Priority transmission to all citizens of the Human Sphere

Discussion in 'O-12' started by Lady Numiria, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Attention, citizens of the Human Sphere.

    This message is sent by Lady A. Numiria, SWORDFOR Officer, working on behalf of the Concilium Coordinated Command.

    Raveneye Orbital Complex is under attack. I repeat: Raveneye is under attack. This is not a test. The Combined Army, by the actions of the so-called Morat Aggression Force, launched a massive strike to get a combat force on Concilium Prima, to replay all the tragedy of Paradiso once again.

    As so, they managed to set a foothold in the Durgama region. The CPDF, joined with us SWORDFOR units and the welcome addition of the new Kosmoflot forces from Ariadna, Military Orders of the Great Panoceania and Nomads from The Corregidor, managed to maintain them at reasonable distance for a while, but this won't be enough.


    Please refer to your local O-12's Bureau Aegis center if you want more information on how to join the fight. This message will be repeated every 5min for any user on this encrypted secure channel.

    Attention citizens of the Human Sphere. This message is sent...
  2. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thread pinned please keep the Durgama Takeover faction discussion in this thread.

    IC (In Character) is advised but not enforced in this thread please note OOC (Out of Character) posts, IC is not an excuse or a bypass of the forum rules or a way to attack other forum members, but genuinely roleplay between forum members will be accepted.

    As per the past campaigns, if forum members spot any particular reports that have issues, please PM me (an explanation of what is peculiar is appreciated) and the team will investigate them.
    Lady Numiria likes this.
  3. Skyhusky

    Skyhusky Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Oh-ho. People invading my station? Not on my watch.
  4. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear Commanders of the O-12, under the authority of the currently acting Concilium Coordinated Command.

    Things are getting rough both on Durgama's soil and on Raveneye Station.

    We need to pass the words to all our allies that they need to support the combat effort on the Raveneye. The station must be retaken, we cannot let Combined Army forces, specially the Morat, take our guns away. Our fierce and brave comrades from the PanOceania, the Nomad Nation and Ariadna are all fighting right now as we speak to push the invader away from our beloved Station. Please, stand with them and fight back too*! [*all commanding officers will receive the support of an attached Raveneye Officer with just the simple submission of a 1125-hc form "Emergency and Operational Deployable Reliable Regular Warband-like Dude Request"]

    But. Now more than never, our O-12 estimed colleagues need our help. Katherine Cho, well-known Psi Unit Ensign, Hero of the Defiance Operation, is presumably trapped in Zebu facility as we speak. Our intel suggests that her team fell into a trap planned by the Morat Aggression Forces. As so, and because she is of too much importance for our Chain of Command, both for the data she was charged to collect, the men and women she was helping out on her mission, and the knowledge and intel she hold by experience in her cube, the currently acting Concilium Coordinated Command would like to begin the operation...


    As so, we dearly ask all O-12 Commanders out on the field to converge toward Zebu's location and attack the Morat positions as soon as possible. We need to regain contact with our operatives, it's our first priority. And if you ever doubt over our chance of success, remember that Ensign Cho wouldn't.

    Transmission closed. Lady Numiria out.

    Danger Rose and Wizzy like this.
  5. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    OOC: Can someone please explain to me how O-12 is supposed to roleplay anything other than an anxiety induced, hair pulling, alcoholic peace officer in these campaigns? I just imagine Lady Numeria sitting in a bar just holding her head in her hands babbling about the end of the Human Sphere. :D
    Lady Numiria and MJGrey like this.
  6. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    OOC: this is pretty much accurate... the narrative of my adventures in Novvy bangkok were very much that already haha.
    theGricks likes this.
  7. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear citizens of the Human Sphere,

    The Concilium Coordinated Command has taken notice of the ultimatum imposed by the so-called "Durgama Defense Coalition."

    No international organizations, other than O-12 and CDPF, can claim unauthorized military operations on Concilium Prima. Reports even registered criminals and space pirates, affiliated with the Durgama Defense Coalition, leading raids against the local research facilities.

    It seems that this coalition of defense, by these traitorous positions, contravenes our core shared values - the ones that rose up Humanity to its current progress - and presents a danger for the inhabitants of Concilium Prima and the whole Human Sphere. O-12 cannot accept such behaviour.

