If we play with this game mode, it is mandatory to have a Reinforcement group, that should be clear. When you start your game and you pass the Courtesy List, it includes the Reinforcement as Open Information (models added casually) Is this intended? Shouldn't they be Private Info?
So that is the first case in the game where you disclose info about something that is not on the table. Can I ask you why the developing team came up with this decision?
I had the same question and the pandas (Fast Panda Gaming) kindly answered. You share that information when you deploy the reinforcements
I do not have the answer to that, but I have done the question in the bug elimination phase a long time ago and the answer is it is intentional to be public information and in the curtesy list.
https://infinitythewiki.com/Open_and_Private_Information So... they merely applied RAW. I think this will slow even more the games, mind you...
Shouldn't the Reinf Section print off on a new page ? So that you can share it once the model are deployed ? While they are obviously Open Info, the rule says to share open info while you deploy them and the new reinforcement rule pdf clearly tells us to not deploy the reinf section during the main deployment phase, but only deploy your main section.
as per the rules above you don't share you private information until you deploy your models and it says everywhere in the Reinforcements rules you 'deploy' Reinforcements later in the game hence that is when you share that open information
This is not what I undersand from @psychoticstorm answer, frankly. As far as I can understand this, the reinforcements are with the courtesy list you give to your opponent while you deploy, between the Lt roll and the order recount of the first turn... and since the reinforcements are there, they are public info from the start of the game regardless of when they deploy. Granted, I may have misunderstood what you mean... nevertheless it is not the first time the rules end in a contradiction loop, I know people have used the rulebook as a Turing test sometimes XD
You missed the last part. DURING THE DEPLOYMENT PHASE. It means that during THAT phase you disclose all your Open Info. And if Reinforcement are Open Info, you are required to disclose them at that very same moment,
I do not agree with this interpretation, because it's cutting a huge chunk of the phrase. It says the time when you must share your list's public info: when you deploy yout models, markers and tokens during the deployment phase. It is not saying "you share your open information of each individual model, marker, and token when you place each on the table". This reading seems quite dissonant, since markers's contents are private info, the only public part about them is the mimetism level and silhouette
as well as it saying in the rules page 15 you don't share the open information until deployed (you don't deploy Reinforcements at the start of the gane) the president is combat jump for example, once that unit is 'deployed' the unit information is then open so why is it different for Reinforcements?
before we go off at a tangent, I said once deployed it becomes public information as in the deployment is the catalyst for information to become public
Just talked with the Dev Team and I can confirm that Reinforcements is OPEN INFORMATION from the beginning and the courtesy list is totally ok as it prints now.
For me it fails the internal logic check, how can you know the full content of the un-deployed reinforcement section but not a troop with Combat Jump? That seems to be the most appropriate comparison. In both cases it relates to troops that will deploy to the table after the initial deployment phase. In the case of Combat Jump it is private information until it arrives on the table but you know everything about the Reinforcements before they are on the table. That is an inconsistency to me.
@Koni thank you for your reply. At what point in the game are courtesy lists exchanged? We always thought it was at the end of deployment, because that's when all the models are on the table and their open info has become available to the opponent. But, your answer on reinforcements is leading us to wonder if we were wrong. Are courtesy lists exchanged at the start of the game, before deployment is finished? That is, is models' information Open from the outset, not merely becoming Open once they're deployed? To put it another way, do I know my opponent's list, including their reserve troop(s), before they've deployed them?
I have to say I disagree that the Reinforcement Group should be Open Information prior to it deploying. It feels contradictory to the standard game rules, in as much as, what can't be seen on the table remains Private Information, until such a time as the model is revealed or is placed on the table-top. I'd like to see a reversal on the decision to keep the Reinforcement Group as Open Information...