Weapons you want in game

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Mahtamori, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Did a similar thing in the old forums, but here's some wish-listing for future books!

    Guns that we want in game that aren't in game.
    Let's try and keep it somewhat realistic (such as no guns capable of B6, capped damage of unmodified 15, gun ranges at least somewhat similar to current ranges, etc)

    Here's a compilation for you

    Thrown weapons
    Fire Grenade
    . Ye Olde Finnish Molotov Cocktails.
    Napalm Grenade. Fire bomb that leaves an area of dangerous terrain.
    Viral Grenade. Load 'em up with a nano-virus, right?
    Plasma Grenade. Because reasons.
    Shuriken. Ninjas in space without Ninja stars? Unthinkable!
    Nanospore Grenade. Pheromone-packed grenades for when you need to keep track of a group of people.
    Voodoo Grenades. Taking over your planet one crowd at a time. Sepsitor for everybody!
    ECM Grenade. Like Smoke, but it isolates instead of obscures. Don't stand in it!
    Adhesive Grenade. Stick it to the man.

    Direct templates.
    Sprays an area with lots of tiny plasma pellets.
    Hula Hoop. Circular Direct Template version of the Chain Rifle.
    Linear Cannon. Long range Direct Template Weapon, whose template is a thin line.

    It's a mine filled with napalm!
    Drop Bear Launcher. Hey, Stiopa, we got this in game!
    Voodoo Mines. Taking over your planet one misstep at a time. Sepsitor for anyone who moves!
    VoodooSloths. Sepsitor delivered through Perimeter devices.
    Jammer Mines. Mines that jam a sick beat.
    JammerLlama. Perimeter weapon that's jammin'.
    MediBot. Perimeter Medikit.
    Combi Sentry. Deploys in Suppression Fire, can't move.
    Vulkan Sentry. Sentry gun with a flamethrower. Still can't move.
    Adhesive Mine. Stick it to the man, then it'll stick the man.

    Close Combat Weapons.
    Stun Baton.
    CCW that Stuns. You know... like an E/M CCW that also works against Light Infantry.
    Plasma CCW.
    K1 CCW.

    High-burst BS weapons.
    Very Silent Rifle.
    Low DAM Combi with the Silent trait.
    Prototype Plasma. It's a plasma rifle, but for illiterate monke- humans. Looks like it's missing blast mode...
    High-Tech Ojotnik. Because the burst distribution and rough rangeband is missing in other armies
    Granatspruta / Slaughterfaust. "Grenade Sprayer". For you MÖP out there; think Mk 19 Grenade Launcher
    Assault Shotgun. Increased burst Shotgun.
    Hyper Rapid Magnetic Rifle. Multi Rifle with increased burst.

    Low-burst BS Weapons.
    A short-ranged Panzerfaust.
    Multi Shotgun. Boarding Shotgun with Light MULTI ammo. AP/Shock on B2 or DA on B1
    Morrigan Launcher. It's like a MULTI Missile Launcher that shoots either Viral or E/M2 missiles.
    Slug Gun. TAG-sized weapon with high DAM, high range, non-multi wounding ammo and Speculative Fire or Intuitive Attack.

    Damage types.
    Like E/M2, but instantly kills units with Ghost skill
    Cryo. Normal + IMM2 (2 turns). Crits automatically causes IMM2.
    Nail. IMM1 (unlimited).
    Phobetor. Normal + Hallucinogenic. Forces AROs on Friendlies.
    Banshee. Normal + Stun ammo.

    Stuff that's not actually weapons.
    Grappling Hook.
    One-use Climbing+.
    Ruggedised Equipment. Immunity to Isolation.
    Auxbot_M. G:Synch Auxbot for Doctors with an ADHL.
    Blast Shield. Increases ARM and 40K jokes, for use on specific loadouts.

