It make sense, but it is unfortunate for QK to have the Haqq Reinforcement share AVA with their own troops, while other sectorial gets their full AVA plus the full AVA of the Reinforcement's newly available QK troops. (Example, RTF is stuck with AVA3 on their infiltrating camo skirmisher; but now they can reinforce with Al-Hawwa, the QK version of an infiltrating camo skirmisher) Similar for Tunguska/Corregidor who gain an AVA 1 Lizard while keeping their full AVA of their in-house TAG; while Bakunin has to share his in-house AVA 1 TAG with the AVA 1 Reinforcement Lizard (Bakunin got Stigmata, it might be a small consolation) edit: hmm, i suppose Odaliske/Sekban are not in RTF Fireteam list. So at least in QK, in compensation for sharing AVA; you get to DropPod a whole fireteam (after paying 1 command token to form it) which is much better than in RTF.
Warlord games had a range called beyond the gates of Antares. They had proper aliens, completely different to human anatomy. Sold like shit. Not much of a market for it, guessing it's the same here.
The problem with saying 'Starfish Aliens Don't Sell' is because each player has an individually biased viewpoint. "I play aliens, I spend money with aliens, so of course they sell". Without realizing there isn't enough of a fanbase to keep the faction/product afloat. I believe CA hit the sweet spot of just enough players to keep going despite being less played than say, Nomads. However, that's the exception. it's hard to have two alien factions, let alone 3. On the topic of the caskuda, I'm very much curious about how its rules interact with reinforcements. Because if it needs to be drop podded then explode makes no sense. On the other hand, if you can bring it down with explode and then also bring in the pod with 3-4 guys to feed orders to the bug, then hell yeah, rampage time.
I think the most likely answer is that the Vanilla/Onyx profile has Combat Jump (Explode) but the Reinforcement profile does not.
Old Drones, old (1st edition) Gaki and Pretas, all old Exrah never sold in sufficient quantities even old Avatar was not a hot seller, and rules were not to blame for sure. New Drones, new hungries new Avatar sells far better than them, remains to see how the new Exrah will sell in the wider Community. When I say "starfish Aliens" do not sell I do not mean aliens like the Morats or the Shasvastii but Aliens than look outlandish like those old sculpts, Yes, the were great, yes, they were astonishing, but not enough people appreciate the outlandishness of the design.
I think in this scenario reinforcement would be explode and Onyx/Vanila without. In “vanila” it will have more orders and thus can be too lethal.In reinforcement it would hit hard on arrival but would be limited by orders in its group and probably the range of deployment.
My thinking is that when it comes in via reinforcement it's not using Combat Jump, so the explosion doesn't trigger (and enemies can't ARO as its not an order), it's also limited to deploying in your board half which further reduces the utility.
Indeed in reinforcement it will be in a droppod,my bad.So explode in “vanila” obvious.Defenetly Sphinx has competition in its spot.And I think it is great.Or there will be lists with both
You realize I was agreeing with you, right? Just to be sure. Really depends on the profile. It seems to be very short ranged, so it will be useful punching out other reinforcements at least.
I think this is a flawed reasoning because Beyond the Gates sculpts were just awful. Like humans ones too. Not saying your overall argument isn't true... Tho Tyranids seem to be doing great.
I am torn. I want to like it, but the fact the combat jump loses TA and that explosion is only DAM12 bother me. And that combi... Urgh. Yeah, it's strength 15, but only 3 shots... I'm not quite sure.
I love how caskuda is basically a huge fraacta on crack, even if vulnerable to hacking. Not sure if BS attack +2DAM will end up applying to the explosion on a combat jump or not, and I wouldn't be surprised if caskuda gets a bokhtar treatment and will have an NCO instead of tac aware one release/some time later, a bit disappointed that other exrah will be reinforcement only units at least initially, would love to have a spammable 19 point engineer for my avatar but oh well, we can't have all the nive things all at the same time.