Yu Jing is a hot mess

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Triumph, Mar 11, 2021.

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  1. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Since we clearly needed a fresh thread for grievances, away we go!

    The locals were discussing Nomads and how CBs design around them has been exemplary in the sense of defining their three sectorials. The three ships, each have their themes, and largely they manage to stay within these themes while all helping define the image of the parent faction.

    Yu Jing is the complete opposite of this. Yu Jing's sectorials are largely a total thematic clusterfuck.
    • White Banner is profiled as a guerilla based ambush force that was built to resist a numerically and technologically superior force. Yet it's decidedly inferior than Vanilla at building skirmisher and ambush based lists. White Banner's power largely circulates around three units stolen or borrowed from Invincible Army, and particularly a less flexible and less effective version of a mixed LI/HI link borrowed from Invincibles as well. Of their SIX characters FIVE are borrowed from other sectorials or shared with non affiliated factions which badly limits what CB can do with them to help define White Banner, Liang Kai being a monk missing smoke because he's shared with Pan-O is the most obvious example there.
    • Invincible Army are supposed to be a sectorial that is defined by Heavy Infantry, yet they are most noteable for running the best unhackable Light Infantry link in the faction, and the best mixed LI with HI pointman links. To be outperforming both ISS and WB in this regard seems utterly insane.
    • ISS is defined by a 5pt model designed for a list archetype that's no longer legal. The sectorial is badly dated, still carrying many units and profiles that don't make sense in the modern game. They've also largely lost their feel of space cops, being outdone heavily by O-12 in that department.
    • Yu Jing as a whole has had its visual theme of space Asia badly damaged. Zencha, Daoying, Krit, Jujaks, Winter Zhanshi are all fantastic looking models but they don't visually convey "SPACE ASIA" when you see them on the table. With the loss of JSA, the visual keys have largely been lost to more dated units that haven't seen much attention for a long time such as Cranes, Hsien, Pheasants, and Bao. Our original sectorials, JSA and ISS, had strong Asiatic visual elements. Our modern sectorials WB and IA haven't really managed to achieve the same distinct visually Asian flair.
    In general the design behind Yu Jing seems to be all over the place, it feels like units are designed in a vacuum as are the sectorials which have had a tendency to randomly retcon things. In terms of gameplay effectiveness we've had relatively good and strong results particularly from Vanilla and Invincibles, but it feels like we got this as a result of a happy little accident rather than a deliberate series of choices made during the design process.

    All in all, things are a mess. Really hoping CB put more effort into defining themes and making sure they translate into gameplay in the future.
    #1 Triumph, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    xagroth, Dragonstriker, Alphz and 6 others like this.
  2. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Unfortunately, I largely agree here. White Banner is basically a conceptual abortion that doesn't really inspire thoughts of what it's meant to be billed as. For a sectorial I used to be extremely excited about, it is completely devoid of identity and I really have no interest in playing it as it is, regardless of how powerful it may be. I'll stick to representing White Banner by playing vanilla in the way I did before it came out.

    ISS is just a straight up dumpster fire right now. It's been discussed back and forth, but as things are it'd be a fine sectorial in N3, but right now it suffers from being built around a bunch of restrictions with no real payoff.
    #2 Weathercock, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    the huanglong likes this.
  3. yoink101

    yoink101 Chandra SpecOps Complaint Department

    Jan 20, 2018
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    If that’s really how you feel...have you considered a different army or a different game?
  4. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    It's a valid complaint, quite honestly, and does warrant some attention. The strong visual themes that used to define the faction are still carried on older models, enough so that I grabbed a few ISS models recently, but they're in danger of dying out. The mechanical design is also a bit inconsistent with fluff, making it more tricky to assemble an army that matches the characteristics it's marketed with. Yu Jing's almost alone in experiencing this problem within Infinity; even PanO (and Sectorials) which is another of the armies CB seems to struggle while designing at least plays like it's clearly meant to, viability and fun of said play notwithstanding.
  5. Snowboardrlz

    Snowboardrlz New Member

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Not really, they are meant as THE armed forces of YJ. This also includes our basic line infantry, the Zhanshi. The fact that IA can play both heavy and light links is great.

