Preorder your Infinity Cargobox and win a complete table!

Discussion in 'Bandua Wargames' started by bandua, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. bandua

    bandua Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Bandua Wargames, along with Corvus Belli, presents the Infinity Cargotok Box, the complement that allows you to transport organized and tidy all your accessories for your favorite game, Infinity.

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    With a lot of space for tokens, cards, silhouettes, templates, dice, tape measure… You can use it as a dice tower as well, and transport your tablet so you can have everything you need at the reach of your hand during the game, all organized and on a single space.

    The Infinity box is designed thought at the ultimate detail and needs of the Infinity player, and caring a lot about its resistance and quality.

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    There are 10 different references of the Infinity Cargotok Box, one for each faction of the game, and one dedicated to Outrage. Each one of them are printed with official art of each one the factions, with great resolution, and quality, making these boxes a window to the Infinity universe.
    IMG_7440.JPG IMG_7480.JPG IMG_7514.JPG IMG_7542.JPG IMG_7562.JPG IMG_7587.JPG IMG_7609.JPG IMG_7657.JPG IMG_7438.JPG IMG_7470.JPG IMG_7474.JPG

    To celebrate the release of this great product, we will have a preorder time from Jan29 to Feb28, and with every preorder made between these dates, we will include for free a full set of templates with the logo of the faction, and a set of deployment zone tokens, all valued on 18€.

    IMG_7456.JPG IMG_7458.JPG IMG_7465.JPG IMG_7525.JPG IMG_7527.JPG IMG_7552.JPG IMG_7571.JPG IMG_7573.JPG IMG_7598.JPG IMG_7600.JPG IMG_7645.JPG IMG_7667.JPG IMG_7669.JPG IMG_7689.JPG IMG_7691.JPG

    To celebrate the release of this great product, we will have a preorder time from Jan29 to Feb28, and with every preorder made between these dates, we will include for free a full set of templates with the logo of the faction, and a set of deployment zone tokens, all valued on 18€.

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    Moreover, if that were not enough, among all Boxes purchased on this preorder period, one of these boxes, will include the Cerberus Gold Voucher. The owner of this Gold Voucher, will win a Black Market Infinity table, a fully prepainted table bundle, with a lot of terrain to set up a complete table, ready to play Infinity, all valued on 296€

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    Preorder your Infinity Cargotok Box for 39.95€, with all these amazing gifts and the chance to win a complete Infinity table!

    For sale exclusively in our online store.

    Attached Files:

    #1 bandua, Jan 30, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
    BaronVonZorcula, themadcelt and Koni like this.
  2. timberfox

    timberfox Active Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    looks realy cool and a great deal.
    bandua likes this.
  3. Yoshimoto74

    Yoshimoto74 Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    Looks fantastic and love the box top art for these. I would love to order from you guys more, but the shipping is just to expensive to justify the purchases in some cases.
    Will these become available through distribution channels at some point?

    bandua likes this.
  4. bandua

    bandua Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Thank you!
    Unfortunatelly, with the distribution margin it would be a pretty expensive product, so we decided to make web exclusive only, sorry.
  • About Us

    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


    Why are we here?


    Because we are, first and foremost, players.

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