    <I've gotten to page 13 atm - trying to filter out what has been suggested for pure comedy and what has been suggested seriously>

    Fire Grenades. Simply a grenade that does fire damage, available to specific low-tech factions with a less-humanistic outlook on lives and particularly taking a dim view on ODD.
    B: 1. Range: Grenade. Dam: 13. Ammo: Fire. Traits: Impact Template (Circular), Speculative Fire, Throwing Weapon
    Availability: Mainly Tohaa and Ariadna, but also Nomads and Yu Jing.

    Viral Grenade. Because why not? What? Random contagions running amok? Don't be silly, these are controlled explosions of viruses!
    B: 1. Range: Grenade. Dam: 13. Ammo: Viral. Traits: Impact Template (Circular), Speculative Fire, Throwing Weapon
    Availability: Mainly Haqq, but also Druze, Combined and Tohaa

    VSS Vintorez. A very, very, silent rifle. A "silencer" (suppressor) doesn't slow the bullet down, on the contrary it typically increases bullet velocity slightly, but a suppressor isn't exactly silent, either. On the scale of Infinity, a Silencer will more likely act as a hostile magnet, kind of like in PUBG where shooting a silenced M416 will attract everyone within 300m to your position in the hopes of looting your silencer for themselves. The VSS is designed to be extra silent and intentionally slows a large calibre round down to sub-sonic by shooting it through a smaller calibre barrel (this is the short and KISS explanation). While the VSS isn't an appropriate name, here's an adaptation: (Suppression Fire removed because I didn't think it appropriate for a gun where you can barely hear the bullet whiz to cause suppressive effects).
    B: 3. Range: Combi-rifle. Dam: 12. Ammo: Normal. Traits: Silent
    Availability: Mainly (very) special forces. Think equivalents of Guilang, Crocmen or Dasyus.
    #1 Mahtamori, Jan 9, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2019
  2. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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  3. Primo

    Primo Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Throwing weapons that aren't grenades, shuriken for the ninja, tomahawk for native USAriadnan dogwarriors, etc.

    Throwing Weapon.
    1 (perhaps 2). Range: grenade. Dam: PH-1 Ammo. normal. Traits: silent, throwing weapon
    Danger Rose, Balewolf and Mahtamori like this.
  4. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    I like how this guy think

    Attached Files:

  5. Erbent

    Erbent Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, how about plasma HMG for dat Avatar? dreams-dreams, that would be just too good to be truth. plasma pistols would be fun, but kind of weird in CC and we already have plasma carabines, but something like Ayyar for CA would be cool, like a light HI version of a unidron with some gimmicky equipment and dual plasma pistols, just for the cool factor.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  6. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    1, DAM: 13, Ammo: Fire, Traits: Intuitive Attack, Concealed, Disposable (3), Direct Template (Small Teardrop), Deployable.

    Basically a Fire Mine. I can see it used by forces like Ariadna or Haqq against hi-tech units, especially those with ODD or TO Camo.

    Drop Bear Launcher
    1, Range: 0-8 (0), 8-16 (+3), 16-24 (-6), DAM: -, Ammo: Drop Bears (DAM 13, Shock), Traits: Speculative Fire, Disposable (3), Targetless

    Something all PanO players were waiting for. Weapon for Bolts, obviously, but could allso be used by other MIs, or even HIs like ORCs.
  7. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    A picher with sniffers? I think sensor and sat-lock rules need more love.

    I want all 8 points + mimetism remotes equipped with this one
  8. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The "worst" aspect of (CA) plasma is the template mode. Would a plasma HMG have a B4 DAM 14 impact template or would it be missing it?

    Prototype Plasma Rifle. High-tech for humans, but not very potent compared to alien technology, this is the result of countless man-hours (and injuries) of frantic reverse-engineering at secret facilities.
    B: 3. Range: Combi-rifle. Dam: 13. Ammo: Plasma. Traits: Suppression Fire
    Availability: Mainly Aleph and Yu Jing.
  9. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I'd like the possibility to get access to something like "Combat Equipments".
    Like a new type of combat-specialist that comes with 3 deployable items. If you deploy the model, you can drop (like an AI Beacon) 3 Sniffers, 3 Repetars, 3 Mines, 3 Nullifiers and so on. Any loadout calls down a single type of item or a combination of them.

