Especially when literally every other entity in the entire galaxy is lining up to fuck them, I'd rather see the ALEPH in IS replaced.
Let's not drag that debate in here, but I can't resist a small comment on this; I'd rather they took a good look at the state of the setting and wrote in some allies for Yu Jing instead. Aleph and Ariadna are two good places to start.
The problem with Aleph units in the Invincible Army is that you never really know what's the priority in the AI's mind. Are they following your orders, or are they appearing to follow your orders only to shoot the critical unit in the back and have the mission fail because Aleph needs it to fail? It's why every nation hates allied-operations. Hell, the US hates joint ops with units from the other branches, because the different branches have different definitions of 'support'. Get a Marine pilot on Close Air Support and you'd better duck, he's going to be so close that he takes off your radio antennas. But that USAF unit on CAS is going to be dropping a bomb from 30,000ft (or higher, if he can get there)!
I'm just saying, but in the CBL:s you have Sophotect so closely in cooperation with the StateEmpire suppression force that it can form a fireteam with the most brutal members of the Judiciary... Not sure how JSA would take that other than tacit Aleph approval
Kinda makes up for Aleph actively colluding to conceal the meetings necessary for the Secession to succeed. Well, almost.