    As so, the Concilium Coordinated Command decrees:

    1. The creation of an "International Concilium Assistance Force", effective immediately. This alliance brings together the Panoceania and the nation of Ariadna, and shows the ability of great powers to unite despite their differences in order to defend the Sphere as a whole. This alliance will strive to concentrate the effort on our only real enemy: the Combined Army.

    2. The forces involved are asked to immediately stop all hostile action towards other human forces, whatever their affiliation, and to reinforce the key positions of the continent.

    3. Moreover, the ultimatum issued by both the Nomad nation, Haqqislam and Yu-Jing, is illegitimate and illegal. Panoceania and Ariadna were designated by the O-12 to hold the station. Due to their lack of cooperation and reliability, the Nomad commanders currently on site are asked to withdraw from the station's weapons module and concentrate these efforts on the presence of the Combined Army in the station. Ariadna will take full control of the station's weaponry, Panoceania will retain control of the sensors.

    4. The Yu-Jing forces present at Cameliard must withdraw, neutral observers will be sent there to certify the withdrawal of the troops in good order.

    The Concilium Coordinated Command hopes, with these measures, that reason will return to the various actors of the Sphere. The times are serious, we cannot scatter our efforts. This cost us before, and today we risk losing everything. United we stand, Divided we fail.

    High Command of the new International Concilium Assistance Force.

  8. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Haqqislam to glad to hear that Panoceania has finally decided to work with others militarily and diplomatically. We are pleased to see they have finally learned how to make friends. Speaking from history though with Ariadna from Wotan, do be sure to keep an eye on that ally. They do have a penchant for independent thought when they get an idea.

    The La Forga incident is still fresh in some of our allies minds, along with the lives lost there.

    Haqqislam wishes the best luck to ICAF!
    #8 theGricks, Jul 13, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
  9. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear citizens of the Human Sphere,

    In an incredible series of event, we retrieved our beloved Psi Unit Ensign Katherine Cho, thanks to the incredible efforts of the Waqf-Al-Badawi. After conducting an usual debriefing with our agent, she expressed her sincere and massive thanks to the military forces of the Haqqislam, for receiving her initial distress call at Zebu, and for their quick answer to it, before handling her to the appropriate emergency services for urgent recovery.

    We also noticed that our estimed Tohaa allies helped us cleared a good portion of the parasites present at Zebu, before completly withdrawing and handling the Research Center in our hands. We do hope that no other biohazard security breaches should happen, for the safety of our military personel currently on-site.

    We would also like to express once again our complete disapproval regarding Yu-Jing views onto Cameliard: this is approved sovereign territory for the Nation of Panoceania, authorized by the Oberhaus on Concilium Prima, and tresspassing its limit and laws with unauthorized military forces would be consider as an act of agression. We have sent several investigation and inspection units to Cameliard, following the international call for rightful justice by our trusted Panoceania allies in this conflict. Any further implications from the Yu-Jing military forces against Panoceania would be considered treason against the Human Sphere, considering the massive current threat of the Combined Army on the direct heart of the Human Sphere.

    We also condemn the fake propaganda spread on Maya's network by ill-fated reporters. We considered Panorama a serious channel, but their recent lack of competences would make even Candy Double a pulitzer prized Warcor in comparison! Our services will soon launch an investigation on possible Nomad or alien disruption onto our news broadcast system to assure no future misguided reports like this one happen.

    That would be all for today.

    Lady Numiria,
    O-12 High Commissioner,
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF​
    theGricks and Wizzy like this.
  10. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    @Lady Numiria Haqqislam is submitting the first piece of evidences gained through interrogation of a known Equinox Agent with Darpan. At this time we do not have any conclusive evidence to if ALEPH itself is aware of or in knowledge of the Equinox Agent found as such we will not press an investigation of the AI itself but do urge O-12 and Bureau Toth to review ALEPH's actions and support in Darpan.

    Below is the transcript of the interview. We are researching and studying further who the benefactor is but at this time, due to alien nature of the programs provided, we are drawing the assumption that it may be an EI operative.