    I don't really agree with the statement that they were supposed to be cops, as I see them more in the lines of Gestapo: ruthless secret police with large resources.

    I agree that those more "SPACE ASIA" models need more love, but I don't think that every single model has to look in a more traditional way. I love all my HI armours just the way they are.

    I generally agree with you, but I don't think that it's as bad as you seem to see it. ISS needs an N4 update and I wouldn't mind a slight redesign of WB, but otherwise I think that we are just fine.
    WiT? and yoink101 like this.
  6. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The IA is actually a separate entity from the Banner Armies where the Zhanshi serve in fluff. They're similar in that they're YJ's ground forces, but feature completely different organisation, equipment, logistics and doctrine. Think of it like the relationship between the US Army and US Marines.
  7. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Speaking of space Asia I'm prepared to see some South East Asia themes, or if lucky; moar Jujaks plz!
  8. Snowboardrlz

    Snowboardrlz New Member

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I stand corrected!
  9. ldgif

    ldgif Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    So let me get this out of the way, gameplay-wise WB is actually pretty good. It achieves this however with just a fraction of its’ units. Also it is apparently the King of Hacking in YJ, which is cool, but I don’t think anyone expected that.

    Now the negatives, there is a lot of chaff in WB:
    • A supreme over-reliance on an IA unit, the Shang Ji. Now he is a beast, but it is weird to share a pretty much identical Fireteam to IA.
    • Tian Gou are in a pretty sad state
    • Jujaks need something to differentiate themselves other than just being a Shang-Jis escort (Continuous Damage on BS attacks would be awesome).
    • Kunai just seem weak in a Sectorial with a lot of Individual ARO units already.
    • Dao Fei seem a little out of place in this edition. Not bad in any way mind you, just not as scary.
    • Limited Zhanshi AVA is funny, but with Shang-Jis being in the Zhanshi links in N4, I don’t think this is really an issue.
    • The Character bloat in WB is the biggest issue in my opinion. Oktavia and Qiang Gao are near useless slots occupying our Sectorial charts and better used as proxies for Zhanshi ML Winterized and Shang-Jisus.
    • Next issue with chars is Lei Gong, Mehmut, and Liang Kai. Two of these are actually pretty good, but like Triumph stated, they are shared characters and don’t feel very unique.
    • Our last and only unique char: Jing Qo is pretty bloated and is in a weird spot with awkward linkability. I don’t think she is necessarily bad, but suffers from being an expensive non-camo state skirmisher in a faction with really good camo skirmishers.
    Personally I believe that Starmada, WB, Sval and Kosmoflot seem pretty lacking when compared to CJC/HB.

    I also find it so strange that WhiteCo seems like a more fully fledged sectorial than Sval/WB.
    #9 ldgif, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
  10. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    I agree with the lack of focus in the sectorial design. ISS has been left behind, but I do expect them to receive a MO-style revamp at some point. IA seems to be in a good spot after N4, but the LI core being the "optimal" build does undermine their theme. WB I feel is lacking a strong thematic direction and I never even bothered to engage with it for that very reason. I can play Guilang + Daofei just fine in Vanilla and there is just nothing else there to draw my attention. The Jujak could have been an incentive, but they never bothered to release the boxset and restricted them way too much in their fire team options.

    That being said, I have to disagree about the visual design. Yes, the departure of JSA did leave a hole that remained to be filled, but I feel that they did succeed in that regard. You are on point when you say there are no overtly chinese/asian designs, but that's probably a matter of subtlety more than anything else. Very often YJ leans into shapes and concepts derived from animals, with the Tiger Soldier helmet, battle cat and now the Blue Wolves.

