Azzy and the Fasid look great, but I would have imagined a more modern ammunition feed 175 years in the future.
No one here is going to talk about the Hakim... ... and their profile? I'd say it's pretty good, reminds me slightly of the Gao-Tarsos.
I like 'em. Looking forward to having QRF style Doc that I can keep in my back pocket and drop on the quadrant I need 'em. Spoiler: English Profile
Hey, we even have a thread in the PanO forum about him;) He is good indeed despite some bloat from my POV.
Yep, they've got a great shtick and the bloat stops it being an auto include. The Medjector honestly seems kind of wasted on them though, I'd suicide the servant first if I can't reach my patient and BS11 isn't exactly reliable. Hopefully it'll make it's way to the Santiago Knight Paramedic :P
Yeah, the Medjector.....would be great for PanO. Bipandra or if you want the Santiago could make a lot use of it.
Back tracking to the Kazak because it's well... me, a kazak player. Don't forget the recent HMG blackjack's belt, great texture, looks like a modern chaingun. So why the odd half one texture, half a belt, all odd? I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and hope that the belt lays on his chest and shoulder somewhat instead of just going THROUGH the shoulder. Though seeing the ariadna canister on his backpack looking really out of place. Yeah, I think this is going to take some TLC to make it look better. Makes me sad. Though our neighbors in the spanish side of the forum did have a solid solution that'll take minimal greenstuff. I really want to see how the thing fits together, if that belt's a problem then I may not get one to convert into a rifle loadout with some spare specops bits and a headswap.
I'd say that the Hakims very much feel like classic Haqq while also feeling a bit fresh and unique, which I like. Definitely can see myself taking them regularly but not automatically. They don't replace the typical AD role of assault combat trooper and they're only really similar to Tomcats, but at the same time different enough to not just feel like Tomcats in tan and green body armour. I hope that RTF gets a more typical kind of AD trooper though, a classic MI with BS 12/13, various guns etc. Feels like as the most technologically advanced and well resourced part of the Haqq military, they'd have a lot of stuff like paratroopers that require dropships and such.
We have a better thread about it in the Haqq forum. It's better because: no tears, no tantrums, and no puling. (Not a typo. Look it up.) Regeneration is amusing, at least on a PH 11 unit. (It's not so amusing, for the opponent, on a PH 14 unit.)
We got the Hakim on the 18th of this month, so it could be a week or two before the models drop for Tunguska as well.
I really had to look it up, never heard or read that word anywhere. Thanks for grain of education;) And not that I am going to start Tunguska, but it will be very interesting to see, what its all about, because its a completely new sectorial with new rules. In general every sectorial release in the coming months will be. But I guess the most anticipated are Varuna and IA...