Balance issues in N4

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Hecaton, Aug 22, 2023.

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  1. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    He likes to whine, complain and tell everyone how superior he thinks he is. It's almost a full-time job for him :)

    Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent the deleterious effects of his postings and many people don't even feel like reading or participating in the forums anymore because of him and a handful of other ones.
    Solar, Cthulhu363, Mcgreag and 2 others like this.
  2. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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    Not sure it will help the discussion, but on the Discord Kahavrion/SkyKnight mentioned in the final he lost 3 SP heroes to heckler-fastpanda-GML top of turn 1, and couldn't come back from that. That's what decided the game.
    Hecaton and Time Bandit like this.
  3. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I don't smoke, and if it's really such a big issue for a specific edge case that edge case can be addressed in an update. Or MO can just be bad again until it gets its fifth rework in two editions, it's worth it to reign in the worst offenders in the profile optimisation arms race. If a faction really does *need* 7+ points of free competency on every second trooper, that just means other skills are overcosted, not that Frenzy is fine.
    It really does hurt the readability of the thread as a whole, splitting conversations over more space/pages than necessary. Please consider consolidating your posts if you can, just asking as a fellow forum user.
    anubis, Modock, LaughinGod and 2 others like this.
  4. Henshini

    Henshini Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Going back a few pages, I really like the idea of a GML shot "spending" the targeted state on the model as a way of making it less efficient. And efficiency is the issue here. It's not really debatable that there are units that are more points efficient than others, and that's what top players fill their armies with. Maybe pitchers are at least partially to blame for making spotlight work because of the efficiency they provide over moving your actual hackers or repeaters up and the needed lof of FOs. Would letting deactivators work without LoS improve this? Would it make engineers too OP?
    Cthulhu363, Nemo No Name and xagroth like this.
  5. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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    It might mean people would actually use deactivators, and who knows what type of world that would be.
    Abrilete likes this.
  6. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's not an edge case, it's literally just one example. You've given this practically zero thought. Your idea is dumb, "it wouldn't break anything." Dude, for every unit you think is a supposed over performer that you think it will reign in you'll be screwing over three times as many under performing units that were built around using this discount to actually be even remotely viable.

    We literally just had Moiras pick up frenzy to try and fix them being over costed shite for the entirety of N3. Congrats, your idea nerfs the Moira back into the bin while leaving actual over achievers like the Vostok and Evaders untouched.

    "It wouldn't break anything." Is pretty much only true if you play Yu Jing, who for whatever reason have a noticeable lack of the Fury/Frenzy rules. Everyone else has fireteams this is going to screw over, most of them for no real reason, or were Domaru and Greys actually causing that many issues in your eyes? Hospitaller Knights have Frenzy but nobody will touch them with a 10 foot pole, sure, let's arbitrarily nerf those too. Neema and Sakiels, definitely waaaay too prevalent in the meta those need a good nerf as well. Kornak? Yeah he's a problem give him the nerf bat.

    I reiterate, you are high as a fucking kite if you think it's a good idea to simply change the fireteam rules without needing to rebalance a shitload of frenzy/fury profiles in the process. At which point if you have to do that you may as well just individually nerf the supposedly overpowered profile instead of trying to do some dumbass blanket rule.

    Jesus christ.
    #106 Triumph, Aug 24, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
    Doppelganger and xagroth like this.

    TAKEZO Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    While not a miracle solution, i think a first step to balance GML a little would be to treat Guided shots as Comms attacks thus being able to avoid them with a reset (-3 for being targeted) , this would have 2 advantages:
    1 LI & MI would have slightly enhanced chances to avoid being hit since they usually have better WIP than PHY, while still being an almost 50/50 situation.
    2 a success would also cancel the targeted state.
  8. Muad'dib

    Muad'dib Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    I think the fundamental issue of GML is thay it breaks the normal active-reactive balance. Targeted can be applied in ARO and carries into the active turn - unlike other hacking attacks, there is no save. The state itself requires Reset-3 to clear, but GML forces the target to dodge to avoid near certain death (again at - 3 due to lack of LoF), leaving them trapped in a Sword of Damocles conundrum.

