To be fair, it's been years since I've seen a new (as in a newly made box, all have that feeling of "it's been sitting here for years", not to mention some that have the boxes quite degraded because those have been moved within the store repeteadly... or oackage-dealed to secondary stores) pack from the Vallejo partnership, and they never go down in price. I think the only paint boxes sold with Vallejo paints since the last one was presented have been from the same batch, no newly produced ones. very wide range, not just for hobby paints (other brands may be larger) but with art, crafts, etc... that are not wargame-related, and they were quite available at least in Spain before AP started showing up everywhere. I personally have paints from both, and the best value I get is that most of the colors I used so far won't reactivate the other brand's paint. Otherwise, it depends on the product I go for one brand or another among several.
Interesting… very interesting. Not just the new minis but the change of paint sets too… hmm. I too own army painter and Vallejo and would swear by both brands (though I’d state unequivocally that Vallejo has a larger range). It’s merely… interesting, as I’ve already said. Will possibly pick up some of these as now I’m not gaming in Infinity it will allow me to focus on the painting aspect. May go for the fusilier first for the sake of some PanO nostalgia.
I hope for a way to know which box will have siocast and which will have unicool. In unicool, I would buy certain TAGs I would not in Siocast.
All the talk about the new here, but I struggle to find the Sandtraps Beyond box. All big online shops in good old ger are sold out from the initail release. Why is that? CB had not produce enough boxes? They sell so incredible well, that they are sold out in hrs? Distributers are just lazy? I see this more and more with the new stuff from Infinity. A couple of boxes hit the shelves on release and after that more than a month - nothing! Whats going on in spain?
In my summary of the latest studio update I noted that bostria had said: - Warcrow is selling more than expected and they are buying new siocast machines. Some who say they speak with CB, though I have my doubts, say they've had to do several print runs for Warcrow because of demand. It seems that they're having production problems due to an incorrect projection of the production calculations to be made for the product ranges (they're not producing enough, which is forcing them to restock) and this is impacting on the schedule, so a shortage problem is accumulating. They're supposed to have bigger facilities after buying out an adjoining building that caught fire a few years ago, and to have more machines, including a dedicated production line, but that's obviously not enough, as Bostria indicates that they're buying new machines, new machines that will require new staff, staff who need to be trained, so industrial capacity isn't fully operational despite the release of their two major games. But I don't have the impression that the community is growing to explain the stock-outs, in my opinion their production capacities are lower than before because of their reorganization and with the release of new games, stores massively make a first purchase of starters, a usual store trick that can be found in comic book stores who only make new releases and who don't necessarily buy the whole catalog of a franchise to follow the range. In theory, in a few months' time, stores will stop buying basic products on a massive scale, and CB will have caught up with its new industrial capacities. In the meantime, you can buy in France, where there are still plenty of Beyond boxes, and given that shipping costs from Germany to France are not very high, the reverse should be the same. As the customer base in France declines, there is more inventory.
Maybe releasing two main systems at roughly the same time was not the brightes idea. So production shortage in siocast impacts also the metal casting. And the new JSA TAG made of unicool is delayed due to ... wait for enough pieces to order in china? I think I am not that desperate that I have to order France (or elswhere) - I prefer to wait und suppot me local online shop ;-)
I am sure there have been some minor errors on cb's part with stock but here us what is happening. Stores for the most part only partially suppport infinity. So they take preorders and add 1 maybe 2 boxes to it. Cb builds to thr deflated demand...cause particularly right now overstock would be bad news. They have too much capital in expansion and new design. Stores sell more and demand goes back toncb which jas a 10 to 12 week delay in responding to demand. So sure cb may need to be a little more aggressive with forecast...risky, but you lose players if you dont have stock but stores that carry need tonshare some of that load too.
I'd bet on shared workers for both lines to a degree, otherwise the metal production line should not be impacted unless they downsized it. Considering the amount of big boxes (whole C1 collection) still available in stores with up to a 50% cleaning discount, I can understand the refusal to stock on expensive boxes anymore.
Why (and where) is Warcrow selling? Is a game you even cant play right now. Only two factions, very limited list making options, no army, no app, no OTM... The several comunities i know here in Spain, all of them want to know nothing about the game and all the feedback i read out there in the internet is, "no thx, bland ripoff, not inspired, crappy material, maybe when more factions where available, symbols dices= Automatically ignore, and so on and so on"
As far as I have seen, Warcrow mostly sells to hobbyist and people that like the minis to paint them and not to play the wargame. If I don't remember wrong, Carlos has said in some interviews that Infinity also has a substantial amount of it sells that derives from that market, generally a unit that has a great profile, but that looks fine sells worse than a useless mini that looks awesome. Rule of cool sells the most.
Sigh...warcrow is not full of hobbyists at all. An active discord and very true that the real release isn't until adepticon with 3 playable factions. Will it ever get as big infinity..unlikely but then infinity is pretty anemic compared to almost any gw game. This is definitely a build year for the game. Having said that they are selling out of product.. so in a sense very successful. It's a very very different game a s while I enjoy that the 2 factions are actually playable- it needs more factions, better scenarios, a serious faq/ errata and eventually more fan content to draw a bigger crowd We should all want it to succeed though. Warcrow fail would be very bad for cb and bad for cb is bad for infinity.
You had that question answered by people who play warcow, it is more popular than you make it be, maybe you are in a community that strongly dislikes Warcrow? I doubt CB would need to address the fact they need to buy more machinery to catch up demand if that was not the issue.
You read my message? I asked comunnities all along spain and read some feedback from also other countries and all i got is negative feedback about the game. That's why im genuinely surprised Also, who play the game, because the tools needed to play it are not available yet
Yes, I have read your message, as I have also read the response you got on the warcrow side of the forum, I am assuming non intersecting communities?
Corvus Belli is currently advertising its releases by talking about Jamie but there's a glitch... they forgot to make the product page Arantes