Everything and better. We shouldn't need to work so hard to "make" something work. Now I want to put my Ye Mao back into the list because he at least can Cybermask.
On paper I think it fits the general schtick of Yu Jing being multi-role units. I'll have to test it a bit before I can give much more credible feedback.
The only real use I see for Tian Gous is in white banner, as the last line of defense for your zhanshi fireteam. Zhanshis are the core of your order pool in the banner, and while its a very defensive sectorial the zhanshis themselves are very vulnerable so if an opponent makes it through it can ends up very badly. An unexpected jammer/DTW attack can very effectively put a stop to a determined attack that would have otherwise wrecked your order pool.
I didn't get to use the KHD madtrap one in a normal game today but did use it in a demo. The guy had an Ayyar and Bashi so i used this to show them how they are used. It was ok but it was just a demo. I forgot not to deploy the first madtrap. So one of them was stuck in deployment and never used. I also forgot the madtrap needs to be within 8 in of the actual figure. Against a good player they can deduce which eho is the real one by how close the madtrap is. So it did alright. Nothing a Kanren couldn't have done better. But this was demo killy mission. The KHD could have come into play differently.