    The Daoying has clear avian features in the helmet, boots and skirt (so does Lei Gong), which has been a golden thread running through YJ design for as long as I remember. Imperial agents and Shang-Ji are all avian with their back feathers and Zuyong have beak helmets.
    Krit does lack the helmet, which is a disservice to the overall sculpt in my opinion, so I can see why you'd find him lacking in that regard. Same goes for Tai Sheng, unfortunately. Their armor ties them in, but it's just too bland overall.

    The Mowang is more exotic and "tropical" for lack of a better term. To me, he looks like a derivation of some sort of big Monkey/Ape and is described as somewhat of a jungle guerrilla unit, which ties in nicely with regions like Vietnam and Cambodia, who had been neglected up to this point.

    Hulang are a complete dumpster fire and lack the animalistic (Jackal) features they should rightfully have (just look at the Lynx for an example of how to convey that correctly - that helmet should have been in YJ).

    JSA went all out with rice hat style helmets across multiple units to reinforce their theme, which is fine, but then you have things like the Daiyokai and Kuroshi Rider who feel completely exaggerated and silly as a result. YJ vs JSA is one of my most played setup in games at my place because I own both, and at this point I couldn't even imagine them belonging to the same army due to the difference in design.
    #10 Knauf, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    Paegis, Benkei, SpectralOwl and 5 others like this.
  11. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Can't stray from the topic too much so here's my macro scale grievance; I feel that Yu Jing's selling points (CC, heavy infantry and command and control) have been the focus of improvements in N4 which has resulted in most factions gaining improvements in these areas while Yu Jing already having a high baseline finds itself without the key selling point of being "best and brightest at".
    I don't mean that as "nerf <insert faction> HI", I mean that Yu Jing's HI are kind of basic and poorly optimised if it's the HI faction and the command and control abilities are sort of limited to a comparably few profiles if it's the command and control (aka order efficiency/generation) faction, while if it's meant to be combined arms, then we need a few more arms to combine (i.e. more common with units carrying weapons with multiple range bands and extra support gear).
    Oh, and CC hasn't been Yu Jing's forté in a long time, so I'd wish they'd just drop the pretence.

    Love the write up!

    I have a problem seeing the animalistic aspects, not that this is causing issue because I would argue that CB has rather than lean into stereotypes designed a visual look that is more unique to Yu Jing. That is not to say that I don't love the mysterious braids and think more units should have them, nor that I don't think the back spikes should have been skipped on so many units, but we don't need tropes that haven't existed in reality for decades.

    I'd also kind of argue that since JSA went towards a feudal fascist society, enforcing stereotypes, clothing codes, and other "unifying national" visuals to mark both society status and standing - makes dark sense.
    #11 Mahtamori, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
  12. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    I had a problem not long time ago with understanding, where is Yu Jing good.
    A couple of this, a couple of that actually. Yes, for new players it is not the clear moment.
    I’ve heard code one Yu Jing spotlight. “The best Heavy armor on the market” isn’t about zuyong.

    Also I can’t take serious their lore. Emperor, two Dynasties Qing and Ming... and a little of equality for citizens.
    Sounds funny for me. And comic.

    The design of units is mostly good.
    This is a faction, where miniatures looks good in 70% of cases for me.

    (Added later.)
    One more moment. Yu Jing lore moments are funny, but don’t make me cringe.
    Not like khawarij in Haqqislam. But that’s another story of another faction.
    #12 Daireann, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    Space Ranger likes this.
  13. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    I got to say, one of the main reasons for me to take the plunge and get into yu jing was the aesthetics.
    There is just one design in the actual portfolio that I sincerely dislike and that's the ye Mao. That helmet looks a lot like a fly. I know what it is supposed to look like, but I just doesn't work for me.
    I like the no frills looks of most of the Invincibles, and I do like thd hulang too, the skull looks a whole lot better if you file down the strange knobs.
    Krit and Tai do both actually have standard zuyong helmets. They just aren't wearing those. They are fixed on their belts.

