I have a related question. Say, I deploy Veel Suuton, a veteran of the Tohaa Kotail detachment, who engages his Holoprojector in order to disguise himself as a mere uninteresting Kamael. Since Kamaels are able to join a Triad, can I create a Triad with a Kotail being part of it, as he pretends to be a troop who has the necessary skill? There are examples in the Wiki (http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Holoprojector#Holoprojector_L1_and_Fireteam_Example:) that make me think this is possible, but I am still a bit confused. Bonus question: what happens to the Triad when Kotail exposes himself or enters a Null state? Does it break completely or continues to exist as a Duo? EDIT: Got this answered. I was confused because the Wiki example mentioned a Hafza joining a Core team of Janissaries. I was looking at her vanilla profile which doesn't have the Fireteam skill and thought Kotails could do the same. Sadly, they cannot.
Not sure I like this example since it's the only case in the game where the base profile has Haris yet still can't form a Haris with itself due to Sectorial Army List restrictions. It should be labeled "Fireteam: Haris (Xeodrons)" on their profile.
Erm, that's exactly why I used it as an example - the Haris Special Skill by itself is not enough to be able to form a Haris, you also have to follow the Sectorial list.
So following this logic, in StarCo you can have an all-riot grrrl haris link, but not core as u need one of the characters. The fireteam options are listed as "Haris, special" and under the special rules there are rules for a special Haris and a special core. You can also run an all brigada core team but only up to the max AVA of 4. To get 5 members you need a character, but losing that character doesn't negate reforming the link, as they have "core" as a fireteam option. ...right?
To get to full 5 member Mobile brigada core link you need 3 brigadas Senior Massacre and a dactari, you cannot form that link team otherwise if massacre or daktari dies and the link breaks it cannot reform to 3+1 of the survivors you can form a 3 member core team though.
Or if you have a spare Mobile Brigada you can link him in with your remaining 3 to make a 4 man Mobile Brigada Fireteam:Core (since they are AVA 4, and have Core as well as Special Fireteams). At which point you wouldn't be able to include whichever unit had survived between the Daktari or Massacre, it would just be regular Mobile Brigada Fireteam at that point. http://infinitythewiki.com/en/List_of_Fireteams#StarCo
I'm sure I saw an answer for this but cant find it. Does teampro allow you to form a bounty hunter fireteam duo in Ikari co?
teampro allows vanilla faction (with no access to fireteam) to still get a Duo. Ikari is a sectorial, not a vanilla faction, and its list of fireteam is already defined. TeamPro is not needed to form Duo in ikari, and doesn't grant ikari additional Duo options. But it does allow fireteam to last a bit longer with its other effect.
yes it is unusable in Ikari. the Regular Order variant of ABH were given to ISS where they were allowed to form a Duo type fireteam, and they had the skill because you need at least one fireteam member with the skill. As mentioned in the summary, Duo is both a type and a skill. In Ikari it looks like they kept the Duo skill from their existence in ISS. The Ikary list doesn't allow them to form the Duo type fireteam and TeamPro rule is for generic armies only : Moreover, TeamPro allows the use of Fireteam: Duo in Generic Armies.
I'm assuming the three CSU Duo is intended to be StarCo only for the same reasons? They have the skill in ISS & NCA but they're not on the sectorial chart
So, is this a rule change that is overwriting the Wiki as well as Infinity Army? Its not a confusing reminder if they can NEVER form a Fireteam in that list: both the Wiki and army are flat out wrong. Army already hides the Fireteam skills in some armies but not others, so it is easily implied that they can use the skill. CB's contractor needs to update these entries to hide this skill when its not applicable. Someone else ALSO needs update the Fireteam: Duo page on the Wiki to match this ruling. Currently it just states that you just need to be part of a Sectorial Army List, and the "List of fire teams" page is never mentioned on that rule, or the Sectorial Army List page which is linked. A player who has never seen this thread cannot follow this ruling since it contradicts both the Wiki and Army. I have no idea how we're supposed to notify CB about this critical issue.
Can anyone tell me if CSU can Fireteam: Duo in ISS? according to the PDF, CSU are not even in the sectoral let alone a fireteam. They are also not showing a Duo in Neoterra.
For Tunguska: Is it valid fireteam with securitate+grenzer+ 1 interventor? I'm sure that not, but some other players think different.
It's not, an interventor can join a grenzer fireteam, but having a securitate in there means the link is a securitate one, not a grenzer one