    There are probably multiple ways to reduce the power of Spotlight/GML (take your picks)
    • Allow Dodge to clear targeted state, eliminate the negative modifier
    • Clear the state at the end of each turn - decreasing order economy by requiring active turn spotlight before GML
    • As you mention, make targeted a one use state, so the reactive model can always choose to dodge in response
    • Decouple targeted from the model - allow an FO or spotlight attack to place a targeted marker on the table touching the enemy model - this model is treated as hostile and may be selected as a target for GML or speculative attacks. This approach allows the target of the attack to dodge or move away from the marker to evade follow up attacks.
    • Automatically clear the targeted state if the targeted model leaves the hacking area or LoF of the model that marked it.
  9. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Short version: option for nerfs (choose part, whole, etc...):
    1) Make Frenzy and Impetuous apply its penalties of no cover while in Fireteams
    2) Make all "targetless" weapons to choose the same spot to land, regardless of Burst value - this could be applied to pitchers too to reduce their economy-efficient attack value when supported by hackers and/or GML
    3) Block non-melee interaction with button-push objectives while the target or the trooper are affected by smoke/eclipse, so you can't push a button while affected by smoke or while the console is too - note this would make viable a "smoke-block" as ARO, I throw smoke at you/the console and you can't push the button
    4) Make Targeted state to be consumed by the Guided attack.

    I think you misunderstood me here. What I mean is that, by adding first a Haris to all sectorials, and now a second one to specific ones, in effect the order efficiency advantage the SP has due to "infinite cores" becomes nil, and Tohaa suffers a reduction in said advantage too. Remember both are capped by the 15 troops limit (so you can never run four 4man cores, for example, and those should be, to begin with, Phoenix, Machaon, Trasymedes, Alke, and six 16pts chainrifle Myrms and six 12pts SMG thorakitai with a Lamedh for those odd 7pts).

    Obvious is not always the right solution. Phoenix would become an ARO killer with access to White Noise in his fireteam, as it has (will) been mentioned byBenkei, since he would be able to selectively shut off ARO troops and always impose a visual -6 (sans MSV with sixth sense).

    I agree, but the imbalance it makes between Sectorials and Vanilla is further increased by the option to block the first player from spending more than a single Command Token, when the safe zone requires for most units to make more than a single move+move.

    not really they can take advantage of the terrain, but that they can ignore the terrain for the most part. More troops with Foxhole may be needed to counter this (and frankly, if were up to me there would be either 3-4 foxhole troops per faction, or none in the whole game.

    That is a very disingenous option. If by carrying the GML you can force the opponent either to hunt your repeaters, spend orders resetting at -3, or maneuver around those areas, and that's without even using the ML yourself, I think this speak volumes at how much it can change things, specially for factions that can deploy repeater networks much more larger than others (Nomads have an extreme ease for that, easily doubling or more the second next best faction at this...)

    The table assembly was a voluntary job taken by many, and a lot of tables were donated for the event, so...

    Short answer, you may like rice a lot but the rice dishes this super famous chef presents be repulsive to you, for example because they use a presentation that is horrible, or even add stuff you are alergic to.

    And Speculative fire. Somehow, Corvus keeps dropping profiles that favour one of the three when they have the chance.

    Boot it up with some factions getting a Guided remote in their Reinforcements for this next season...

    Consider this: Makauls do link with all the MSV2 profiles (one of which carries a spitfire), and some MSV1. The actual smokers don't link. So suddenly the makauls could smoke 2 templates per order and on the next order you get 5 shots of Spitfire... And the third member of the group can carry a Mirrorball for enemy MSV2s, placeable without LoS!

    What? I think you misunderstand things here. Steel Phalanx's design concept is "greek heroes leading aspiring, yet-unnamed possibly future heroes". NO OTHER sectorial is designed around the concept of heroes, which is different from having Characters in the rooster, able to link with common dudes. Corvus wanted really elite levels of characters at all positions (because the unnamed Agema there may become another guy like Teucer in the future, or that myrmidon there may grow up like Eudoros did, etc...), and that means Sacrificies Must Be Made, because the order economy is tied to the amount of units on the table, which is why Myrmidons carry Chain Rifles 8pts cheaper than combi/BSG options (a full 1/3 of the cost gone by swapping the weapon!), and why nobody would play SP if myrmidons were 24+pts apiece.

    For some sectorials, THE engineer (because they have access to a single one!) is the difference between a HI being a nice statue and a productive part of the game, thanks to the -12 to Reset imposed by the two states EM ammo causes...

    Also bypassing Total Immunity rules, ME LIKE THAT!!!!! XD

    Marked in red the change that made GML from horrible order sink to very good order economy attack with N4, I think with the sole and only idea of having hackers in Code1 capable of doing something (and also being able to drop tons of Mimetism troops there, thus reducing lethality).

