Well tonight I watched MO get destroyed by their own Tikbalang as Gromoz took it for a spin and we were all reminded why the vast majority of TAGs stopped seeing use in our meta. My advice for running Yu Jing's TAGs right now is this: Don't. If you're hellbent on it at least play them in a sectorial they can duo a Tinbot in from, or pair it with a list that you can comfortably drop into hacking proficient opponents. They're a huge liability otherwise. The TAGs profiles themselves are fine, great even, but the metagame doesn't provide sufficient ability to protect them from possession which is a big failing of CB's design around hacking this edition.
...and if I need to choose in Vanilla which one, then: Blue Wolf or Guijia? I'm not a competitive player. Looking on profiles, Guijia looks hmmm... better in range fight, better armoured, but bigger. It looks to my (by my inexperienced eye) that probably Blue Wolf is better for closed quarters At the moment Blue Wolf attracts me with: miniature look, price in money and points. Guijia in the other hand looks more like armoured gun platform (which concept I like very much) with better survivability. Which of them you would recommend for a start?
If you're approaching it as a casual player and don't really care, then nothing matters. Just pick the one you like the most. Otherwise no, would suggest avoiding both TAGs like the plague for Vanilla.