Sooo, Domaru Butai have a price drop around 6 to 8 points and have universal duo and Haris. Additionally Leutnant Lv2 profile with spitfire. But no more dual wield. So the 20 point prfil with just shock will not get picked that often I guess. And berserk +3 instead of +6 is a nerf. What do you think of our new premium lt?
You forgot 6-2 Move, combined with Dodge+2"! Dual Weild is represented by the CC Attack (Shock) They're looking pretty great tbh.
Move+Dodge 10" is crazy, if you get the +2 in active turn! Honestly the price decrease and base movement 6-2 is more than enough for me, should make list-building decidedly easier. I'm assuming Tankos will get a similar points reduction, hopefully they also get the 6-2 move so they can keep up, some of the budget HI are staying 4-4 move
So the Tankos I saw leaked came in at or under 20pts except for the ML. They are also 6-2. It's going to be glorious.
They seem to have lost Fireteam: Core and special Fireteam with Keisotsus. So don't expect the Spitfire to shoot on 15s. I think the 21pts one is the most viable (since it has both E/M and Shock CC) and I can see some cases for the Boarding Shotgun one... walking 6" into shooting on +6, yes please! 24 CC and we saw Nourkias with 25... I wonder how much Shinobu will have? 30 CC!?!
Fireteam: Core is not a skill and isn't usually shown on profiles except in Army where it quite bizarrely puts a reminder in the skills/equipment section.
I realy like the changes. Cheaper, move 6-2, dogde+2", Lt2 Immunity(shock) seems to be widespred in N4. Or is this because they have 2 wounds and everything got unnested?
Unnesting was a good move, but these profiles are a pain to read now. A new format would do a lot for better readability, like a vertical list for example.
Fireteam Core has never been a skill, in any edition. The ability to form a Core is granted by the Sectorial chart.
Hahahaha, aaaahhhh, tricky, but not tricky, just oblivious to it all these years. I had hoped Domaru would get WildCard, but hopefully all the non camo characters get WildCard, that would be beautiful. There would be a toss up between Neko or Musashi. I really hope Musashi gets some sort of a change up. Like a distinct Lt option and Neko gets something like NWI... Frenzy is gone too
From my understanding none of this is final, or even representative of the final product (though from today's video some of it is) so take it with a grain of salt. Musashi, no real change, comes down in cost. Oniwaban cost decrease, gain E/M CCW to go with the Mono CCW. And in N4 Surprise Attack seems to be a -3 instead of a -6 for melee.