Infinity TournamentHelper

Discussion in 'News' started by Ieldin Soecr, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. Ieldin Soecr

    Ieldin Soecr Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Hey everybody,

    the TournamentHelper is a small tool I build over the last couple of weeks. The goal was to help TOs managing their tournaments without using OTM, as I noticed there are some occurences it cannot be used:
    • OTM crashes/is not available during the tournament
    • There is no internet available at the tournament venue
    • Some participants have no ITS account or are not registered to the tournament
    • The TO does not want to use OTM (The tournament does not use ITS missions or he does not want to buy a tournament code)
    • etc.
    As such the TournamentHelper provides most of the features OTM has plus some small additions:
    • Management of participants, tables, pairings and results
    • Inbuild swiss pairing algorithm
    • Offline availability
    • Prevention of mirror matches and pairings with team members in the first round
    • Prevention that table owners have to play on their own tables
    • Creation and management of additional scores (e.g. best painted or most crits)
    • and some more.
    What is not part of this tool is a means for people to register to the tournament, that has to be handled in another way (Doodle, Forum, etc.).
    It currently only runs on Windows PCs, but I'm working on an App-Version for iOS and Android.

    If you find any bugs, feature requests, etc. just drop them here in this thread.
    Space Ranger, Wizzy, slp and 3 others like this.
  2. Jonah

    Jonah Active Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    ITH.jpg Hey, I'm trying to download the tournament helper to run an Aristeia team tournament but I keep getting an access denied message (I've attached a picture of the exact message). Any ideas?! Thanks!
  3. Ieldin Soecr

    Ieldin Soecr Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Jonah likes this.
  4. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Hi, Sorry if this is the wrong thread. I'm a big fan of the RandomListGenerator, but recently it seems to have stopped working for me, it doesn't seem to output the list anymore. Is this happening for anyone else?
  5. Ieldin Soecr

    Ieldin Soecr Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, sadly I lost the source code so I cannot update it anymore. Additionaly Amazon increased their prices and it became to expensive for me to keep it running:cry:
    Daniel Darko and KGG like this.
  6. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Ah sorry to hear it, but thank you for all the effort you put into building and maintaining it. It was a great source of inspiration for wacky lists and games, and a great help for my list-building indecision. Very appreciated!
    Daniel Darko likes this.
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