I guess from the silence that i am not the only one a bit bummed about the non changes to dashat, but still I'd like to hear your input maybe i missed something. I mean our active turn has gotten hit by zhuyong/rui shi not being pure or even for the zhuying hmg you need 4 other zhuyongs to be on par with premiere attack pieces. But as i am mostly drawn to na2 by the actual mercenary units, my greatest sadness is forza not being ghulam or brawler to be able to hide him properly, and also that abhs are not really that useful as fillers anymore. On the other side i guess brawler teams are the go to defensive link being able to be pure with 2 brawny diggers as guards and the msv sniper. Fiddler in a ghulam link i get the least, but i guess you can make a so so late game haris with a ghulam, fiddler and maybe forza but its a lot if points for no visual mods or mitigation. For new stuff i only see monstruckers and well... Is another cheap irregular troop we needed?
Yeah I thought they were disappointing at first. But if you take a look, you can make some pretty unique teams. I like the diggers that can add to a Zuyong team. I'm not a fan of the Fiddler FTO. It's a horrible loss to her speed. Also, not liking the Monstrucker in Brawlers. They already have an ENG. Makes no sense to loose the Irregular order. Duo RAFIQ REMOTE FTO Red Fury, Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 20) MOTORIZED BOUNTY HUNTER Red Fury / Breaker Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0.5 | 15) 1 SWC | 35 Points FASID Heavy Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher, Shock Mines / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 53) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) 1.5 SWC | 67 Points MAGHARIBA MULTI Heavy Machine Gun, Heavy Flamethrower(+1B), Mine Dispenser / AP Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 85) MAGHARIBA PILOT (Paramedic) Light Shotgun, D-Charges / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 0) MOTORIZED BOUNTY HUNTER Submachine Gun, Chain-colt(+1B) / Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 8) 1.5 SWC | 93 Points Haris ZÚYǑNG (Tactical Awareness) Heavy Machine Gun / CC Weapon, Breaker Pistol(+1B). (1.5 | 37) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) 1.5 SWC | 65 Points ZÚYǑNG (Tactical Awareness) Combi Rifle ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / CC Weapon, Breaker Pistol(+1B). (0 | 31) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) RUI SHI Spitfire / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 23) 1 SWC | 68 Points GHULAM (Doctor [+3]) Rifle, Light Shotgun ( | MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) DIGGER Rifle, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 18) 0 SWC | 47 Points Core RUI SHI Spitfire / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 23) ZÚYǑNG (Tactical Awareness) Combi Rifle ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / CC Weapon, Breaker Pistol(+1B). (0 | 31) ZÚYǑNG (Tactical Awareness) Heavy Machine Gun / CC Weapon, Breaker Pistol(+1B). (1.5 | 37) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) 2.5 SWC | 119 Points GHULAM (Doctor [+3]) Rifle, Light Shotgun ( | MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15) GHULAM (NCO) Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1 | 15) DIGGER Chain Rifle(+1B), Grenades / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 14) DIGGER Rifle, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CC Weapon(+1B). (0 | 18) VALERYA GROMOZ (Hacker) Combi Rifle, Zapper, Pitcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 21) 1.5 SWC | 83 Points
Only with Fiddler FTO and Wildcards. I'd hate to tie Fiddler down to their slower speed. If using Diggers you might as well do Brawler just so they are un mixed. Sforza could be hidden well with them though.
Except that as soon as sforza is in the team he telegraphs his presence with the impurity of the team - once again the question with holomask, if you are obliged to say if it's a pure fireteam if your opponent asks, or does it take a discover roll to reveal it. This is a thing that irks me with the update greatly, what use to be able to holomask a guy if he can't even get away with it properly
True but easily take care of by not having him be a Ghulam. Miranda, Valerya, Fiddler, ABH, etc. I get it though. I'm irked they didn't treat the Tian Gou like they did with the Haffza in QK.
Again true but how many actually pay attention to that? Sadly there's many things that can give it away.
??? Looking in army says Ghulam Fireteams (Haris, Core) and Fiddler FTO is an option, but not mandatory. I don't see anything that says you can't take a 3-Ghulam Haris (and use Core for something), which you couldn't do before
Sorry I didn't mean you couldn't do a un-mixed Ghulam haris. It's perfectly viable thing too! I was trying to point out that grouping only had Fiddler FTO. The only other FTO is Sforza.
Ah, Ok. I was thinking more like a cheap haris to give things like the smoke GL, ML, or Sniper a burst bonus. A B3 sniper or B2 ML for <40pts is a pretty good bargain. And then cover Fiddler as she runs up with two Jackbots and lays waste to everything :)
I just realized it's not a good idea to do the fireteams made up of mostly ABH anymore. If you have for example 4 ABH and a Brawler, if i lost the Brawler, I can no longer have the team.
Wasn't that always the case? You could never have a Fireteam consisting only of Wildcards, there needed to be at least one member of the "base" Fireteam.
Several units had the skills Duo or Haris even if they couldn't form the teams because the units were copied over from other factions in Army.
Yes it was in the army but they couldn't actually use it in Dahshat. They can duo or haris in Tunguska. They can even have a haris of MBH. That's pretty rude. That should be a Dahshat thing!
You can't reform the team if it's broken, but nothing stops the current team from existing. If it breaks if a key member dies, it would have working like the Crane in the Kuangshi team.