Is that an actual thing in lore? The 2d20 system can easily handle this type of negative by just making the difficulty go up. So a D1 becomes a D2. However this can be a huge negative so I wouldn't recommended. What I'd probably do if in this situation is require a discipline test (like a D1 or D2) when maybe something extreme heights comes up (like jumping out of a plane, tightrope walking between two 20 story buildings) and apply the negative if failed.
Heh, that funny as they have superjump in the RPG and have a talent for taking less damage when falling.
duroc jumps in human form and lands in dogface form, so i think that the adrenaline from the jump is enough to transform him. From what i understood traits (so things like "0-g fear" that you get during character creations) are used to discount the cost to buy complications. Example: a character afraid of 0-g is more subject to "small problems" regarding 0-g things, since the GM will pay 1 heat less to buy complications regarding that aspect. They're like the quirks from Gurps, but i wondered if there was an exaustive list, to clarify some "wording"
Nope, that's Margot's "fault". She has to kick him real hard to make him fall of the 'chopper. Or were you thinking other, "stressful", things? ;)
Had a big post written up about complications and then read what they were in infinity which was changed up a bit from Conan and then checked Conan and they updated it to match more with infinity before going to print. The GM section has more on what you can spend doom for but these are what I use in a fantasy setting when the player rolls complications (20s on a d20) as they don't have any good list despite the community asking for one. generally 1 complication is a minor inconvenience (like a melee weapon loosing a die of damage for the encounter) but generally just gets a heat added to the pool. 2 complications would be something like a dropped weapon (my favorite is the weapon is stuck in an enemy requiring actions to pull out) , loosing damage for until repaired, player slipping on all the blood of their enemy's (I've been playing alot of the Conan RPG using the same system). 3 complications would be weapon's broken or the reopening of am ignored would penalty and so on.
Yeah, almost a third off the manual is lore. Lot's of new things in the infinity universe that add the depth needed for an RPG - Merc chapter, merc organisation, submoondo, O-12... - a chapter for each system, a map for almost every main planet... Some weirdness too. A BAM backer choosed to make a purple dinosaur sophotecto as his NPC. "Bala perdida" a classic caledonian forum user has it's classic flash pulse under the skirt...
Yeah, I'd expect the rpg based off the miniatures game based off the home-brewed rpg to be more lore heavy. It's kinda the thing for rpgs to have more lore, since you are intended to interact more with the "worldbuilding" stuff and not just "jump into mecha and blow shit up" (that's what the ttmg is for).
The miniatures game came out of an pen and paper rpg setting that Gutier came up with (that's why he's lead designer. It's HIS world, we only play in it.) Several of the named characters WERE player characters from that game. The circle is complete. The expanse (book and TV series) also came out of rpg stuff. At first, it was going to be a MMORPG, but that plan fell apart, then it became a pen and paper rpg, and then a book, then a series. Firefly also came out of an rpg. Joss Whedon played a LOT of Traveller in college (and if you've played it, you can see the characters in it from an rpg perspective).
I didn't knew that about Firefly! I love when RPGs go beyond the original media, like Lodoss and of course Infinity
you have no idea how much things were derived from RPG or books. sometimes things born from fantasy are the most realistic created. Example: "Utopia" from 1888, it's the first book where in the future (year 2000) people use Cards instead of money (credit card anyone?) you can find extremely detailed list online.
It's also "highly suggested" that the "underworld" movies came out of some people reading the "tragically hip" [NOT the canadian band) Vampire rpg from the 90s, too (although Sony won that case, so who knows ?)
Dresden files seem to be based on old White Wolf stuff. Looking forward to getting hold of the infinity book. Might be tempted to run a game.
Well... I would disagree there (even while I agree the "Die Hard treatment for the player characters" gets applied a lot to Harry XD), but the Codex Alera series of the same author comes from an internet dare Jim purposelly lost. He said he could make a working book of two random concepts and was shoot with "lost roman legion" and "Pokemon"... he said "you win" and went to make a great series (adding wolf people and Zerg and symbiotic barbarians to the mix, in a "sink world" were a lot of stuff ends).
so is there any change in mindset when a Dogface transform into the Dog-Warrior (e.g more aggressive in Dog-Warrior form than Dogface form)