    But in my opinion the coolest aesthetics is the one of their imperial service.
    The agents and the su Jian are looking great. And wu ming are just oneof the most badass designs in the whole range for me. A lot better than zuyong, which still don't have a box of their own.

    So I am kinda disappointed that IS at the moment just feels unfinished and lackluster to build lists with.
    They need an update like MO. I mean when you compare the KOJ and a Crane how can a basic KOJ be cheaper than a crane, with such a superior Stateline.
    I know comparing in a vacuum and all but come on, that's ridiculous!
    But enough salt.
    I will continue to collect and play yu jing because they are jack of all trades and looking fabulous.
  14. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Guys, ISS are in a holding spot after the N4 transition. This is pretty obvious. They'll get redone. Until then, whining is probably less useful than figuring out how to play around what's there now.
  15. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Not playing ISS is probably even more productive, tbfh. That's basically how ISS got a rework last time it was emergency patched.
    xagroth, Dragonstriker and Zewrath like this.
  16. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Just one thing: you should be able to compare in a vacuum as CB supposedly uses a fixed formula for the cost of all units regardless of faction.
    Dragonstriker and Hecaton like this.
  17. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What Jujaks seriously need is the ability to form their own fireteams. Being reliant on bringing a Shang Ji to start a fireteam directly prevents their ability to leverage the fact that they're cheap to form a budget Haris or the like.

    I don't find simply using animal totems as a good visual key for Asian influences, particularly chinese ones, mostly because it's very easy to confuse with a tonne of different cultures across the world. Keying them into more recognisable animals, like those from the Chinese Zodiac works like the Tiger Soldiers, but the Blue Wolves don't really work that well. Even though I get that they were referencing a Himalayan Wolf it doesn't really work visually in the end with the design and overall it's too subtle (a distinctly Chinese CCW would've been better than the wolverine claws). Same for the bird references. You say eagle warrior? I immediately think South Americans and Aztecs.

    Keying into armour or clothing based designs is a better visual indicator. Alot of the ISS models work very well in that regard like the Cranes and Hsien with their braids and robes. The JSA models worked very well in this regard, the Domaru incorporate the distinct look of their samurai amour heritage in their design, and obviously other parts of the faction very deliberately causing copy right infringements of popular anime characters kind of does the job as well.

    The Invincibles on the other hand don't really manage the same job the various JSA HI does. For example it would've been really cool if they evolved designs that looked something like this



    There's alot of really cool stuff they could've worked off in chinese cinema. Power armoured dragon scales could look really, really cool.
    #17 Triumph, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    Dragonstriker and the huanglong like this.
  18. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Yes, there are definitely a lot of chinese motifs left to be explored and some of your examples could be a nice basis.

    I'm just worried about Wuxia deteriorating into caricatures like the Daiyokai or that PanO Space Wolf character – they already have to some extent with the Blue Wolves, which is a bit too on the nose for my taste. I prefer more abstract designs where you can clearly tell the origin, but it's still subordinate to being a plausible and functional piece of futuristic armor/gear. Domaru do that perfectly, Tanko a bit less so, but they are still fine. Tigers/Cranes/Hsien/Daoying are prime examples.

    The bird example was also not meant to say that birds are particularly chinese thing, but that they took that design cue and stuck to it across several units, including some of their names. Even the Daoying is a reference to some sort of bird iirc (hawk?) and it just works perfectly as a unifying aesthetic. Braids should definitely have their comeback, anyway, because they are another distinguishing feature that unfortunately seems to be on the way out.
    #18 Knauf, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
  19. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Or you could make a dedicated number of people pick ISS and just turbo-int a tournament 0 - 5 :joy:
  20. Cthulhu363

    Cthulhu363 May his passage cleanse the world.

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Wait, so you want stereotypical Asian tropes for a post-cyberpunk, socialist dictatorship's, mass-produced powered armor military?
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