Hei, The relatively new and very simple skirmish game Blkout does have a couple of things i like - beside the dice mechanics there is one rule which could be adapted to infinity: LEANING OUT Models can use half its Movement to Lean Out after a Move. Than it places a 25mm Lean Out Marker next to the Model's Base. The Marker can be used for the Model's Line of Sight and measurements. Models that are Leaning Out have cover from any Model that can only see the Marker and not the actual Model. what do you think?
Also, Lean Out is totally doable under current Move rules. You simply Move to have at least half of your base supported during the Move, and have it full supported at the end of the Move. It matters not whether you were traversing a narrow footbridge, or peeking over a building's edge down.
The reason why Lean Out got removed from the game is that by and large it is not useful. It is only in very very special circumstances that it would ever be used. Reason being that the LOF rules for Infinity are designed to be fairly quick and easy to gain LOF This is misleading information. You can only do this on a narrow bridge or a spot where you are forced to stand without the base fully supported such as a 40+mm tall container some 15mm from the edge of a 40+mm drop. Please see the FAQ page 1 "Movement Module". What you are suggesting is technically possible, but the situations where it is possible are very rare.
Yeah, that was answered long ago - you cannot voluntarily move over the edge. See the thread: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/move-over-edge-to-look-below.38296/