After hearing a lot good things about N4 I picked up a JSA sectorial box as a first step into getting into Infinity. Currently trying to wrap my head around the rules while painting up minis, but list building is still a bit beyond me. Grateful if anyone could suggest what I might add to the box to build a playable force for a standard game. Want to be able to deliver a solid game not looking to win comps. Appreciate any help.
-The rui shi and lu Duan are very good attack REMs -The pangulins are a staple -Otherwise, keisotsu swc box for the mmr MSV2 kempei -domarubox -tankobox -ninja -yojimbo for smoke and koalas -karakuri or a proxy for them. Personally I like them with switched weapons, but the models are old and a pain in the ass to assamble. The Haris with a domaru, a karakuri und yuriko oda is strong. -o Yoroi because he is a TAG. Or if you like something with a newer sculpt the guijia and a little tinkering. -Shikami look great but are very situational, if you like the sculpt go for it. Aragoto look great but need finesse to be effective. In the end it all depends on what you want to play. JSA as a whole is just a sectorial so in the end you will maybe have the whole range. JSA has in my opinion some of the best looking miniatures and a very flavorfull roster, but it comes with heavy drawbacks and isn't easy to play. Most troops are outright bad or mediocre in a firefight in long rabgebands. JSA want to get close an personal. But most of the time you won't necessarily kill someone in CC. As I am fairly new myself that's just my experience so far. Others might to give you more insights.
It's also advisable to check eBay or SheKonnit's Split Box Thread for individual models that are locked behind entire box sets. The MSV2 Kempei would be one of those, for example. Other than that, you can't go wrong with any of these: - Yaokong Remotes Pack - Yojimbo - O-Yoroi - Tanko Zensenbutai - Domaru Butai - Aragoto Senkenbutai - Shikami
Most importantly play the game and have fun. Start with small games 150-200 points and focus games on the different aspects of the game to learn the rules.
I don't really see a need a split the swc box. The Keisotsu in it are still useful, maybe not as vital as before but they are not dead weight
I think what is being missed here is that the most useful box after the army pack is the Domaru. Create your fireteam using the Daiyokai as both your ARO and attack piece with a back Domaru Spitfire in it and a 6th person to recreate the your fire team should your 5th man go down. Feel free to proxy the army pack Kempeitai as the MSV2 profile to get a feel for it and likewise the girl keisotsu as yuriko Oda. Go ahead and proxy your Oniwaban as Kitsune to get all the bad assery out that as well, dont feel bad about it either because half the time she would be a camo marker anyways... the army pack and the Domaru box set you up pretty strong. I'll be honest about Tanko, unless it's the ML in the 5 man team, I dont feel they are worth the investment till much later on, after the Domaru, consider getting Yojimbo, he's a multitool with board control. What JSA fights as is 2 parts mostly; Alpha striking with Oniwaban and Kitsune and; board control using mines, koalas and the troops that bring them like a Ryuken 9 smg in suppression fire is hard to remove if you killed your opponents MSV. Everything else in JSA fights mostly like everyone else. Since JSA isnt known for alot of great long range fighters, I'd say let the Daiyokai take one wound then let him fold into cover cause his NCO ability is really useful. Most of the time let your board control pieces do their jobs and conserve your other troops, let your opponent come to you to try and dig your troops out of hiding. Many of your guys will be covered by swords so your opponents will have to put themselves in harm's way and will have to spend more orders just trying to get an angle on you. Where samurai are now really good at engaging with dodging around a corner to prevent an enemy ARO.