Valkyrie vs Maximus clarification

Discussion in 'Rules' started by inbrain, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. inbrain

    inbrain New Member

    Aug 29, 2018
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    Currently FAQ ( resolves situation when Maximus moves and becomes adjacent to Valkyrie as a result of Implacable when he is under effect of Immobilized in favour of Valkyrie (means she has +1 blue die for him).

    Then if I carefully consider answers to one of my own question on this forum ( an opposite situation when Maximus moves out of Valkyrie contact while Immobilized should also mean she gets that extra blue die as at the moment of attack they were adjacent in the same way as in forementioned example Hannibal had LOS at the moment of attack.

    This .. seems quite confusing to me, should she really get that +1 blue in any case, or is there anything wrong with me comparing those two explanations?
  2. Roadrunner7431

    Roadrunner7431 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Targets affected by this State cannot spend Movement Points.

    Related topics: Displacements, Movement Points, Placing, States.
    The effect of Immobilized is that targets affected by this state cannot spend Movement Points. However there is a a state token associated with Immobilized that can be assigned to a character. "Benediction of Freyja" is an Automatic Skill that will take effect immediately at the time that an action calls for a roll. Therefore Valkyrie gets the extra :-: for each adjacent :G:Immobilized enemy when the requirements of the action are met. It should not matter that Maximus displaced himself away. An interesting question is what happens if the :G: Immobilized state token is present but flipped to the "inactive blue side" I would think that Valkyrie still gets her extra :-: but I may be mistaken.
  3. -V-

    -V- A! Team member
    CB Staff

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Valkyrie gains :-: for each adjacent :G:Immobilized Enemy. These Enemies must be suffering the :G:Immobilized State, so they must to have the State token flipped by their red side on their Character card.

  4. inbrain

    inbrain New Member

    Aug 29, 2018
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    Dear @Roadrunner7431 and @-V- , I have no problems understanding the fact Maximus can change position as a result of Implacable. My question is different: how can it be at all possible that both items below give Valkyrie extra die. This is uber-counterintuitive. I would only assume one of them should give that extra die. To reiterate:
    1. According to FAQ: if Immobilized Maximus moves into adjacency of Valkyrie as part of Impecable move she does gain an extra blue die
    2. According to your explanation: if Immobilized Maximus moves out of adjacency of Valkyrie as part of Impecable she does gain an extra blue die

    Both items assume that Valkirie is going to attack someone else (thus Maximus moves because of Impecable)

    Can you confirm that both cases give an extra blue die to her?
  5. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    @-V- i think the problem here is timing.
    When does Valkyrie's Skill trigger?

    It should be at declareation, shouldn't it? So Max moving out gives a :-:, but Max closing in does not...
  6. Roadrunner7431

    Roadrunner7431 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    In addition to Actions, some Character cards include Automatic Skills, indicated by their orange title . Automatic Skills’ Effects are always active, even during an Enemy’s Activation, or when the Character is in the Infirmary or the Bench.

    I think that the key thing is that Valkyrie's "Benediction" is an Automatic Skill which means that it is always active and takes effect immediately when the conditions are fulfilled. This allows for the fact that Maximus (if Immobilized) suffers the extra :-: whether he dances in or out because the extra :-: is granted when an :G:Immobilized Enemy is adjacent but the roll actually happens after Maximus may use his own "Implacable" Automatic skill. Valkyrie is the Active character so I would think that she determines the timing of Automatic Skills.
  7. Miller66

    Miller66 New Member

    Aug 23, 2018
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    I think is the Underdog who determimes the timing of simultaneous effects; the active player determines the Switch order.
    What I'm really missing it's what "declare the target " means: does it determines also the dice pool?
  8. Roadrunner7431

    Roadrunner7431 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    I agree it is the Underdog player that gets to decide the order of resolution of simultaneous effects. What I was saying in my previous post is that since Valkyrie is the active player and "Benediction" as an Automatic Skill is always active she can choose to apply "Benediction" at the Declaration step. Maximus' "Implacable" takes effect immediately after the declaration of the attack. The declaration and the displacement are not simultaneous effects so the Underdog rule does not apply. See the rules:

    To resolve an Action, follow this sequence:


    The Underdog decides the order In any given step, the Underdog gets to decide the order of resolution of simultaneous actions.


    As the active player, you choose which Action you want to perform and check that all requirements are met: you have enough Action Points to pay the Cost, the Target is within Range and Line of Sight, and any other special requirements the Action calls for. If all requirements are met during this step, you may move on to the next. If you fail to meet any of the Action’s requirements, you cannot perform that Action.


    You declare the Action you intend to perform and pay the necessary Action Points. Now is the time to declare any intended Targets.


    From this step onwards, the Action is completed even if some of the requirements are no longer met. For example, an opponent could play a Tactic that Displaces the Target of your Action out of its Range, but that wouldn’t stop the Action from taking Effect.

    3. ROLL

    If the Action calls for any Rolls, either Simple or Face to Face, make them now. Check the Roll against your Character’s Switches and decide whether you will activate any of them.

    4. EFFECTS

    If the Action called for a Roll, you may apply 5 Effects as long as you got at least one 2 in your Roll.

    Conversely, 6 Effects are mandatory and always apply.
    If the Action didn’t call for any Rolls, apply its Effects now.


    At the end of this step, the Action is completed.

    Related topics: Action Points, Activations, Attacks, Characters, Effects, Range, Symbols.
  9. Miller66

    Miller66 New Member

    Aug 23, 2018
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    In my opinion, the timing of Implacable generates a lot of rules issue. A situatoin with Valkyrie, Maximus and Hannibal (with Pointmen) would be a real mess.
    It would be better if the timing of Implacable were "Before the Critical Block": in that case Implacable would not interfere with Automatic Skill as Pointmen and Benediction of Freya.
  10. Miller66

    Miller66 New Member

    Aug 23, 2018
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  11. inbrain

    inbrain New Member

    Aug 29, 2018
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    The last explanation given by @-V- to me seems more consistent with existing FAQ for Valkyrie and a natural (IMO) expectation that roll affecting effects should be checked at the moment just before the roll.
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