So +1 CC Multi Terrain became Terrain Total Shock Immunity?? +1 BS attack damage when in combat form +1B on Heavy Shotgun and Heavy Pistols Shotgun profile lost flamethrower, expected as the shotgun is a better DTW now -0.5SWC on the Spitfire profile Spitfire profile dropped 5pts Shotgun profile dropped 4pts Overall pretty decent upgrade. +1B on the heavy shotgun definitely makes me interested in running that profile some more in Vanilla.
Yeah looks great. Schock immunity seems to be unnestling of remote presence. Looks promising for our HIs.
Fatality 1 on the Combat Form Kinematika 2, C+ and Multiterrain on the Mobility Form stay (Move+Dodge 12" in N4 if I parse that correctly) B3 Heavy Shotgun and Heavy Pistol Heavy Shotgun lost LFT (But has a B3 DAM 15(16) HSG anyway, man that thing hurts) 4-5 points less depending on Profile 0.5 SWC less on the Spitfire Neat.
Template mode IS a BS Attack. N4 yes. That's an N4 profile and actual Fatality is going away. I'm just reminding people so they don't also let limitations that no longer exist carry over when they "translate" new stuff into old names.
the L.flamer on the shotgun profile would just be bloat now wouldn't it really when you have access to a B2 damage 15/16 template, you'd just be paying for the option of fire. Haven't seen it written down anywhere but the +1 dam on BS attacks is meant to apply to templates, the disclaimer on N3 Fatality was that it required a roll, placing a direct template is still a BS attack, so if the "requires a roll" section is gone then it will apply
Ahh, now I get it. Because there is no restriction that the BS Attack has to use the BS attribute anymore.
It certainly might turn into a super star room clearer that's for sure, walking up to a room and threatening it with 3 DMG 16 templates or 3 BS20 shots is going to be interesting.
Yeah, judging by the Fractaa and now Su Jian, shotgun users who had template weapons prior would be losing them
The plus one Damage in combat mode annoys me. What's with the bonus to the heavy pistol? The heavy pistol already just seemed tacked on, it's not on the model anywhere is it? Everything else is fine. Does this mean HSG could put out three direct templates in N4?
I was already going to try the HSG when I could play again. Now it's going to be my go-to. Just wish I could have a duo in vanilla!
Why? Makes sense to me to be on the combat form. It's not how hard it hits but where it hits and that form has an easier time. It's robotic. So it's tucked inside it's body somewhere I guess. Yes. Yes it does. At damage 16.