  11. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Hello Commander,

    Thank you for submitting this "evidence" of Aleph's involvement in what you would call a grand conspiracy. I would like to notify you of a few things. First of all Aleph remains under the responsibility of the Toht office, and therefore my responsibility, as well as all the staff it employs. Also the detention of our researcher, whom you describe as a terrorist, is not acceptable.

    Secondly, it would appear from analyzing the data in your documents that Dr. Gregorry was subjected to intense physical restraints and acts of torture. These practices are banned by the Concilium convention (Art. 17, 24 and 64 relating to the detention and treatment of prisoners). Your operators and your government are liable to prosecution in the courts of Concilium, which we will certainly do. The lack of foresight of the sword of Allah in this conflict leaves me doubtful. The O12 and Haqquislam have always had a good relationship, and you have sought the help of the Senate in more than one conflict with it. Also, in memory of this cooperation, and your help in rescuing our Ensign C.Cho, we will try to be lenient. I will submit the following points to you, non-negotiable:

    1. The immediate return of Doctor Gregorry, as well as all this research and data illegally seized from Darpan, in an embassy held by the O12.

    2. The names of the agents who took part in this interrogation and engaged in acts of torture. The latter must be placed in detention and handed over to the judicial police officers of the Aegis office.

    If these points are not satisfied within 12 hours, we will consider this act as rebellion, and will have to take the necessary measures to respect the law on Concilium.


    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
    Danger Rose and Lady Numiria like this.
  12. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    @Lady Numiria I see O-12 yet again, decides to turn a blind eye to concerns and evidences brought forth by Haqqislam. Haqqislam tries to work with O-12 and to be transparent as it promised and yet again gets slapped without the information provided even being investigated. I suppose if this intelligence came from the Hexahedron, it might actually bear some weight? Perhaps if a Panoceanian diplomat came forth with information of Equinox, they may be lauded as a hero?

    Haqqislam is seeing it increasingly less beneficial working with O-12. If this is the response.

    I will advise to Haqqislam High Command that perhaps we should instead simply move forward with whatever operation we deem beneficial to Humanity, as O-12 apparently has no interest in listening, or recognizing threats in their very own house.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  13. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Dear Senators, citizens of the human sphère

    By participating in the creation of the international defense force of Concilium, the O12 has once again shown its desire to preserve the human sphere in its entirety. During this first week, I supported our allies everywhere on the territory of Durgama, countered attempts at sabotage by factions which unfortunately did not share the interests of the common good. I faced, in the very first hours of the assault, the ferocity and inhumanity of the Combined army. From this intense weeks of combat I retain two things: the righteousness and the honor of the true defenders of the sphere, who did not hesitate to sacrifice everything for the survival of humanity. The second is the feeling of a huge mess, of a part of humanity that will not be ready to break away from these greedy little interests, and will drag us all down with it. To those I would say these few words:

    What happened on Paradiso was a warning: unite or you will be defeated. We did not listen and now we are here: the democratic heart of the sphere, the one that irrigates all humanity is under attack. But it is also our values of unity, progress and all the efforts made by the women and men of the sphere to move towards a united humanity that are threatened. And soon Bourak, Yutang, Shentang, just like Corregidor. The Tohaa have already lost access to their world and find themselves lost and unattached in a war that does not concern them. No one is immune, it would be madness to believe that, and we refuse to listen to the lessons of the past.

    I will continue to fight as long as we have the strength left to do so. And if the O12 has to face these threats with the few allies we have, we will. History will remember that against all odds we resisted, where others helped to dig our grave.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
    Tibooper and Lady Numiria like this.
  14. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    We appreciate Haqquislam's work and devotion to the sphere. The events of the first confrontations on Paradiso, the arbitrations of the neo-colonial wars prove it. However, the O12 will never be able to accept evidence and information obtained through coercion and torture. It is not the methods that we defend.

    If similar evidence had been presented by any other nation, we would have received it in the same way. That being said, we will proceed to the interrogation of Dr. Gregorry ourselves, with the help of the methods of the psi unit, and in compliance with the Concilium convention.
    But for that you must return it to us in good health, as well as the agents who proceeded to are interrogatory.
    Tibooper and Lady Numiria like this.
  15. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I have to agree with Supervisor Imp there: those evidences are gained from forbidden methods unauthorized by the Concilium Convention. Instead of that you could have simply let use invest on our own your prisoners, because here shall any justice court analyze and pursue the people behind said crimes, they could get away from your butchered "paperwork".

