"Redesign" or possibly "changed" was the question, to which the answer was basically "super cold". Still doesn't mean that a combination of fairer price and functionality shift in Nimbus won't make it comparatively better.
I lumped that under general Hi changes. The important part being that it won't get FD or infiltration to help out get where it needs to be. 6-2 mov will help of course.
Not all HI will get 6-2 MOV (f.ex. Zuyong or Aquila doesn't seem to get it), have you seen indications that Shikami is one of those who will?
well if domaru get the 6-2 treatment that is going to be magical though i doubt the tanko will get it to represent the inferior deign.
I actually don't imagine, tanko, Domaru or Shikami not being 6-2 only because shikami design intent is mobility it self. If CB drops that ball, even though shikami didnt see as much table time, the prospect of larger jumps or climbs followed by a short skill will at least initially give them a bump in table time time. Potentially a 6-2 shikami could move a total of 10 inches if that 2nd half of the order is dodge. You might see players making shikami roll for parkour just for the hell of it. As for Domaru and Tanko, some people will lose their shit if Domaru dont get every movement advantage they can, and Tank link with them and Musashi, a 6-4 guy. I'd settle for just those 3 getting 6-2. You'll see some crazy acrobatic shit out of JSA players if they do. The potential 10inch moves on 14s is gonna be some funny ish.
So here's something I'm wondering how high movement active turn dodge is going to work. Let's say you have a 1" firelane and the domaru approach it with the first half of their order, then attempt to backflip/tactical roll their way through the firelane with the second half. Will that provoke an ARO? If it does, you'll be looking at a "safe" ARO where you can only take one if you've at bare minimum made a successful roll for your F2F.
Well, I've been out of the game so I know some of the changes since I left. When you say not, will they provoke an ARO for dodging across, that is an interesting new thought for me, do they not currently provoke AROs? N4 might show some nice subtle buffs to JSA
Dodge movement doesn't provoke AROs or set off mines in C1, you can use a Dodge as a kind of mini Cautious Move that might fail.
I wouldn't buy it if it were made today, but sectorials were more limited back then, and JSA took up a lot of niches in vanilla in ways that didn't promote internal competition -- best (i.e. cheapest) HD, best Doctor/Engineer, best aggressive midfielders, best CC units, best way to waste 1.5 SWC for 21 points, fastest specialist. JSA had more extra mercs than almost any other sectorial except those designed to be mixed (QK) in Saito, Yojimbo, and Musashi. When I think about the new pieces that have been added to YJ since JSA left, it seems like a lot would have made the JSA pieces feel totally useless (Hulang against Shikami, Daoying against old Raiden), but there were some niches that could never have been taken (like the Doc/Engineer).
So I did read correctly, in the active turn, dodge grants movement. It's more realistic this way too. Soooo, Shikami do have a chance, as well as some other JSA HI at becoming mildly better because they all have relatively high PH and Kinematica. Considering JSA was cold when asked about getting any new profiles, subtle boons like this to some of the core units of JSA and the most mobile unit in the game become more mobile thematically more acrobatic opens up some new possibilities for JSA. Nice, glad I inspired
I think rolling one dice on 14s is still not as good as it should be for the players to really use dodge often in the active turn. I would love to see some variation of Hyper-Dynamics on our Samurais to reflect their speed. Imagine if you could get Dodge(+3) or Dodge(2B) - rolling 2 dice instead of just one on our Domarus, Tankos and Mushashi? It would still be less reliable than simply shooting your way through, but definitely, charging forward would be much easier. And since getting into CC for those people is very order-intensive anyway, why won't CB make it a bit more balanced against straightforward shooting?
The preview for the new su jian just dropped. It's faster, hits harder, is cheaper and has 1 point higher CC. EITHER JSA is about to get cheap, strong or somewhere in between...
Is anyone else concerned JSA won't get any new gear, only that they will get different costs for their present profiles...
I wonder what we get in N4... how our units will change. Looks like N4 is going to put a lot more meaning to armor, so I'm hoping for some tools to open up those "cans".
I actually think JSA has some of the best can-opening skills in the game. One of the few sectorials with ample access to Monofilament CCW, AP+EXP/DA CCW, and two very strong KHDs.
Our CC specialist should crack armor rather well, even Vanilla Ninjas, I'm worried about mono being less deadly so hoping Oni's getting another CCW as well. But delivery is the issue at hand. CC is one of the strongest hard counters in the game but CB needs to consider what JSA is and how best to support that. As for very strong KHDs, The Aragoto is mobile but not necessarily strong. The Ninja is good for hard targets but someone like Deferzen or Tunguska's finest will give it trouble