New wave of OOP Infinitythegame: Available until 2/1/25, 12:00 AM Invincible Army Action Pack Wild Bill (Contender) Dronbot Remotes Pack Securitate Ninjas Zhanshi USAriadna Bundle Blackjacks Bundle USAriadna Action Pack Marauders
Great song! So the IA repack goes into another repack. Zhanshis go while they remain one of the rare linetroops that kept all their SWC weapons. Dronbots maybe replaced by Sio or repacked into essentials. Securiate and Co are into a bigger Nomad pack? Ninjas are old. We have newer Ninjas in bigger boxes. USA makes sense since new army is online.
As much as I’m no fan of Siocast, I have absolutely no issues for the Dronbots to be in Syocast if it can allow to decrease the price. You never enough Bots in PanO, and their price is a bit too high to have 4 or 6 of them.
It was announced that all siocast models would be transitioned to Unicool. I think most of the Last Chance are because of CodeOne packaging needing to be changed into Essentials.
Mmm I'd swear I saw it, but I may be wrong and it was all about the Siocast machine being monopolized by Warcrow. Anyways, there is this post: about the JSA Remotes, as stated by Koni in the Discord. At this point I can't remember if some of us took it as a change for the whole line (it would be contingent on how much stock was in CB's storage).
From the last interview of Bostria at 1:02:37 (The forum don't want to embed the video). Human sized miniatures: metal S5 miniatures: Siocast TAG and REM: Unicool
To be one more with a so-so quality plastic or the best among the last metal-working company? Not to mention 3D printing, which tends to overshadow a lot the plastic offers nowadays...
LoL That’s just your opinion… I got into WH when they transferred from metal to plastic and they were god awful. So beautiful ! Such amazing levels of details! Just wow! Look at these sharp feet nails, and detailed absolutely-not-oversized hands. Such a crisp fur, and beautiful teeth. Sure… Saying worst plastic is better than metal just shows high levels of opinion worthlessness…