It does work pretty well as a power fantasy, though. Interesting, the majority of Nomad players I remember were upset about its nerf in N4. The Kriza and now the Vostok seem part of a trend of giving Nomads top-tier gunfighters.
If you can't understand why one is a problem and the other isn't, as much, then I don't know what to say. Kusanagi can't be in a core with Jaguars.
I thought it worth mentioning that Jazz has general release model in the Dire Foes box that came out at the time of Crimson Stone, so you at least no longer have to hate proxying.
Yes, I've seen the dire foes box and would have bought it except that I've already spent the money on defiance, which will hopefully eventually arrive.
Not the ones putting it in a fireteam, which is the main complaint. The Vostok is reasonable riiiiight up until it starts wildcarding into dirt cheap links at which point it starts utterly ruining internal faction balance. It outshoots a burst 6 core linked Kriza for a fraction of the price and comes with better skills that allow it to synergise far better with the rest of the army. I know your defense is but but but it's fine in Vanilla but really come on, everyone can see you're being disingenuous as fuck trying to center the discussion around something what nobody clearly talking about. If you'd stop being a whiny, knee jerking, tribalist for five seconds (I know it's hard for you, it's your forum schtick to never post anything meaningful and just occasionally show up and rant when people are discussing balance problems, but do try) you'd realise that the Vostok is causing internal issues for Nomads. Every single new release or existing pointman unit they have needs to be able to somehow magically compete with this thing, case in point as you mentioned: Kusanagi. Why doesn't anyone point fingers at her? Because she's collecting dust on a shelf while the Vostok is busy rolling around going BRRRRRRR making her, the Kriza, and other units utterly irrelevant.
I think the talk about a fire team Vostok is shifting goal posts, hecaton simply mentioned "the vostock". However I'll engage your point about the fire team Vostok being a internal balance issue. Perhaps in Tasmania that seems to be the case , but checking large international tournaments lists with a winning record. Of the 8 nomad lists, including one vanilla, one tunguska, one bakunin and one Corregidor the Vostok only appeared once. Kusanagi was actually taken by the bakunin player instead of the Vostok. You can have a look for your self here. I don't think the Vostok is a internal balance issue, and the stats seem to back me up.
You're linking lists that failed to place and saying that backs your argument up? Linking lists that players are failing with doesn't help you at all, plenty of people play suboptimal lists at ITS events. We all know that, pre uprising Zhanshi were like literally the highest pick rate for vanilla Yu Jing despite being absolutely sub optimal. The stuff you're linking includes crap like Jujak cores, Ikari, and people playing OCF meme lists. The fact of the matter is that straight up on paper the Vostok outperforms everything else available in its role. Any idiot that runs the calculator can see that. When you make it a wildcard to boot, it causes insane internal issues for anyone considering putting together a cutting edge list.
This discussion isn't about Vostock at all. It seems essentially like a way to change the subject on a lost argument to keep trying at trolling / attacking Nomads with little basis in fact (the Vostock isn't dominating the competitive meta for reasons you either don't know or choose to ignore). And this is your way of asking someone to engage in a constructive discussion about it. Look in the mirror, and engage constructively yourself if you want anyone to do the same with you.
I do have a bad habit of going off on tangents. As for why doesn't it appear to be dominating the competitive meta despite being what it is? Well shit, might have something to do with competitive meta for N4 being shot to shit thanks to an ongoing global issue both scuttling actual events as well as killing people's actual overall game time for N4. I don't think you're going to see anything play out in tournament statistics for a long time yet. It's a rhetorical hypothetical, I know full well it isn't going to happen but clearly you had higher expectations than I did for the guy posting cry some more memes as a discussion point.
If only there was a way for competitive players from all around the world to play competitive events together during this time, say on the internet. Then we could look at what the top players took.
There was another big thread (Zewrath's) few months before that was supposedly about general game balance but turned mostly into "Nomads OP plz nerf" midway. I think the discussion would be better organized if we talked about it openly in a dedicated topic (like "Nomads OP plz nerf"), but I'm fairly certain I proposed that in the other thread and that I will be ignored again.
Yeah 'cause a thread titled like that totally wouldn't come across as putting forward a biased conclusion before any discussion or facts, and therefore immediately become a shitposting heaven.
I hope that we start returning to normal by 2022 so hopefully we can get some data like what was analyzed for 2019 in this thread: People complained about Nomads in N3, but at least in 2019 the results did not support that conclusion. I wonder how much of an impact N4 will have on the rankings?