my painting room

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by mr.bushido, May 19, 2020.

  1. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    First, I am not good at English. So I will write and read with a translator and short skills. Please bear with me even if it's a little uncomfortable!:joy::joy:

    First, I'm going to upload the ones I painted with confidence

    IMG_1637 (2).JPG
    1. Daoying OCU hacker - commision work(2019)
    Maybe this friend has seen you once before. If I remember correctly, my friend uploaded this model for me.

    IMG_1644.JPG 2. Knights Hospitaller(warhammer 40k Dark angel apothecary ver.) - personal work(2019)
    He painted better than planned, and he was more popular than expected. Of course, don't weave another game with my knight or apothecary! There's been quite a bit of course

    3. Saito togan(ninja slayer ver.) - commision work(2019)
    I'm famous for my love of ninja characters (I'm proud to be one of the most bought and painted ninja in Korea!), and the requester said, "If you like ninja, you'll be good at it, right?" And I and my client were all painted satisfactorily.

    IMG_2011.JPG 4. Rodok, morat armed imposition detachment (MSR ver.) - seoul infinity painting competiton (2019)
    We don't use missile launcher in games! But the model's cool. That's why I participated (and I didn't win the first place then either!)

    IMG_2299.JPG 5.Hsien Warrior(White tiger ver.) - personal work(2020)
    It's my friend who made the model! I painted it! After that, I'm thinking of returning the model to that friend one day.

    IMG_2321.JPG 6. Rasyat diplomatic divion - personal work(2020)
    I really love my yellowjacket concept morats...

    I've done more than this! But I didn't post anything here that I don't like the picture or I don't want to brag about it. If you want to see more, please visit my Instagram(@Kuribo_ht). And I'm going to post new works here often in the future:kissing_heart::kissing_heart:
  2. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    ha Ha :)
    ok i can tell you why you can't win a competition
    your painting style is a type used in historic modelling - flat colours with shading made by global colour filter and weathering
    Good thing is you know how to paint eyes (i checked this on insta ) and applay clean colours , so nice weathering and chippings

    thing you are missing is colour spectrum and contrast
    your work is missing highlights and deep shadows
    and colours - this is a thing with colour and light propagation .. and it is easer to show then tell ..
    so basicly all your things got same lvl of reflectiveness no matter is they are metal , plastic , leather - they are same on your work
    and thing is if something is not reflective it do not catch colours from surroundings - unless something else cast a collored light on it ( like a water surface - reflective peace of armour ) and High reflective material - like a metal polished gun or peace of weapon will reflect in it selve surroundings - catching colours
    perfect example is this work :
    by Arnau Lazaro
    Look how non reflective Yellowish parts got shades - and weathered - it is something like your work - difference is you do a 5/10 contrast and his is 10/10 + on his work there is global light + reflection
    and now look at mettalic parts on your work they are flat grey or or bluish grey - they do not reflect - look at Arnau work he made his metalic parts reflect surrouding items - catching Yellowish orange hue from non reflective parts - getting coloured when near is a purple scull or reflecting face and hair colour in the rim of armour
    Yes this is big scale mini just gun is bigger then normal mini - but same rules applay - you just do not need to put same details but idea is same
    So You got the tech to win a competition
    now is time to master contrast and light :) (with light comes colours - as you realize that base you put mini on shoud reflect light as ground tend to do - and this influence mini to - in Arnau work there is a ground reflected in her arm armour even if not present on the minature it selfe )
    You may be interested in in painting a minature just with Black and white colour and solve problem how to make things looks different a cloth , a metal . a leather . ect with just gray scale and countrast
    mr.bushido, Ashen_Seeker and jherazob like this.
  3. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    mr.bushido nice to see you work. Im a big fan of the Korean group and I think you paint some of the best. Good luck and keep sharing!
  4. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    Thanks for the good comment! I've always been watching Lazaro's work, too. I've seen it with the explanation, and I can see for sure. I think I'm going to study hard again for a while. The results will come up here, so I'd appreciate it if you could see them from time to time!
  5. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    My performance in this tournament is terrible, but thank you for your consideration! This thread will be mixed with new and old. Come and see me often.
  6. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Why focus on "win"? Your painting is very good, specially the last pictures, you already paint better than 90% of this forum.

