So this week I recieved my JSA army pack and uprising book. now what colour scheme to go for. Yushi Fukaitani Yurin Konoe Yukihyo Akai Taiyo Tamagahane Asahi Ikari Personally I really like Yushi and Ikari. Maybe I'll go for a hybrid scheme. What are your thoughts?
Did you order directly from CB? I haven't even gotten shipping info yet, but I got it from a store, so I wasn't sure if it was still going to distributors or if it was in waves, or what. As for colors, the Akai Taiyo and Asahi both look nice for traditional Japanese colors, and if you want to break from that, Ikari is a nice combo.
I ordered directly from CB. The also taiyo are the colours of the kumairo army. Which they promised not to use until Kumairo is freed from the Yu Jing.
My old JSA are something like Ikari. Dark and light Blue. My new ones will get some orange to go more like Ikari.
I literally linked my account specifically to comment here, because I've had a plan since the JSA announcement (was a vanilla YJ collector, haven't painted enough stuff up to par to play yet outside little rules tests). Basing it on the Muv-Luv universe, I'm going to be doing them in the UN/Imperial Japanese Army colours (the IJA use black for basic troops, officers/nobles get their own colour scheme, so I decided to also use the UN scheme from the series to provide a more reliable base colour scheme than 'generally black'). So the colour scheme is black+dark grey, plus turquoise, with white as a highlight. I'll probably use less dark blue than the Shiranui (the mech) does, probably none, with the main armour being black, and armour highlights like on the mech being red/white depending on nobility status. Then I'll also be adding some red as a highlight on samurai/nobility miniatures, and am considering another colour to differentiate ninja, and possibly another for higher class samurai (I'd use that on the O-Yoroi, possibly Neko, the Kuge HVT). Here's a mecha and a Japanese UN officer for the idea:
Probably going to go for a variation on either the Akai Taiyo or Asahi theme, with the Tanko painted to look like their suits are put together with random pieces. Always wanted to give the Domaru personalised markings too, either slight variation in stripes or use of transfers
I've painted mine in the 'official' Tamahagane scheme but I must admit I'm tempted to repaint them slightly to match Konoe instead. Time will tell.
I'm painting my JSA right now and I'm using something similar to the yushi scheme (naggaroth night/khorne red) but with gold instead of black for the armor "cable"
Red and White seems the most appropriate now. Since Japanese pride is at an all time high, I'm doing mine in very vibrant scheme. I could see the argoto enjoying something very flashy or even making their own personalized "adjustments" to their motorcycle paint. How are you guys' basing them? I think I might try and go for a garden look and feel.
@MikeTheScrivener I've considered garden/park bases as well and planned on using this guide as a base:
This is really neat, I might go with something with a little more foliage and static grass though. I may use the as the base that all that stuff goes on though. I'm thinking flowers, fallen cherry blossoms, and grass
I'm gonna go for a white, black, and yellow scheme. Basically the classic scheme, with yellow as oposed to red. Throw in some light blue as a spot color. Now just imagine Kuroshi in that scheme... Yeah...anyone familiar with DRRR!! is gonna get what I'm going for.
I definitely used Robotech Next Generation for my bike color scheme, plus Kisaragi
Well, my JSA are all on Antenociti's urban hex bases. Will have to buy some more, I've run out. Also need to come up with a basing idea for the rest of my YJ. My personal color scheme for the Keitotsu is Vallejo Model Color 923 WW2 Japanese Uniform for the Hakama, VMC 914 Green Ochre for the armor, VMC 988 Khaki for the rest of the cloth, VMC 940 Saddle Brown for the boots, VMC 884 Stone Grey for the weapons casings and pouches, Vallejo Game Color Cold Grey for the weapon grips. I added red and white to the armor on their shoulders to tie them to the samurai. Looks like the Keisotsu from pg68 of HSN3, more or less. I painted the new Domaru in a slightly modified Tamahagane, though I reversed the red/white on one of them for the Ii 'Red Devils' clan. I had a fun inspiration from the manga Kurogane Hime, and painted the outer thigh guards black with their clan mon in white. Had some fun digging up clan mon, though I'm not looking forward to painting the Minamoto or Taira mon on the O-Yoroi. Can't find decals for those, but I'm doing pretty well for Sengoku clan mon decals.
My YJ are already jade green with white highlights, so I'm definitely going Yukihyo so the REMs can switch between lists.