1. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Dear Senators, citizens of the human sphère

    By participating in the creation of the international defense force of Concilium, the O12 has once again shown its desire to preserve the human sphere in its entirety. During this first week, I supported our allies everywhere on the territory of Durgama, countered attempts at sabotage by factions which unfortunately did not share the interests of the common good. I faced, in the very first hours of the assault, the ferocity and inhumanity of the Combined army. From this intense weeks of combat I retain two things: the righteousness and the honor of the true defenders of the sphere, who did not hesitate to sacrifice everything for the survival of humanity. The second is the feeling of a huge mess, of a part of humanity that will not be ready to break away from these greedy little interests, and will drag us all down with it. To those I would say these few words:

    What happened on Paradiso was a warning: unite or you will be defeated. We did not listen and now we are here: the democratic heart of the sphere, the one that irrigates all humanity is under attack. But it is also our values of unity, progress and all the efforts made by the women and men of the sphere to move towards a united humanity that are threatened. And soon Bourak, Yutang, Shentang, just like Corregidor. The Tohaa have already lost access to their world and find themselves lost and unattached in a war that does not concern them. No one is immune, it would be madness to believe that, and we refuse to listen to the lessons of the past.

    I will continue to fight as long as we have the strength left to do so. And if the O12 has to face these threats with the few allies we have, we will. History will remember that against all odds we resisted, where others helped to dig our grave.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
  2. .
    #62 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 19, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2022
  3. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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  4. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I see that the JSA obtained justice... I'm glad Panorama changed their public face with more skilled reporters this time!
    Churrascales likes this.
  5. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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  6. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    OOC: @Imp I LOVE that, that's so good! Also, great work to all the players in the campaign, regardless of faction! 2 weeks is a really short one, and writing all those battle reports while also trying to adult is hard. See you out there!

    This is Interventor WiseKensai, aboard the Crypto Winter.

    Reports from Durgama Defense Coalition assets are filtering in. Looks like the various coalition members are achieving their objectives.
    In other news, the ICAF was nowhere to be found, so I took the Crypto Winter on a quick reconnaissance orbit. Looks like they’re all having a beach party over at Vikruti while we do all the hard work. As it should be.


    Keep up the great work, commanders! WiseKensai out.
  7. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    OOC: I always love the meme trash talk, and "diplomacy" of these campaigns. It gets real fun!

    The Durgama Defense Coalition will be the wall against the Combined Army. ICAF, please enjoy the mojitos.
  8. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    “To the citizens of the Sphere and those of the Oberhaus,

    Haqqislam conducted an operation on the Durgama Peninsula against a research facility owned by the Darpan Corporation, and overseen by ALEPH. Haqqislam intelligence received credible evidence of the facility harboring agents of the terrorist organization Equinox. While many of you may not have heard of this group before, do know its existence is very real, and its threat just as great as the Combined Army.

    Some years ago Equinox existed on the Praxis Black Labs of Bakunin, but were exiled due to their extremism. They then went on to work in their own isolated cells across the sphere in the grand effort of creating an AI to rival that of ALEPH and, in their hopes, destroy ALEPH to take its place as a more aggressive and controlling entity to push Humanity into its own future of control. While Haqqislam does hold that ALEPH should be under strict scrutiny and that we do not believe it to hold such power, we have always acknowledged its strength and utility as a tool for the betterment of Humanity. This Equinox AI would not have been that.

    It was due to the lives and efforts of many veteran Haqqislamite soldiers that Equinox was thwarted. With this in mind the Haqqislam High Command in the Durgama Theater of Operations immediately acted upon this intelligence to ensure these survivors did not have a chance to flee. At this time we do not believe ALEPH had any prior knowledge of what was going on as these Darpan Corporation employees and researchers were placed on site under direction of the leadership of the Darpan Corporation.

    At this time I can report that this operation escalated into a large-scale conflict, but we are seeing much success in our objective. Numerous individuals both verified as agents of Equinox and those believed to have connections have been apprehended. Regretfully many of those agents did lose their lives when resisting with force.

    The Hachib would also like to extend her gratitude and thanks to the brave Sword of Allah commanders on the ground defending Alfutna and Haqqislam interests. While there were numerous reports of contact with the Combined Army on Alfutna, no alien threat was able to step foot into the facility, and all attempts were thwarted. To our Nomad allies of the Durgama Defense coalition, do note that we apologize for only providing minimal effort in medicine, supplies, and some liaison. Unfortunately the timing of this attack and our logistics did not align for the operations that were necessary to carry.

