I can give you a general overview over my proxies for StarCo, but unreleased are just Brawlers and Raoul with a Brawler coming with the Uprising Book, so it is really just Raoul (I will proxy him with a Spektr, of course) ☺
My proxy plans: ABH -> Emily (conversion) RV Yuan-Yuan -> Raoul (conversion) Druze Hacker -> Brawler Hacker Lunah (Aristeia metal) -> Brawler Sniper Rosie -> Brawler HRL Alguacil (Icestorm) -> Uhahu Morlock -> Irmandinho Grenzer (Icestorm) -> Cateran Spektr (Icestorm) -> Al Hawwa Sin Eater -> Brigada Danavas -> CSU Neoterra Exec -> CSU Still need to figure out a Hardcase... maybe the official model with a head swap? I'd use the Red Veil Ninja except I need it as a Ninja...
Apart from Brawlers and Raoul, everything is in the market. Not knowing Raoul, i'm waiting to at least see his profile before thinking, but have some other proxies/conversions on queue for the sectorial: As Irmandinho: Domovoi (Using moriarty as his Zondcat probably, because ... well, you will see :D) As Cateran : Jethro As Hardcase : Planning a conversion of a Jaguar, involving a hood, a bow, and green colours. Not very high priority as i'm not very fond of hardcases. As CSU: "Roleplaying game" Panoceanian and Nomad characters (Alternative version of current HVT blisters) and also the HVT from the Dire Foes 6: Dire Truth As Brawlers: Ryuken 9 units (both of them), and probably a Hassassin Govad Everything else already on posession :D.(just... some paintwork pending... )
Ok some alternatives might use: Khawarij as Avicianna Konstantinos as either Irmandinho or Bandit Zondcat as his Zondbot Senor M either as himself or a second Bandit Spektr as Al Hawwa Custodier as Uhahuh Celestial Guard Sniper as Brawler Sniper Keisotsus as Brawlers Indigo as Emily Guilang might make a good Raoul, cause he can represent pretty much anything except HI.
Right now I will use most of my already owned modells from Nomads/ISS for StarCo. I will definetely not buy any new modells as I am far behind my schedule in painting right now :) Raoul = Spektr Combi-Rifle (As I have plenty of them still not painted) Brawlers = Kaplan Irmandinho = Domovoi Emily = Brawler from Uprising PreOrder (sold off the Emily-fig from "Outrage" because I do not like it) Knauf = Jethro Avicenna = Gata from Aristeia (metall edition) - also my generic Daktari if I need one Cateran = Major Lunah from Aristeia (metall edition) or Grenzer - haven't decided yet Hardcases = Ninja Tac-Bow from RedVeil Mobile Brigada = old WuMing (as I do not own any Mobile Brigadas and do not like the new ones) Zonds = Yaokongs (my REM-favorite) - I use them for Corregidor/Nomads Vanilla also Salyut = Kameel (looks better) Alguacil = 2 SpecOps, Midnight Sun Analyst as Hacker, several ABH (from N3, O:IS beyond with the 2 Pistols & the guy with the CombiRifle) - I do not like new or old Alguacil sculpts so I use these ragged assortment of modells as my Alguacils. CSU = Wild Bill from Aristeia (metall edition) & the CSU from RedVeil beyond Al'Hawwa = Spektr Boarding Shotgun Jaguars = Beba & some real Jaguars Anaconda = Scarface TAG Clockmaker = old Zoe Hm, seems the only available options I do NOT proxy are Riot Grrls, 2 Jaguars, Tsyklon, Lunokhod and Bandits.... :)
I'm pretty sure I will do some conversions.. But I will wait for the book first: Brawlers: jethro as sniper brawler, and ghulams with cloacks, maibe I will convert some of the armor too Irmandinho: I'm thinking to start with dovomoi, but not completely sure about it. He is a bit too big Cateran: no idea here. Still thinking off Hardcase: I like the mini so I will use it ñ, only changing its head. No cowboy hat! While I get the mini, I'll use any sniper on my box. Al'hawa: I like the oficial mini, so will get it as is. No change. While I get it, i think i will use a zero Raoul... No idea here. Maybe is a s5 IP, maybe is an special spectr (so a TO), maybe he is some type of warband... There are too many options (and I doubt that he will be moonknight, CB will not copy so bluntly, even infinity's Kusanagi is more based on Vampi than Motoko For the other profiles I have all the minis, but maybe there will be more conversions. I'm thinking of doing a jaguar female groups based on Vampi, Gally/Alita, Motoko and not decided on the 4th one, maybe Saya
To be honest, I'll just proxy the Cateran with Jethro as I don't like the Ariadnan model. Besides that it all depends on Raoul's profile - I have no idea if he is supposed to be a LI, MI, HI, Knight or whatever.
Have you seen the new JSA biker, Morlocks, Senor Massacre.... I'll be picking up the Outrage box. Between that and the Nomads side of Icestorm and my Bakunin stuff I think I will be set for a bit.
You can go to the beggining of infinity and you will find some "tribute" even from the first miniatures (the oldest I can remember is the sky captain and the world of tomorrow's securitate), but the new kuroshi rider is not called Celty, or the moderators are not guardians of anything. If they copy aesthetics and also name of a character they can be sued more easily than if they only copy name OR aesthetics. That's why I don't think we will see a moonknight bur rather something different
I'm not expecting the sculpt to look like Moon Knight only the profile to be influenced by him. They aren't copying the whole name either, just the last one and using a unit icon that hints at it too. Can't wait to see what happens either way
As player of both Nomads and Ariadna, I got almost everything! i will probably get Avicienna, and will maybe use Isobel McGregor until I have her. I could probably use Moblots or even Line Kazaks for Brawlers. I have all those bounty hunters that I can use as CSU in case I really need them. That should work. Or maybe I have to use them as bounty hunters?
Decided that since we don't have info on when we'll get Spector's mini, I started to convert my own. Once I get my copy of Uprising,if there's art of him in the book, this may change. But, for now...
I'm doing something simple with mine... i just took the red veil Yuan-Yuan, removed the tactical junk and modified the legs so he's standing up straight, and will give him a Hellcat backpack.