Two additional thoughts about fireteams. Duos can be an interesting place to link in a wildcard. A CSU/Deva duo is useful on it's own and also being able to reinforce a Dakini core easily. Or a Sforza as Parvati/Parvati Duo to move up the field more easily. Haris options are extremely versatile as well for us due to the strength of our wildcards. The Yadu HRL, while not getting the NCO of the HMG, does save you 8 points and is a great way to close the gap so that more midrange units (Rudra or Deva Spitfire for example) can do work.
Thank you! Just starting to assemble my ColdFront OSS troops, after having played TAK for a while! (going from low tech big brother, to high tech big brother) This is golden!
@yoink101 I know this is a couple of months since the last post but I wanted to voice my agreement with Narnor above comment. I'm currently on the fence about jumping into Aleph & OSSS and this thread is causing me to lean over the edge and buy them. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort into producing all this info. I appreciate the hard work of people who do that. Has there been anymore new information to add to the guide? Such as your own experiences with the sectorial?
I haven’t played OSS much since the summer. They are a lot of fun, although I usually found that a Dakini fireteam as a defensive base, with a little hacking support and some post humans made up the core of every list. my biggest struggles centered around the fact that hacking is much stronger and OSS is vulnerable to it and has very little to defend against it except for bringing more hackers. The Danavas and Asura are still two of the strongest hackers in the game, and the fact that you can give the Asura a firewall with an EVO bot is no joke. She can level just about any hacker, although Interventor a and Knights of Justice can still stand up for a minute. Burst three oblivion out of the Danavas can crack bts 9 with a couple of orders spent. Although getting the repeater where it needs to be can still take some effort.
I've been teaching a newish player for a while, who plays OSS. They currently have Posthumans on order and will likely run them for the first time soon. I want to make sure I understand their rules before then so I can help them to learn. I think I understand the G:Jumper rule, but there was something on Army that I did not quite get. "It is allowed to take only 1 Proxy per model." What does this mean? My interpretation is that you cannot run multiple profiles off a single mini, but that should be self evident. Does it mean you cannot have, say, two Mk.1 Proxies at once?
Yes, you can only have 1 of each mark when you field your 2-3 bodies for a posthuman. The common combination is a Mk1, a Mk2, than either the Mk4 HRL or Mk5 FO as your single posthuman.
And don't forget that, being a single unit, you can deploy your posthumans as your last trooper! Yes, all of them at once, and, if they bring yudbots (i usually field my Mk1 with them), you can put 5 bodies as your last troop! ;)