    The Nomad defense of the Raveneye orbital is an inspiring and incredible feat, and Haqqislam as a Nation congratulates its great ally in their effort and mourns her losses as its own. The Haqqislam Navy as we speak is attempting to route more supplies and medical specialists to the Raveneye Orbital as best it can.

    To our Yu Jing allies, your efforts in securing the facility of Cameliard and defending it against Combined Army action in the face of a decreased Panoceanian presence was one of great forethought and fortitude. Your addition to this great alliance has proven beneficial to everyone involved.

    To our wayward Ariadnan friends, we will continue to attempt to provide medical aid and ammunition. Your defense of one of the batteries of the Raveneye orbital is instrumental in keeping the fleet in defense safe, and the fallen, so far from home, will be mourned. Prayers to Allah will be sent in hopes of guiding their brave souls to paradise.

    To Panoceania, an ally stretched thin, we mourn the loss of your brave soldiers in the fighting of the Raveneye orbital. Our diplomats will work closely with those of the hyper power to ask why more resources were not provided at your time of need and to try to increase the understanding of the importance of your position.

    Finally to O-12, the Hachib commends your efforts and soldiers fighting on Durgama and working with our Tohaa allies at Zebu to ensure its safety and position against those of the Combined Army. The Hachib will continue to direct the diplomats of Haqqislam to work closely with Swordfor and to ensure clear and constant communications of operations. The Hachib hopes to see the combined forces of the ICAF and DDC succeed against an unprecedented offensive by the Combined Army on what can only be dubbed the Capital of Humanity.


    Office of the Hachib, Bourak”
    Churrascales likes this.
  9. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Esteemed High Commissioner Numiria,

    We would request that any and all information regarding this individual be turned over to Trinomial or Trident authorities. Just as any suspected human collaborator would be turned over to O-12 authority, as a member of the Tohaa species any warranted prosecution would fall under Tohaa jurisdiction.

    We also take some concern at O-12's targeting of a journalist given O-12 seemingly sanctioning the JSA's targeting of another journalist for the apparent crime of 'dishonoring' there nation by not delivering flowery enough praise for their forces in one of his reports.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    Abrilete likes this.
  10. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Dear senators, dear citizen of the sphere

    Following the statement of our esteemed colleague, the O12 will use its right of reply here.

    We have observed since the beginning of this conflict a dispersion of the war efforts against the combined army. This dissension will result in the neutralization of part of the Raveneye station, and therefore a weakening of Concillium's defenses. This is simply unacceptable. By operating guerrilla actions against the other forces of the sphere, the Durgama Defense Coalition has failed in its "mission": it has weakened us.

    The O12, as a sovereign entity on Concilium had defined for each of the parties involved in this conflict specific combat zones with the mission of holding out against the invader. Instead, commandos have endangered human factions, abandoned their allies to a desperate defense in the station, and conducted illegal raids based on innuendo and rumors.

    Here again the O12 is the only entity able to conduct searches, distribute arrest warrants and proceed with indictments. Any overstepping of these prerogatives by another force of the sphere operating on Concilium will by definition be outside the law and liable to prosecution before the courts of Concilium. Finally the O12 finds the hunt for terrorists on the soil of Concilium funny, while the sword of Allah has not been able to dismantle the terrorist association based on its own soil: the Hassassin Barahm. We can only advise you to conduct your witch hunt elsewhere, and far from the operations of our researchers.

    Finally we will ask the various forces of the "Concilium Defense Coalition" to stay in their assigned areas and free the space taken from the other defenders of the sphere. The O12 will, as always, guarantee the cohesion of the sphere, here and elsewhere.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Esteemed Supervisor Imp,

    I'll leave the broader ramifications to superior authorities, but I'd like to ask you why are we having Aleph forces - supposedly under Bureau Toth supervision - raiding Haqqislamite warehouses at Alfutna?

    No later than yesterday I had to abandon my duties as a leader to the Waqf al-Badawi, pick up a weapon, and command a detachment of Qapu Khalqi security forces defending medical supplies within Alfutna aerospace facility from pilferage by uniformed Aleph Assault Sub-Section unit. As a result, we have now Achilles and Atalanta - wounded and left behind by their retreating comrades - in Haqqislamite custody at Alfutna, so the identity of the assilaints is beyond all doubt.

