Calm down dude, if you really think I'm trying to rig anything then real problem is you think I'm trying to negatively effect a bunch of other people. That's a self centered way of looking at things. And yes I looked at the pill but I also looked at the comments. It's almost the equivalent of telling people their stupid if they dont question the scale of things. For me the biggest "wait aminute" was the mk12 then when I compared the sized further then I had reason to make this poll. But if so many are talking shit to 1 person whi actually has remained cordial then yeah, many others are gonna prefer to be part of the in group. If you dont understand the concept of what I'm saying then the fault does not lie with me. And if the new Karakuri end up being as small if not smaller than the old ones, then we'll know I was right...
Kay cool then can we all be in agreement that this thread is now no longer relevant to the topic and should be locked? Since half the arguments being made here are being made intentionally to patronize people.
The only decent post here, reposting for added prominence. Say what you like about the designs, there sure are a lot of useless decorative swords, bulletproof skin and limp wristed CC gods roaming about the model line. As for the rest of it, the dogpiling bullshit is as bad as the original post. We seriously need a dislike button or downvote button for the travesty that is the 'conversation' happening here.
I don't have the knowledge of 23rd Century. material sciences and robotics to say for sure but here's a plausible explanation: Karakuri aren't heavily armoured (ARM3 after all) they are however robust and filled with redundancies. Nanotech self repair systems and distributed critical systems mean it's almost impossible to perform a one hit kill and they're able to remain combat functional after receiving all but the most catastrophic damage. Many of these technologies aren't in armour suits due to either their age, difficulty of retrofitting, and interruption of projects due to the Uprising. They may well have been planned for the Daiyokai project but then the whole civil war thing happened and the project was shelved so material and research resources could be applied to armouring the new Tanko regiments. The small, aesthetically pleasing design allows the Karakuri to patrol urban areas without presenting an obvious threat, the friendly expressions projected on their face promotes positive interaction with Civilians. Due to the intentionally diminutive chassis the Karakuri can only integrate secondary armaments and are often provided with conventional small arms for active combat duties. There we go, appearance justified in-universe with barely a modicum of thought. You are of course still allowed to dislike them and proxy a more bulky miniature should you find that more pleasing. Neither option is wrong.
You could also... 1 autonomous servo in each limb. You break 1 limb off, it keeps going, unhindered. It accurately depicts Total Immunity and 3 STR in the game world. You basically need to "destroy" every limb. This is only possible on small-frame troopers that do not host a fleshy being. You can't reproduce this on a trooper like the Daiyokai (because there is a human inside) or a TAG (because it's way too heavy to be unhindered by losing a limb).
Are you kidding me? Almost all the arguments have been made to a tagonize people, you and everyone else piled on like a bunch of rabid dogs, not one of you controlled yourselves or addressed what I actually said. Instead you people started making up shit about they're hyper tech robots that are supposed to be small. When the whole point was matching base width for width they are no bigger than old school moderators. Then someone who actually did me a service showed the old Karakuri next to the same garuda revealing that the new ones are no bigger and a actually might be smaller in scale. I did however mention that CB may have just photoshopped the models onto the bases and that's why we're seeing this seeming weird scale problem. But then why would they not just base them. So the assumption stands, between the 3 comparative images, these things seem too small in scale. No one offered up any other photo evidence even if it is only mock evidence, instead people resorted to the worst possible argument for the premise of the problem I'm presenting, fluff, fluff isnt a valid argument for what I brought up. In fact, so many people here relied on it, you all reminded me of 5 year old son when he's playing pretend, he makes up stories to justify whatever. Scale is not something you play pretend with. Please tell me you understand that!
Not that this my argument but your assessment that structure/wounds and immunity are abstractions was the best explanation I've ever heard... perhaps the degree of overall trauma a unit can withstand. But please, start another thread for this, and I'll be happy to agree with you in it.
You purposefully took one of the most oversized S2 in the game to compare for the scale. About as oversized as this font. Maybe compare it to a Samaritan next time. You started the argument in bad faith. I matched the base of the new render with a Fusilier and... BEHOLD, THEY'RE VERY SIMILAR.
Did I now? Everyone of my comments on this thread were specifically calling out users for asserting their opinion over others as fact. My intent on the matter is that is pretty antithetical to any discussion. Also meme or not @huanglong has stated that was their intent. Thus throughout this entire thread the only person who agreed with you and whom you defended has just been posting with the intent to antagonize. So do not throw accusations at me that can be shown as false in this thread.
High STR and mid ARM are great for representing the Karakuri. Total immunity though? Why is are explosives denied the opportunity to inflict extra structural damage on it?
This will be no comfort to anyone who thinks it's too little for how tough it is. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Bleeding edge nanotechnological neomaterials that are yet to see further implementations due to the logistical challenges caused by the secession.
Total imm does not mean youre not damaging it tho. Wounds inflicted dont necessarily represent damage taken (if karakuris were in the real world i mean). A missile launcher hitting it and blasting off its arm doesnt mean the karakuri is less functionnal than before, which in game mechanics means it took no wounds. There is a separation between in-game mechanics and fluff.
You say you were trying to call people out but you sure as hell were biased about it. Go ahead and lie and say that's false! And naa, a couple of other people liked some of what I said, they just dont participate cause look at you guys, almost everyone here has made some shit attack about person instead of an argument or created arguments with fluff about something that is completely unrelated to fluff. Did you check anybody on that shit, nope you sure didnt, so gtfo with this holier than though attitude. Just fake
Get out dude, you didnt even even make the bases the same size which shows you dont understand my argument.
Is Samaritan too big? Maybe? Idc personally, I think it looks kinda cool. But what is your comment on the fusilier scale? Can you also swallow those with one sip of water?