    But we are enclined to not react poorly, as long as you follow my dear colleague instructions regarding the matter. He is after all the local supervisor for all problems regarding AI stuff on Durgama, so he has my trust, as well as he should have yours.

    Lady Numiria,
    O-12 High Commissioner - ICAF.

    P.S: On another note, I would like to remind you that the Hexahedron is a nice and an honorable exemple of intelligence agency with excellent results and reputation, and therefore a great ally in our conflicts against the EI forces.
    Imp likes this.
  16. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    We can provide Doctor Gregorry to be remanded to O-12 custody alive and unharmed. Further we are providing a scan of his CUBE in current architecture. Please note his V2.0 upgrade. This is not an upgrade available on the salary or necessity of a Doctorate of Xenobiology. Further, you make many assumptions of the interrogation process. Interrogation through barbaric means are...useless. A prisoner would say anything their questioners would want to hear.

    How one could possibly get the method of questioning and/or "torture" from a text based transcription, is unknown to me. We will not be remanding any agents to your custody as it would be a waste of time and resources based upon assumptions.


    Before you go "analyzing" our scan, do know while our equipment is very advanced, it is commercially available on the Panoceanian intelligence market. The scan pulls data of memories and encodes it to text looking for key phrases and locations in abundance. Just ensuring if you wish to start throwing laws at the situation again in defense of a terrorist who could very well be in league with the Combined army.

    Feel free to conduct any further "questioning" you wish to do on him further.
    Time Bandit likes this.
  17. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Hello Commander. We note Haqquislam's desire to re-establish relations of trust with the O12 via the restitution of Professor Gregorry.

    The fact that it has a next-gen cube isn't shocking. Some of our sensitive personnel are equipped with it in order to avoid any loss of confidential data, in particular when updating "classic" cubes.

    Prefessor Gregory's connections are irrelevant here. The definition of "terrorist" groups is vague, and we could consider the Hassassin Barham as one of them. We will conduct our own cross-examination to determine whether or not Professor Gregory is outside the scope of the law.

    Finally we will ask the commanders of the sword of Allah to focus on the essential threat, the one that risks bringing down the search for knowledge: the combined army. Aleph is a tool that we use, and rest assured, we have strict control over it here at the Toht office.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
    Lady Numiria likes this.
  18. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    To second my dear Supervisor here, I would also like to remind you that Privacy laws apply to any confirmed civilian and citizen of the Human Sphere, therefore such private and sensitive datas like a Cube dump and bioscanning are forbidden for public views and without the explicit signed consent of their owner.

    It would be a shame for the Sword of Allah to crumble in debts due to bad education of their coercitive officers and diplomats...
    Imp likes this.
  19. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear citizens of the Human Sphere,

    You may have heard of certain rumors about a massive conspiracy and a terrorist threat toward the Human Sphere on Concilium Prima, involving some of our most precious allies, and even some of our own services.

    The Oberhaus would like to adress that everyone's concerns about this are taken very seriously by the O-12, and we are launching new investigations regarding these as we speak. I will personnaly, as High-Commissioner of the Concilium Coordinated Command, look into the accusations against O-12 and Panoceania. Given my past links with the later and our actual collaboration within the International Concilium Assistance Force, I believe this would allow us to get the best efficient and quick results.

    Please rest assured that the O-12 will work closely with all involved parties to figure out the truth, and we will try to also retrieve and protect said Erland Hâkon, shall their claims be of truth.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 High Commissioner for the CCC
    cazboab and theGricks like this.
  20. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Some revelations published by the press oblige the O12 to respond.

    As guarantor of the balance and security of the sphere, we cannot allow a global aggression against humanity. Also the disappearance of our high commissioner in the company of foreign agents marks us deeply. Betrayal will not be tolerated, and the O12 will get the answers humanity expects about this massive plot.

    Also, the Aegis office today launched a wanted notice to apprehend and return to the custody of the O12 the fugitive Lady Numiria. Her last report would place her on Raveneye Station. We are going to carry out investigations there and partition the station, even if the confusion of the fights has already allowed him to leave the system.

    Citizens of the sphere, I therefore appeal to your vigilance.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF

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