    Painting is fun. Focus on having fun by painting and if you enter a competition, had fun and on top of it learn a few things by being open to feedback, then amazing!
    chromedog, mr.bushido, Ugin and 2 others like this.
  7. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    You're absolutely right! It's very good to have fun together and learn something. But lately I've only been thirsty for [good results] and [feedback]. Now it's so much cleared up, and it's time to paint again as you say!:grin::grin:
    Ashen_Seeker, jherazob and Willen like this.
  8. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    The one thing I really hate about post like these is that when I look at my better paint jobs zoomed in that much, they look absolutely horrendous.
  9. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Try to sign in to a FB grout like 'Eavier Metal ?
    There is nothing wrong with ambition and high competition - until you get burned out or depressed
    they are 2 ways to avoid it - first - change subject of your PJ regulary , and other is study new tech often - get out of comfort zone - this require watching tutorials and best possible getting feetback
    mr.bushido and jherazob like this.
  10. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    It's perfectly understandable! But it's better to look bigger than nothing because it looks smaller.:grinning::grinning::grinning:
  11. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    I've never heard of that group before. I'll have to keep an eye on it. I can't sign up because I don't like Facebook!:joy:
    maru likes this.
  12. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    It is open public group so there should be no problem
    and you are now painting a Bow ninja - remember that base got impact on over all colour theme , reflections and cast shadows
    mr.bushido likes this.
  13. SuoU

    SuoU Miniature painter from Spain

    May 26, 2020
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    Good job! I like it.
    mr.bushido likes this.
  14. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    Long time no see!
    Recently I have been working hard on low quality requests. So I don't have much time to do my stuff. I've got one old and one new.

    Valkyrie, Elite Bodyguard (axe ver.) - 2019. 11.

    If you're looking at my Instagram, you know, the old picture was blue (lighting and zooming were a problem), and I couldn't focus properly. That's why I took a new one! I'm so happy that this one's been taken so well.:grinning::grinning:

    Ninja (starter exclusive ver.) - 2020. 5.

    It's done by my standards very well done! I want to play a game with this model right now! But the only problem is that this model was obtained quite a while ago and refined and primed. When I don't know how to clean up the surface yet! If you look closely at the picture, you will notice.:sweat::sweat:
  15. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    If you're looking for options to get minis back to bare metal, it's been discussed here and here.
    Depending on where you are located some products may be more or less available.
  16. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Those are really nice, especially the ninja! Can you share which colors you used to achieve that orange?

    I see no defects (and when we paint our minis we always see much more defects that somebody that will only see the final result), but you are talking about preparing the surface for painting, stripping the paint, checking for moldline again is typically enough.

    Basically for paint stripping you can use alcohol-based household cleaners (like your window cleaner!), which will not damage the plastic bits like the base, but take much longer; or nail-polish remover, which is based on acetone or similar products, will act much faster but will destroy plastic bases.

    I prefer the first method, slower but safe, following with energetic cleaning with running water and an old toothbrush.
    Mob of Blondes likes this.
  17. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    so :)
    Valkyr - hairs looks flat beside this it look good as on intended lvl so it is ok will look good on table and in colection
    Ninja looks realy good like from Buble gum crisis or something like that more of a biker outfit then ninja but looks good
    there is one thing - no connection of the mini to the base - it is jumping female - adding a foot mark or a thing like smudge of feat trial on the sand would add a story to it.
    jherazob likes this.
  18. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    geese, that ninja is intimidatingly well painted :clap::clap::clap::clap::pray:
  19. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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  20. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    Oh! I didn't think about adding a story to the base. It's something I can do. I'll try next time:)
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