INFINITY JSA: Domaru Butai Chain Rifle Conversion: More pics:
INFINITY JSA: Keisotsu Butai Link Team More pics: https://archangelelonginfinitythega...01/infinity-jsa-keisotsu-butai-link-team.html
INFINITY JSA: Kempeitai (Shock Marksman Rifle) KEMPEITAI (Leading KEISOTSU BUTAI link team) More pics: https://archangelelonginfinitythega...01/infinity-jsa-kempeitai-shock-marksman.html
INFINITY JSA: Tanko Zensenbutai More pics:
INFINITY JSA: Tokusetsu Butai More pics: https://archangelelonginfinitythega...01/infinity-jsa-tokusetsu-butai-lady-doc.html
INFINITY JSA: Shikami More pics:
INFINITY JSA: Yuriko Oda More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Shinobu Kitsune More Pics:
Infinity JSA: Saito Togan (Conversion) Oniwaban Confest SAITO TOGAN Conversion WIP More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Miyamoto Musashi More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Yojimbo, Sword for Hire More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Aragoto Senkenbutai More pics:
INFINITY JSA: O-Yoroi Kidobutai So my JSA are nearly done. I left this big bad boy TAG to the end so that I could hone my Infinity painting skills beforehand and apply my best efforts on this centrepiece model. The model itself is pretty cool and has aged fairly well but could probably do with an update. That said I wanted to get some more action in the pose and did some minor converting which involved re-sculpting and bending the arms a bit. For the paint job I went all out and applied lots of free hand and battle damage to make use of all the large flat panels and add weight to this imposing mech. It took a while and a bit of experimenting to apply the Konoe colour scheme. But I had already mapped out ideas on the Domaru and Daiyokai, not to mention the other line troops also beforehand. It was quite a task to get this mini finished and took a good solid week of painting to do. One day I'll get around to converting and painting the bootleg O-Yoroi, but it will be a long time distant, given the hard work it took to get this current model completed. Very satisfied with the end results and culmination of all ideas utilised on it taken from the army overall. It's been quite a journey. Conversion WIP More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Heavy Infantry Thought I'd post this for a bit of fun. Heavy Infantry Konoe heavy infantry (& Tanko) in action! Side by side I can see how the unit markings and palette of each different troop type cohere as a whole army. This is what is key to painting good looking miniature armies: Balancing unity and difference at the same time. Pity I'm not such a great photographer as it was too hard for me to get both the foreground and background in focus at the same time. More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Ninja Very nice new sculpt of the Ninja, I only wish the other Ninjas were updated as it is sad not to have this iconic unit in a JSA army. Pity this model is so hard to get outside the Yu Jing Starter set. However although it's profile is a little underwhelming it is worth getting as it looks so cool and you just have to have a ninja if you are a JSA collector (sorry old Ninjas you won't be on my painting roster). I was most satisfied to see this model in proper JSA colours, rather than our enemy's. I followed the Studio Giraldez version pretty closely in terms of lighting as an exercise in light sourcing, which they are so good at. Tbh it was hard to improve upon perfection, so I did my best to emulate what they had done. More Pics:
INFINITY JSA: Yaokong AKA "Minikoma." These guys were not on a high priority for my army as the models are dated as well as Yu Jing hand me downs. That said they are quite cute really and have grown on me. Plus with a new lick of paint they turned out OK. I used magnets on the weapons so that I could build any of the 4 types of Yaokong. Blue paint scheme you say? The paint scheme was based on Ghost in the Shell SAC Tachikomas, which I have a bit of a soft spot for. The predominantly blue colour doesn't stand out too glaringly in the army over all as I have used blue, grey and red on nearly every model already quite deliberately so as to include these Minikomas in some shape or form. As to why they are blue fluff wise, I say that they are police issue REMs that have been requisitioned by the ever resourceful Ryuken Unit-9 due to the attrition of military issue REMs during the uprising. :-) YAOKONG Weibing (Combi Rifle, Sniffer) YAOKONG Husong (HMG) YAOKONG Son-bae (Smart Missile Launcher) YAOKONG Chaiyi (Flash Pulse, Sniffer) On Patrol with Ryuken Unit 9 More pics at:
Thanks :-) Leather is done with black base coat, dark grey highlight, mid grey highlight to select edges, then black wash over whole thing to blend colours. May bring highlight up again, if required, but not usually. Hope that helps
KAIZOKU SPEC OPS (Spitfire) Bit too busy to spend much time on this guy, but managed to get him done fairly quickly and painlessly. Much easier than my first attempt on a Kaizoku so long ago. More pics: https://archangelelonginfinitythega...2/infinity-jsa-kaizoku-spec-ops-spitfire.html