Yeah I'm buying two of these. Two guns is kind of weird though, new profile incoming maybe? Something like Contender + Assault Pistol would be cool
Not a fan of these poses with both weapons out, especially not on a model that is known for its smoke grenades and above average Close Combat ability, but I suppose there will be a "normal" Saito down the lane similar to Armand le Muet, right? @Space Ranger :
Can't say I like this one, but with it being a LE model, hopefully there will be a non-fugly general release by Christmas.
Finally he'll get his own tactical rock! We all know that he has problems with keeping his feet on ground level...
actually I quite like the old model. this new one, well got to see more pictures of it. no ccw is indeed rather ... lacking
I like that it looks like he is creeping around to maybe go push a button or shoot someone in the back.