Why does anyone play YuJing if it's garbage? What is it about it that people like? It ain't Knights or Homeridae and it ain't hacking, REM Pres, BS and mods up the ass or camo werewolves, it sure ain't future muslim bio tech and it isn't the defacto asian martial arts faction or alien coolness. So if you guys dont like the faction so much, why not just stop playing it entirely? Yeah, I am being just a tiny bit sarcastic but I'm also being very serious. Over the years and even recently I dont recall anyone saying anything genuinely positive about YuJing. I know it's only ever had 1 or 2 interesting units about the entire faction for me outside of JSA so what is it for anyone else? I mean even the complaints are inconsistent and I obviously couldn't write everything down I've ever read from anyone yet alone any of the CodeOne/N4 YuJing complaints and it is reasonable AF to expect some sort of rational observation and response considering that not a single person in another thread said any fuckin thing was fine as is. So I'm starting to think maybe it's all of YuJing or maybe it's YuJing's players and not any unit.
Recent examples of the contradictory perspective of YuJing: "ISS is good but needs a rework because it got punched in the gut"? Rework is literally a concept overhaul for a faction, so how is it good? "IA is what you play when you wanna play generalized HI to punch the opponent in the face" even though people complain about too much overlap? That's what you get with generalized HI. So is the faction a clown to you people? A single person can't even have an agreement with themselves about this apparently hot mess, if YuJing was a girl, she'd be an average looking thai ladyboy, that you people would say is ugly and punch in the face on the street only to go and make love to that night in the dark like the stereotypical homophobic jock in so many tv tropes!!!
Who said YJ is a garbage? It does suffer from current N4 hacking meta, but raging over other opinions does not make your opinion a maxim one. And your rhetoric is bad. Don't bring down other people's opinion.
Maybe, just maybe, people have a more nuanced opinion than "this is absolute radioactive garbage and someone deserves to be shot for thinking of it" and "this is so good that we need to canonise the game dev who made it in a minimum of three monotheistic religions and two polytheistic ones" There's a lot of nuance in between.
I'm genuinely smiling because this is your response instead of saying what you like about YuJing... the complaints about YuJing are the complaints that people used to make about Morats. I love it.
An often enough smart man comes to the table. But the question still stands, what do you like about YuJing or any of its sectrorials? And if it's not obvious, I dont think the faction is garbage.
We get threads quite often asking this question in a more honest manner, and people are always quick to pile on. I don't think you'll get anywhere in this thread.
https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/why-do-you-like-yu-jing-a-low-sodium-thread.37690/ And it's not even that old.
Pile on positively or negatively. And yes I was being facetious cause look at the contradictory nature of what people say they like and dislike. I made this thread because it was spawned from my previous tuning thread. I've personally had no hate for tuning but very little interest too. So why say that thread isnt old?
It's a mixture of old grievances, recent developments and a general impression that YJ could/should be more than it currently is, both in terms of rules and lore. The vehemence varies between users and there is substance to be found several arguments, but the overall perception of "YJ QQ" is vastly exaggerated and kept alive largely by persistent repetition of the meme and certain individuals being very vocal and unreasonable about their issues.
I believe that complaining is just part of our faction identity. It's like our super power, or sth :-P. I'm quite fond of Yu Jing (or "You King" as my cellphone's spellchecker prefers it ;-) ). I like both the HI, C&C playstyle, as well as the esthetics of the miniatures. Perhaps I should be a bit more vocal about my fringe views ;).
Best models in the most pleasing colour, and personal biases towards China. I also like that they have a full military roster.
I've played YJ since it first came out in the US. Back then they were a bit more CC oriented because they had the JSA then and I loved them! They had Shaolin in space! Now they lost a lot of the things I liked but also gained some too. Unfortunately, rules-wise, they have been lacking for the last several years. The Uprising was not well executed and we still have yet to gain back what was lost. White Banner would have been cool if it had been a mixture of Chinese and Japanese in one sectoral. White Banners seems like it was thrown together at the last moment with very little thought put into it compared to others. Best not get into details. Right now I keep playing them because, that's what I have. A lot of YJ and a few others so that I can do NA2. My combined has gathered dust because I can only afford time and money to do one army at a time. I think the problem is that YJ has great potential but they keep being ignored by CB. We'll probably see another Joan before we see Shang Ji, Tian Gou or more Jujak. They also seem do do things that feel like more insults too. Why did they come out with MO? I'm sure it's because they sell, but meanwhile, they have yet to come out with more for WB and WF. Why did they take away JSA and not have White Banner there to fill the gap right away? Instead Tunguska came out. Followed by Varuna, OSS, RTF, and a bunch of NA2. What can I really say? It's a love-disappointment relationship.
I would never do that! T_T Please, no-no-no... Plus I like Yu Jing and want to gather Imperial Service (if it wouldn’t be discontinued by CB, as they do it with factions I like!!!!!! Grrrrr...) despite what people are saying. I had some problems with understanding of IA, but then I realized some moments. They would be nice, but I was burnt cause of assembling design of zuyongs. Only personal problems. And it is hard to find zhanshi from vanilla starter of YuJing now( But I really like chinese things. So, one day I would gather my IS and get my own Ba Sing Se army) I like YuJing. By the way, I think, that. + Su Jian should get AP spitfire option. + Bao Troops should get new miniatures + Sun Tzu needs profile rework. Serious. (This moment could wait and not that important like previous two) And I have real and beautiful Chinese tea-set. Bought it in China. I don’t know, if this is important information or not, but I would like to say it. :)
It's all important and on my other thread, I think the first or second page, I had suggested elemental themed units inspired by Avatar. Let me know what you think. https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/ideas-to-help-you-guys-out.39566/#post-401084
I don’t like too much animalistic motives (it ok for WB despite that) But I like avatar-themed idea. And I really would like to see bike unit and transformation unit in future. (Mobile turret is good. May be some good rem like rudra?)) That’s what I like for sure.