    Sword of Allah has kept Alfutna the safest location in the whole Durgama so far, making it a haven for the civillian refugees. Waqf al-Badawi is doing what is humanly possible to provide those people with necessary humanitarian care, but we can't do that if our supplies get pilfered by Aleph troops.
  12. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Very dear adviser

    First of all, know that the O12 appreciates the dedication of the Haqquislamite medical teams to the refugees and the wounded of the conflict on Durgama. And we regreat this deseagrement.

    Regarding the "aggression" of Aleph, it would simply seem that these combat routines are followed by mission orders: defend Darpan at all costs. The units you describe had to follow a Haqquislamite contingent present illegally on site to neutralize them. I think here that the initial fault comes from these "lone wolf" units, which visibly exceed the limits set by the O12.

    Also to avoid further inconvenience to your esteemed and precious institution, I can only invite the Sword of Allah high command to contain the ardor of these troops within the framework of the initial mission provided by the O12.

    With all my consideration

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
    Churrascales and Lady Numiria like this.
  13. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear Director of the Waqf al-Badawi,

    I'm sad to hear you had to take up back to military in Alfutna but understand that ALEPH is a precious ally in this conflict, and we trust their calculations and review every of their very move thanks to the work of our Bureau Toth, shall they ever be faulty. If they launch a small operation there, it's most probably because they were reasons to in the first place, so you never needed to fight back, only doing worse than good in the process.

    I'll watch out and wait for the personal review of Supervisor Imp on the incident, but believe me when I tell you ALEPH, as an enlightened guide for the Sphere, would never hurt refugees or put them in danger, quite the opposite right there.
    Churrascales likes this.
  14. .
    #74 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 19, 2022
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  15. AmPm

    AmPm Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Mr. Hâkon, if you have seen our operatives following you and are still alive it is because we do not wish you dead. There are others however that may not hope for your continued good health. Safe journeys my friend.

    Allah Hafez,
    صباحا مساءا
    Churrascales likes this.
  16. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Esteemed Supervisor @Imp ,

    You speak about staying in a nations respective jurisdiction while your own AI puppet ALEPH constantly seeks to take control of the Japanese holdings of Gekidan. If O-12 cannot even control their own resources, how do we expect O-12 to provide strong leadership of multiple nations? The Durgama Defense Coalition has shown the greatest fighting capacity of the present powers in facing the EI. The Nomads managed to hold out against a two pronged assault from the EI, Haqqislam repelled all efforts made by the EI to establish a foothold in Alfutna, and the Tohaa repelled the EI from Zebu.

    During this time ALEPH made repeated assaults on the Japanese holdings, providing no aid to its other allies, and the O-12 requested, after EI defeat at Zebu, that all factions should return to their holdings. If Panoceania had such difficulty in Raveneye, why could it not remand custody of Cameliard to Yu Jing so it might concentrate its forces? Or if they were concerned with their secrets, remand custody of Raveneye to Ariadna? If we are allies as you say, what is the danger in this? Haqqislam and Nomads have a long history of doing this for each other, in during the attack on the Wotan Blockade, during the Kurage Crisis at the Jonny 5 node, and attempted before Nomad resurgence against ALEPH on Novvy bangkok. We are not afraid to invite our allies in to ensure the safety of personnel and facilities. Yu Jing also briefly remanded security to Haqqislam in Wotan for their space station until they were able to regroup. This is not unheard of, at least among close and supportive allies.

    What is the purpose of ensuring everyone stays separated against a foe who has no concerns in exploiting that? This tactic seems to simply provide a strength to the EI and a weakness to us.
    Churrascales and Abrilete like this.
  17. .
    #77 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 20, 2022
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  18. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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  19. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Erland Hakon, your insinuations that agents of the DIU are complicit in this threat is outrageous. We are tireless in our efforts to ensure the safe consumption of Durian fruit across the human sphere.

    If you would like to interview a few of our Bao Troops to get more details, please post us your current location and we will be there as soon as we can.
    Churrascales and Shiwen like this.
  20. .
    #80 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 20, 2022
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    Churrascales and Lady Numiria like this.
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