Sure, when I get back from work I'll update it accordingly! Sorry probably should have already done it.
I'm afraid that Bostria comented in one of the latest videos, regarding the Aragoto, that the new ones will come with the new bike.
(with apologies to Teslarod) So glad that this was confirmed. I will potentially have a Yojimbo and bounty hunter bike for sale......or trade. No Akira bikes though
The bike, of course; now that they have it 3D rendered they'll reuse it as much as they can. Your straws are just dust in the wind...
Yeah, I hate the fact the pilots come separate from their TAG, but at this point I'll take whatever. But it wouldn't make sense or be consistent considering both dismounted Kasym Beg and Yojimbo come in their boxes. I am still really excited for the new Aragotos
Dang. I get resculpts for stuff I don't want, meanwhile you (rightfully) post your daily meme about the Sakiel box. Life is pain man.
That moment on 28:40 when the crowd cheers after hearing that Tohaa will keep a low profile this year. Humans are evil. No wonder you are still split into factions that constantly harass each other. #TohaaTheUnited #TohaaTheUndivided
My apologies, I was doing an image search for the Tanko pics and ended up on page 73. So a few of these are old posts to reply to, but I didn't see anything addressing them as I got caught up. Formal women's kimonos usually get tucked up at the waist so as to not drag on the floor. Men's kimonos are shorter, since there would be hakama worn over them for formal occasions. Missing a midships set of limbs. And reading that scene of Nimitz going psycho-buzzsaw on the Graysonite rebels still gives me chills. Wearing something closer to Domaru armor. That 'skirt' is a traditional piece of armor, name escapes me. It's to help protect the thighs without being as in-the-way as a full skirt. Go chase down the old Anima Tactics Konosuke. Buy me one and I will trade you, dude I went in with on the KS ordered 2 for me and I don't want a duplicate pose. Meh. I don't need any more Aragoto. I already have 2 Spitfires, 2 hackers, 1 Shottie, one combi, The Bride (my old converted Asuka), and the original Asuka. Special characters can ride monsterbikes. Crud, I must have missed the PanO weapons. *pulls up JSA units list image* Nope, no PanO REMs, no PanO weapons on the dossiers. What'd I miss? Can we please not use that word? It's like calling a black person a n***** in the US. She had Tactical Jump, so she brought 3 other Tigers in on the opponent's table edge. Usually 2x LFTs and an HMG (or vice versa), since this was when the HMG was the one weapon to rule them all. Rarely the boarding shotgun, because the shotties were only +3 within 8" then. Fixt. Excellent analogy! By buying a pair of Hunzakuts. You also use the same Chasseurs as Hunzakuts when you play Haqq, though that does require some careful paint scheme coordination. Pretty damn impressive, considering that CB made the best 15mm historicals on the market at the time!
Not sure what the Japanese name is @Section9 , but the ones used in the English civil war 17C were called tassets. Edit: Quick Wikipedia search, 'haidate' seems to be the equivalent. And yes, I'm an armour nerd.