Shall I put them on the shelf with my old school Ko Dali sculpt, 2 Raiden, 2 Oniwaban, Shinobu, Shikami and O Yoroi I can no longer play neither? Can you please stop invalidating purchases? I'm truly amazed at how you can copy so many of (old)GW's policies and people still think GW is the devil but you are "bros" And no, I'm not gonna proxy, I like my army looking the way it's supposed to look, not like a mish mash of differently chaptered marine Repulsors.
Had this thought today. I think I’m going to bite the bullet and replace the HMG with a Multi Rifle or Boarding Shotgun if I can arrange to get hold of one off another model or 3d printed.
If someone 3D scans existing limbs and starts doing CAD weapon swaps and printing them they'll make as much money off me as Corvus does. The weapon assets already exist. Daofei HMG isn't even an old model. We end up with a model we can't use, and the MULTI Rifle hacker profile never gets a model.
Have you seen the printable weapon files from Monstrous Makings on Patreon? The slicer-ready files are free to download; a friend has a 3d resin printer and I’m probably going to hit him up for a multi rifle for my daofei, a gun for an Anaconda I’ve got somewhere, and an ITS guijia sword. If you don’t know anyone with a printer, I think Monstrous Makings will print and ship to you, and there are also some folks doing one-off miniature prints via Etsy storefronts. It’d be better if there were full arm swaps available—this would be a great time for CB to issue faction upgrade packs with a few obvious alternate weapons/arms to handle stuff like this.
Thanks, I don't want to do any chopping though, which is why I was daydreaming of the converting being done in CAD based on a 3D scan of the existing limbs. The bullpup layout of a lot of Yu Jing guns makes swapping very hard.
Proxy it and stop being a melodramatic baby about it? Just call it a dao fei spitfire and be done with it. No one will be able to tell anyway from the distance we look at our minis while playing.
Did exactly what you said with my wu ming. Had monstrous makings print me some weapons. Really nice, fast and without complications. Would recommend! Stil sad about the HMG daofei. I already have one with multirifle that I liberated from the red veil zuyong.
I was absolutely perplexed by when CB had released an hmg daofei. Realised I had converted it to a spitfire ages ago. Not even a particularly good effort but if all the infinity models this is probably one of the easiest weapon swaps out there.
I love all the endless nitpicking and whining, but guess I'll have to shut up because you gotta respect negative opinions, eh?
Except, you know, I already have a DaoFei Spitfire, but your insults are welcome, this forums wouldn't be the same without the obvious trolls. How about the rest of the minis I can't use? @ObviousGray so calling CB out in having a pretty new model invalidated just because (on top of this not being the first nor the second time it happens) is nitpicking and whining? But of course only if CB does it, when it's GW its pitchforks and bonfires.
so CB can't remove any profiles of any miniaturs they given out? or put a time limit, after 5 years it can be removed? wonder how many useless profiles there would be, and then people would whine that they can't get a miniature for every profil? (if they ended up removing old miniatures) so they gotta keep making all these old miniatures to the end of days?
it's just a bit weird because the beyond red veil daofei HMG sculpt wasn't that old. No one would have bat an eye if it was the one from N2.
If am not wrong, I think hellcats and daofeis are the only profiles that got one with spitfire and one with hmg? both have been removed to have spitfire instead? I think both fit better with spitfire for what they do, so probly very few actually used the hmg ones. and always looked weird to me (sorta like having HRL and ML profil on same unit)
Depends on how terrain heavy your boards are. The HMG profile was also more useful if you wanted to play conservatively and move around shooting from close to your DZ.
Honestly, there's been a few concessions over the past few years because of them not wanting to invalidate recent miniatures.
I guess this is in vanilla? Hac Tao is sorta the long range gunner there? so the profiles was in conflict sorta? now they both got their type of fighting. maybe thats just me
Hac Tao costs alot more and doesn't have the option to deploy forwards and get cross table shots from the get go if you see an opening. You also can't take the Hac Tao in White Banner where the Dao Fei now resides because the two units flipped the sectorials they belong to in the fluff for no apparent reason.
Mostly it's just feels like a bit of an asinine move from CB to delete the profile. It's hardly overpowered as a gunfighter, it's an unlinked HMG and the Spitfire profiles carry the same burst and is pretty much on an equal footing for gunfighting Its a relatively recent sculpt, deleting it for no obvious reason is just gonna annoy people Personally I hope it's actually just missing due to a bug, @Koni , but I'm not holding my breath.
true about that, also when you bring up that fluff thing, when was this fluff for Dao Fei? at start of n3 book under the unit info? as I think they havent even started the building/planing on IA? that was like 3 years until IA came out? (I can be mistaken with how long) but I guess when they finally started on IA. they found the flipping of them fit better? or did they mention Dao Fei in IA right befor they came out? in a livestream or something? or that they used the same dossier but forgot to change the Icon(as that is a minor thing)? or Am I missing something?