    Frankly, unless the state is lost after a Guided attack, returning to N3 state would solve the issue, but also would nerf GML into near unsuability aside from "throw a few pitchers near the enemy Lt and try an assassination run with missiles".
    Savnock and Henshini like this.
  10. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    This is a good solution. It also enhances the infowar aspect of Infinity, which is the one of the most unique and interesting parts of the game IMO.
    #110 Savnock, Aug 24, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
    Henshini likes this.
  11. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Or maybe the tournament should be organized differently. Tight timetable at an event like that is ridiculous. How long were the rounds?
  12. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think there's a miscommunication here - Infinity isn't the first sci-fi game to come from someone's rpg sessions. The thing is, when you make that transition, you have to stop treating it like an rpg - and Uprising felt like reading bad notes from someone's rpg campaign. It takes the focus away from what the players are actually doing. WotC called it "vanity publishing" and ended it quite early in their run on Magic (it was part of why the Legends set had so many bad cards).
  13. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Literally every post that @Cthulhu363 makes contains an insult against me because it's his forum title. If you won't action on him for that there's no reason for anyone to take any other urging of yours seriously. Why should I dial back my tone when you're giving the go-ahead to insults?
  14. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    And I don't feel like participating in the main facebook group anymore because of the people who treat any criticism of the state of Infinity like I shot their dog. I say plenty of good things about CB and Infinity too - but I'm guessing that you just ignore that because tribalism is easier.

    Right, which is an entirely noninteractive strategy that is very difficult to counterplay for most factions. You need access to minelayer or something like that - and even then they can usually suicide the Heckler to lay out the fastpanda. I'm honestly wondering if the people on this thread saying it's fine have never lost their LT or key piece to an unstoppable hacker attack top of 1, or if they're just in denial about it.
    Doppelganger and emperorsaistone like this.
  15. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    You… completely avoided and failed to answer @anubis question…

    Also, you’re multi posting again. One must wonder if you know where the quote button is or if you’re doing it to troll everyone here.

    You’re also assuming that the rhetoric tone mentioned by @psychoticstorm is aimed at you. It could as easily be aimed at myself.
    anubis and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  16. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I did not. I was clarifying what I meant when I said that Infinity would do better to get rid of something that has held it back, which is it being treated like an rpg setting for a small group of people in Spain rather than a setting for a wargame.

    Well, he's not responding on the matter, so... he can clarify at any time.

    You're presupposing the results are actually coming from similar "factions" - I'm guessing that Weran's Nomad build is the "solved" one that came out of the COVID-era TTS groups; you can make a "normal" Nomad list that isn't oppressive, but the faction has the tools to create this nightmare list that gives a massive unearned advantage to the player running it. Similarly, if the Steel Phalanx players in Pulpi weren't running basically the same list as it's becoming clear the Kraken players were, then you'd expect them to have differing results if the list was the deciding factor.

    I'm stating this for the thread in general, by the way, since I'm guessing you won't engage with this idea.
    #116 Hecaton, Aug 24, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
  17. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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    His forum title is: "It's a bug in the document"

    How is that an insult against you?
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  18. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    You in fact did. @anubis asked “one question, just to silence my curiousity: You don´t like were Infinity comes from, you don´t like the current state of the Game AND the fluff and you seem to dislike at least half of the regulary posting cumminity here. What keeps you interacting with ....well...anyhing here”. To which your answer should have been to inform why you do keep interacting with anyone here. Instead you explained that the question itself was borne out of a miscommunication and then proceeded to argue based upon that miscommunication. Even if the question asked was borne out of a misunderstanding, you still didn’t answer the question posed.

    I was going to ask that as well.
    Cthulhu363 and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  19. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, he thinks it is. It's a reference to a post I made when N4 came out pointing out that a bunch of the tinbots on PanO and Combined Army models cost more in terms of points and SWC than Nomad ones.

    I answered the part of it he was confused about. The rest of it I explained upthread.

    I liked Infinity when it was more balanced. I would like it to be balanced again. At a certain point CB made the choice to avoid doing balance passes except on things getting new minis, and various decisions made for N4 were bad for gameplay, in my estimation.
  20. Kelthret

    Kelthret Usuario

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Maybe I'm not correctly interpreting this. Are you saying there wasn't enought time per round? There were 2 hours per round, more that enough time to play a full match of Infinity.
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