    Then I want a K1 CCW.
  10. Belgrim

    Belgrim Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    B:1 Dmg: 13 Ammo: Exp Trait: Disposable (2), Antimateriel
    Range: 0-16 (+3), 16-24 (+0), 24-32 (-6)

    Also give every pistol in the game a silencer (silent trait) so melee units and bows become even more redundant. Actually give every weapon a silencer, like silenced sniper rifles and watch the world burn.
  11. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Well, actually I think that this game could use some sparingly distributed silenced guns with at least B2.

    Some cyberninja with only Tactical Bow as BS weapon and Full Auto L1 would be a start, but new weapons achieving the same would do as well.
    Devil_Tiger and Superfluid like this.
  12. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nanocloud grenade. Specialist Hi-Tech grenade used to block LoF to/from enemy in order to allow safe passage or approach of friendly troops..
    B: 1. Range: Grenade. Dam: Non-Leathal. Ammo: Smoke. Traits: Impact Template (Circular), Speculative Fire, Throwing Weapon
    Availability: PanO
  13. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Mahtamori said :

  14. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I sort of understand what you mean, but I think the problem with bows is not so much the concept as the execution. Ninjas have really poor PH for an infiltrating skirmisher and also really poor PH for a melee unit, resulting in a fairly lack-lustre bow. Now imagine a Devil-Dog with a Tactical Bow and we're talking real gameplay effects!

    Also, suppressors aren't very silent. Even the VSS can be heard quite clearly from very far. I think to best simulate suppressors, you'd have to start with a rule that if someone declares a BS Attack, anyone would be allowed to do a free change facing to turn towards the gunfire at end of order regardless of distance. A suppressor (and non-BS Attack non-silent skills) would change this to ZoC. Silent would change this to not at all and current resolve-first mechanic.

    I do think we need more silent weapons, but above all because most units aren't suited to effectively use the ones we currently have - those would need fixed DAM values.

    @eciu come on now, you know a LGL with Drop Bear ammo is probably the most realistic and useful thing that could possibly come out of this thread.
    Belgrim likes this.
  15. FatherKnowsBest

    FatherKnowsBest Red Knight of Curmudgeon

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I’ve been saying Fire Grenades and Viral Grenades for years.

    Nothing from CB on them yet.

    I pushed for Druze to get them. For reasons.
    Mahtamori likes this.
  16. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    And please, remove Shock from Knives. A CCW that strikes at PH is worst than a Knife that strikes at PH-1 + Shock
  17. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Even if it won't be given to PanO ;P Thats why LGL Drop Bear won't happen is because tossing drop bears at 13" with 5-man link team and nearby Muleboot with Baggage is a bit not in a CB way (as they limit quite stricly amount of "speculetive" fire options). On top it's PanO thing so that's a reason it won't happen :)

    I can bet for a good beer that it won't happen :)

    One of the reasons why Black Friar is sad with his CCW ;/
    Belgrim likes this.
  18. Arloid

    Arloid Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nanospore Grenade
    B: 1 Range: 0-8 (+3), 8-16 (-3) Dmg: - Ammo: Pheromonic Trait: Throwing Weapon, Speculative Fire, Impact template (Circular)
    Was thinking whether or not to give it damage 13 or not, but it's a tactical grenade so giving it damage looked inapropiate so unless you crit no damage. Would be a neat tactical item for tohaa.
  19. gregmurdock

    gregmurdock Extremely Beloved Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Smoke screen for drones. It drops the template directly in the center of the unit with no roll necessary. If it's used in ftf the drone takes the standard -3 to dodge.

    Rocket boots with disposable (1) that allow a full order 10 inch move with super jump.
  20. Kakino

    Kakino Desconfiando de Aleph

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nice try...
    #20 Kakino, Jan 9, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
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