed than most engineers.
    - WIP14 offers the best engineering in the faction.
    - Cube makes revival much more reliable.

    - Severely outshone by the cheaper, Traktor-Mul supporting Dozer and the fireteam-capable Brawler.
    - Despite good armament, still fights like a line trooper.
    - More expensive than alternatives.

    - Rifle + Light Shotgun, D-Charges: Let's just address things right off the bat: the Dozer makes the Najjarun Engineer largely redundant unless you are adamant about that WIP14 or light shotgun. The Dozer trades a point of WIP for a point of PH, which is a fairly even trade, but also comes in at 4 points cheaper thanks to dropping the light shotgun and cube. Add on the fact that the Dozer can upgrade to bring along Traktor Muls and it's really hard to make a strong case for the Najjarun. That said, Dozers are AVA1, and it's not crazy to consider multiple engineers in scenarios or lists that call for them. The Najjarun is also the best way to support the Maghariba Guard, as the lack of remote presence makes every point of WIP important. While this may not be the engineer you reach for in most cases, keep it in mind when the situation calls for it.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - V: courage makes this model difficult to dig out of suppression fire.
    - Light shotgun AROs can help deter enemy assassins.
    - If you happen to be in retreat, this unit can act normally, giving you a chance to revive some baggage bots and get yourself out of the situation (yes, I copy-pasted this from Dozers, sue me).

    Summary: Incredibly specialized, the Shaytaniyah is for those times when you've got an itch that only guided fire explosives can scratch.

    - Impact templates at BS12 and a reasonable price.
    - Smart missile launcher has no -3 rangebands, providing consistent offense at any range.
    - Lots of options for inflicting targeted in Dahshat can provide this remote with plenty of opportunities to unleash hell.

    - No fireteam options lock this remote at burst 1, relegating it largely to guided fire or shooting unconscious targets.
    - Less versatile than the cheaper Traktor Mul katyusha MRL, the Shihab needs to be built around to utilize effectively.
    - Fragile, despite deadly ARO options it's still an ARM0 STR1 remote.

    - Smart Missile Launcher: This profile has a tough job to fill. Its biggest strength, guided fire, is also its biggest weakness; it's very difficult to make use of this profile without getting some enemy units targeted. The smart missile launcher is capable of direct fire, but at B1 and BS12 it'll only be reliable against defenseless or hopelessly out-ranged enemies. If you do land that forward observe or spotlight, though, this remote can unleash a world of pain via its AP+DA impact templates from anywhere on the board on 18s. Just be aware if you're including this in your list you're banking heavily on successfully giving this remote targets, and if you're looking to do that but with less commitment, the Traktor Mul katyusha might be a better bet.

    - Missile Launcher: If you're nearly out of points in a list and still have a big SWC gap to fill... probably take a Brawler HRL. That's not to say this profile isn't any good, but lack of fireteam access and a burst 1 weapon on an average-BS frame is certainly tough to use effectively. Still, it's never wise to underestimate an impact template weapon, and with the ability to receive supportware and land AP+EXP+Shock rounds on anything downrange, this profile just might come in handy sometimes.

    Tips and Tricks:
    - Enhanced reaction supportware transforms this remote into a moderate ARO threat.
    - Smart Missile Launcher is effective from anywhere on the table. Feel free to bury this piece in the most remote corner of your deployment zone.
    - Even if it can't be counted on to win a face-to-face, impact template weapons are still a great way to punish clustered enemy troops and limit the mobility of fireteams.
    #4 KestrelM1, Jul 16, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
  5. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    In Summary

    I hope this guide helps you to get an initial handle on Dahshat, or expand your knowledge of the faction and open your eyes to new possibilities. I'll close this guide by re-iterating that all views expressed herein are merely my opinion as a player. Your local meta, terrain, or your personal preference hold more weight than any of my words. If there's anything you think I've missed, or you simply want to share your own thoughts to expand upon what I've written, I invite you to start a conversation in the posts below. Good luck to you all, and happy hunting!
    #5 KestrelM1, Jul 16, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
  6. thirteenpixels

    thirteenpixels Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Pretty awesome job, thanks for all the hard work!
  7. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
  8. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Agreed! Thanks for putting in the work.
  9. Joametz

    Joametz Chinese Empire in Space enthusiast

    Jun 3, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Really amazing job. Not only the contents but also the way you display them and the cohesive writing.
  10. QuilichQora

    QuilichQora Panoceania loyalist, former merc

    Oct 15, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Nice work, appreciate the effort and information.
  11. Numazokola

    Numazokola Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2018
    Likes Received:
    any chance to update this a tiny bit to N4? I'm struggling to find any advice to play dahshat this year
  12. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I'm not sure really much changed.

    Hunz gained a profile not many will use.
    Maggie is the same as she is in Haqq and still pretty good.
    The 15 cap makes the Tac Awareness Zuyong pretty valuable. But due to this it means less Irregular troops like Bashi. Obviously we can't take as many Kum, Liberto, anymore. :frowning:
    We will be gaining Fiddler, who I think will be great. A 6-4 Engineer that can keep up with Maggie!
    With the upping of the hacking game. Valerya is almost an auto include. While it can be expensive, she's of course best in a Zuyong team with a Tinbot. But I never look down on the WIP14 Ghulam. But a combo of Hunz D. Repeaters and Val's pitcher means they can have have a very big repeater net.
    If using a Ghulam fireteam, the NCO SGL is almost an auto include as well.
    Numazokola likes this.
  13. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Zhencha BSG is also pretty good in my opinion now that he has Shock Immunity and a DT weapon. The SMG loadout also got up-gunned with a Panzerfaust instead of D.E.P. But yeah, a midfield BSG with NWI+SI is something I really, really enjoy in the N4 Dahshat.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    The Hulang also got better with Mim-6 and more profiles. I feel he might have always been better in Dahshat. He has more support with smoke, cheaper deployable repeaters to fend off hackers.
    AssaultUnicorn likes this.
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